Shushan Wushen

Chapter 968 He is a dragon

Chapter 968 He's a Dragon


"Eh? Is there some shocking secret here? Xiaosan, tell me!"

Xiaosan suddenly fell silent, hesitated and considered for a long time before saying: "Master, you are very smart, in fact, you have already guessed it!... Sigh! Do you understand what I mean? Master..."

Tang Chen didn't make a sound for a while, and carefully sorted out the [Shoulder Plane] on the [Xiaoyao Tu] in Ta Town in his heart!
Sure enough, after this promotion, the connection with Shuyue Pagoda has deepened a lot!
Especially the 32 sacred scriptures on the first floor of the Shuyue Pagoda, Tang Chen's spiritual thoughts, can even penetrate into them without any hang-ups, and come and go freely!

Tang Chen thought,
call out!
That tall and majestic mountain, as if all its weight had disappeared, was floating in any position Tang Chen designated!

Tang Chen can even completely control the scale of the divine book Lingbi, and can be as big or small as he wants.It's not bad to take out this divine book Lingbi and throw it at people!
However, Tang Chen is reluctant for the time being, and before his power is perfected, he is even more afraid of attracting the coveted eyes of the strong!

After playing for a while, Tang Chen suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Tang Chen changed the subject: "The current plan, I'm afraid the only way to get the [Devil Killing Lingbi] is to collect the missing second floor of Shuyue Tower! Why don't you sacrifice another great summoning technique!"

Before Xiaosan could respond, Tang Chen denied it first.

"No way! The gods and gods from the sunspot world outside are all present. The risk is too great!"

Facing Tang Chen's hesitation, Xiaosan said firmly, "OK...!"

"Why not? The Great Summoning Technique is a supernatural power that can cross the endless [dimension] to summon space! True supernatural power! True supernatural power! Immediately! Immediately! Act now!"

Tang Chen's eyes lit up, "Oh?" Immediately he regained his energy.

Rubbing ~!

A carp straightened up and stood up!

Tang Chen said: "The first level of summoning in the Great Summoning Technique is time-space summoning! The second level is Karma Summoning! The last time Shuyue Pagoda was repaired, Karma Summoning was used! Now—"

Now that time has passed, Tang Chen has already practiced the Great Summoning Technique to almost the ultimate level through repeated smoothing and deep digging!
The tower god Xiaosan encouraged: "I think you, the master——should have the ability to perfectly summon anything!"

However, Tang Chen shook his head again: "There is a kind of beauty called the beauty of imperfection. The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is excess damage, so the emptiness wins the reality, and the deficiency wins the excess!"

The tower god Xiaosan sneered: "I know this subject. This is a kind of excuse for people to accept imperfect things and exercises."

Tang Chen sighed, and said: "Actually, why don't I know? First of all, I must say that nothing can be perfected to be true and good! This set of rhetoric of [Beauty with Regrets] is more of a cover-up for self-deception and laziness! "

The tower god Xiaosan shook her hair, and said boldly: "If you haven't reached the perfect state, it means that you haven't put in enough effort! It's far from going all out! But in the world, birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups! A group of people with the same inertia, Being considerate of each other, inspiring each other to help each other, and at the same time looking for a kind of decency! As for saying that you are not capable enough, you tried your best, that is obviously a lame excuse!"

Tang Chen said: "Of course, [Beauty of Deficiency] is a means for true martial arts practitioners to maintain a complete state of mind."

Tower God Xiaosan shook her long hair that reached the ground, and said seriously: "Don't talk about anything else, just talk about yourself, ask yourself!"

Tang Chen didn't understand the tone of Pagoda God Xiaosan, of course, this was just talking.

"... is an elder venerable who is extremely partial to the younger generation, and can't bear to see the younger generation suffer! Well-intentioned deception...!"

"Or, harbor evil intentions, lest future generations' waves of the Yangtze River will push the waves ahead, and slap this old bastard to death on the beach!"

Pagoda God Xiaosan interrupted Tang Chen's analysis again, saying: "The former can only shake his head and smile bitterly, and evaluate him as extremely stupid, and his love is unreasonable! As for the latter, he is clearly the scum of tormenting future generations! Garbage! Ten thousand calamities Unpardonable sinner...!"

Speechless for a long time, Tang Chen's clothes fluttered, and behind him was the pagoda god Xiaosan with fluttering long hair, and the two stood in the air!

The universe in Tang Chen's body is the perfect universe structure obtained from the Dragon Clan!Feel the true meaning of perfection!Tang Chen naturally avoided many detours in digging deeper into the deeper layers of the exercises!

A mysterious and unpredictable fluctuation is getting bigger and bigger!Ripples are gradually surging like tides!The tide is surging more and more!
Tang Chen's divine body even trembled unavoidably!

At this moment, Tang Chen's strength and realm have reached a peak value!
With an indescribable stalwart breath descending!

The strength that was already difficult to check and balance was instantly annihilated!
Not really disappearing into invisible annihilation!
But this strength has entered another level!
Tang Chen and Pagoda God Xiaosan suddenly disappeared!

Heaven and man are one! ! !

Tang Chen held his hands in an absolutely symmetrical posture, forming a non-existent sphere in the void!


The ball was gradually revealed by the air!

There is a clear distinction between black and white!

But there is white in black, and black in white!Black in white is extremely small!
White in black is extremely small!
What is clearly visible is the one-to-one correspondence between black and white, which is infallible!
Tang Chen input a trace of spiritual thought into the Tai Chi Ball!

That spiritual thought, divine light is brilliant, like the scorching sun!
Slowly outline the most perfect shape of Shuyue Pagoda!
Even the most basic "bone coin" is not bad at all!
This process consumes a huge amount of energy!
After a while, the work is finally done!
At this time——

Tang Chen shouted in a low voice:
"Perfect summoning at the highest level! Return! Perfect restoration!"

At the same time, throw your hands upward vigorously!
That Tai Chi Divine Ball, like a brilliant sun, is slowly rising!

During this process, the sun disc actually keeps growing!
Gradually float into space!
Like a small star!

The Tai Chi ball actually trembled!

Tang Chen narrowed his eyes nervously, clenched his fists tightly, his knuckles were a little pale!

On the Tai Chi Divine Ball, the shadow of the Shuyue Pagoda unleashed endless majestic divine power!

The dark gray Shuyue Tower on the ground suddenly rose from the ground!

Go straight to the stars in space!

Where is the Tai Chi ball———

"Uh--! Summon your own tower first!"

Tang Chen couldn't help being a little surprised.

But never worried!

After all, he was the one who made the Tai Chi magic ball!
Besides, Tang Chen is still the controller of Shuyue Pagoda!

Tang Chen and Xiaosan continued to look up at the space intently!This is Ziwei Universe, Tang Chen's absolute master!
There is really nothing to worry about!

In Tang Chen's eyes, surprise suddenly burst out!

In the depths of the endless void, there is another Shuyue Pagoda, which is mostly illusory, and only the second floor and the spire are mostly intact. It really roars across the endless [dimension]!

(End of this chapter)

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