Shushan Wushen

Chapter 969 The Escaped Shuyue Pagoda

Chapter 969 The Escaped Shuyue Pagoda


All the little things that could involve Tang Chen and Meng Wuzhuang were quickly connected without hesitation!As long as there is a little bit of makeup with Tang Chenmeng's dance, it is fully utilized!Dig to the limit!
Eat big three elements!stable!allow!ruthless!If you see it, let's do it!By the time Tang Chen and Meng Wuzhuang reacted and slapped their heads, it was already too late!
Baby who got it, do you expect anyone to spit it out for you?

This is not gangster logic!This is a normal classmate relationship!Sharing among classmates is an eternal theme!Only selfless sharing, free sharing!It is the obligation and right of every student!
Give up the rights and obligations of sharing, pretend to be aggressive in front of your classmates, and hide your secrets!In the future, the road of life is destined to be extremely bumpy!Because of the classmate relationship, it is truly the most basic group of like-minded people!Comparable to the most elementary particles of stars!If you don't make friends with classmates, it means that there is something wrong with you!

Tang Chen didn't think so much and deeply!It's just that he was deceived and fooled repeatedly, and gradually became vigilant towards this group of students in Class Tianjia!Every time we meet, we will confront each other and fight wits and courage, which is really a joy!
"...Tang Chen is in trouble!..."

"...was taken over by the Shuyue Pagoda!..."

"...Tang Chen went bankrupt!..."

"...I'm chasing the Shuyue Pagoda!"

Hearing that Tang Chen had suffered misfortune, the students were filled with righteous indignation, rolled up their arms and sleeves, studied ink and picked up pens, to help Tang Chen compose battle poems and songs!
"At this time, when Tang Chen is chasing the Shuyue Pagoda, what he needs most is speed! Speed ​​beyond the limit! Students may wish to focus more on the creation of poetry and songs about speed!"

The class assistant, Chu Fengjie, set up a framework for these gifted students in time, and delineated the scope of artistic conception.

Wang Xinbo nodded, and licked the edge of the brush on the inkstone, "I came across a wonderful sentence recently! I will share it, please use it as you like!"

"Okay! Please..." Zhu Xi said while reaching out to press the paperweight on the rice paper for Wang Xinbo.Conceited as high as him!It was unimaginable in the past that I personally helped my classmates arrange stationery with trembling fingers!It can be seen how much Zhu Xi cares about Tang Chen!At this moment, the students all took a look at Zhu Xigao!
Wang Xinbo took a deep look at Zhu Xi.The corners of his mouth were pursed heavily, he picked up a pen and dipped in ink, and wrote: "I have a jug of wine, which is enough to comfort the wind and dust!"

"Good sentence! Tasteful and elegant! It is catchy to read, and the artistic conception is unfathomable when tasted! It can be sent and received freely, and there is a basis for advancing and retreating! It is washed in the chest, but it is clanging! It can be called loud..."

Song Yangming burst into applause!I couldn't help but blurt out a series of comments like a cannonball!The voice did not fall...

In an instant, several fists and several feet attacked Song Yangming almost simultaneously from different angles! "Ouch! Aww!" Song Yangming screamed, his face blossomed, and he was kicked to the corner of the wall!

"What the hell! Helping brother-in-law Lin write battle poems. Sour and fake jealous show off!"

"I can't wait to feel anxious, I don't know how to worry about Mr. Lin, what a short kick! I think the beating is light!"

All the students, one after another, insulted Song Yangming, and stepped on one foot with words many times!Seeing the anger of the crowd, Song Yangming was silent and tearful, and simply leaned against the corner of the wall, frowning and wondering how Wang Xinbo's wonderful sentence would fly!
After all, Zhu Xi and others are elite geniuses. Although they all have the ability to speak well, they don't want to fall into the cliché!Writing poems for Tang Chen and Meng Wuzhuang this time is a matter of life and death, so this is a big deal!Every word is carefully considered, be careful and be careful!Trying to make a masterpiece that shocks the world and weeps ghosts and gods!Not to pass on to future generations, but to help Tang Chen!
Wang Xinbo saw that the scene had fallen into silence, so he laid out a piece of straw paper with a slightly inferior texture, and wrote: "I have a jug of wine, which is enough to comfort the wind and dust! The wind is so frequent that it will take me to the sky!"

This is Wang Xinbo, who has been thinking about it for a long time.Selected from among the many combinations, the most amazing and brilliant lines!

The moment the pen is written, divine sounds linger, and auspicious beasts appear!Sure enough, it touched the blessings of heaven and earth!Obviously, this is a masterpiece of Shinto poetry that fits the rhythm of the theme of the Dao of Heaven!

In the dense artistic conception, lingering in spirit and criss-crossing with divine light, a divine man, holding a pot of divine wine, looks at another divine realm in another dimension above the nine heavens, where his divine friends are!Suddenly, the divine light rose from under the man of God, Phew!In the next moment, he teleported to the Qingyun God Realm, drinking and having fun with his god friends, talking happily...

Swish! ! !
That pale yellow dry straw paper turned into a snow-white divine page after being swept by the divine light!
At the same time, Tianyin rumbled: "Written by a man of gods! Holding the wine of the gods! I intend to meet the friends of the gods! The artistic conception is full of expressions and spirits!...It should be a masterpiece of the poems of the seven gods! Give a god page, as a gift encourage!"

All the students ignored Wang Xinbo and were still thinking hard.Everyone frowned.Wang Xinbo didn't expect to get envious eyes at all, he released his spiritual thoughts to Tang Chen, and transmitted the content of the divine page and the poems he wrote to Tang Chen!

Tang Chen probed into his body, whoosh!He took out the divine page, communicated with Wang Xinbo's spiritual thoughts, and obtained the content of the poem.His eyes suddenly lit up, he took out a righteous pen, and wrote on the divine page: "I have a glass of wine, which is enough to comfort the wind and dust! The Shuyue Pagoda is full of wine, and I respect the God of Sleep!"

boom! ! !
The pen is shocking!Poetry Prohibition Rules!Immediately, in this aurora channel, the divine page in Tang Chen's hand shone with layers of precious light!The original example is dedicated to Baoguang!God page blessing Baoguang!The upright pen guides Baoguang!
... There are even brain holes to reward Baoguang!Tang Chen actually wanted to get a tower drunk!It is estimated that the will of the universe also laughed!

Layers of precious light!Draw out the endless air in the aurora!The air was drawn by the artistic conception of the poem, and it quickly enveloped the Shuyue Pagoda, which Tang Chen could not see so far!

The Shuyue Pagoda is planted crookedly, just like a drunk Mengzi, turning the straight escape trajectory into an irregular curve!Irregular curve movement, losing wave-like acceleration!The tall and majestic gray shadow of the Shuyue Pagoda gradually magnified in Tang Chen's pupils!

How can two people who are drinking relatively not be together?What's more, the wine was made by Tang Chen!This poetic conception contains the meaning of gathering!

The Shuyue Pagoda did not advance but retreated, stumbled, went around in circles, and even swung towards Tang Chen!Tang Chen was drawn by the artistic conception of the poem, and his speed increased a lot!Meet each other!Actually meet each other!

After chasing it for so long, the actual time it took was for a wave to fly out of the sea and stay in the air for so long!Tang Chen is the genuine Da Luo Jinshen!That's why it is possible to chase after the abducted Shuyue Pagoda!

Even hopelessly successful!Tang Chen quickly approached the Shuyue Pagoda!

(End of this chapter)

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