Shushan Wushen

Chapter 971 Winged Godman [Shushan Martial God Zijin Xingchen Works]

Chapter 971 Winged Godman [Shushan Martial God Zijin Xingchen Works]


"Then let's just sit back and wait! When the Shuyue Pagoda is hijacked, he will suddenly show up and kill him by surprise!" Wu Qu Xingjun waved his fists...

Xiaosan gave Wuqu Xingjun a look, "This is the second floor of Shuyue Pagoda. Even I, the god of the tower, can't enter now! How powerful do you think the enemy should be? Here's an emphasis! Home methods! At least until the tower has not fully retrieved the rest of the sparrow magic bells, it has no ability to expel this divine will! Understand..."

"Little San! Then tell me, what should I do? You're just grinding!" Guigu angrily interrupted Xiao San's catchphrase.He glanced at Princess Tianqin.Princess Tianqin looked at each other, smiled, and nodded gracefully.Guigu is actually her uncle.Clearly looking for an opportunity to help Tianqin regain some face.

Tang Chen's face was gradually sweating!Because Tang Chen has already noticed that Shuyue Pagoda's moving speed is gradually accelerating!Tang Chen wanted to control, but unfortunately he had nowhere to borrow his strength!

Tang Chen punched the arch of Shuyue Pagoda.The arch didn't budge. "Shit!"

Tang Chen rolled his eyes, and suddenly showed a smiling face: "Okay! I have a solution! Dad! Father! Please lead the way, everyone, Wu Zhuang, Bao'er, you two also go! Take care of our father! Go! 【Lingxiao Memorial Hall】!"

Tang Batian and Tang Yingxiong took a deep look at Tang Chen at the same time.Turn around and leave!Whatever you say at this time will add to Tang Chen's burden, and leaving is the best choice.

After everyone entered the Lingxiao Memorial Hall, Tang Chen waved his hand, grabbed the Lingxiao Memorial Hall, and stuffed it into his arms!In fact, Ziwei Xingchen was sent back!With a wave of his hand, Xiaosan sealed all the gods and men in the tower in the Bagua Liancheng, breaking the causal connection in the city and setting up a barrier.Handing it to Tang Chen, Tang Chen also put this set of gods in Ziwei Xingchen!

Looking up at the empty inner space of Shuyue Pagoda.Tang Chen and Xiao San looked at each other and smiled.The two master and servant looked relaxed for a while, squatted down slowly, and sat on the ground!

I haven't spoken for a long time.Tang Chen observed the outside situation clearly through the Shuyue Pagoda.Xiaosan once again plucked up the courage to plead with Tang Chen.

"Master! I'm on the second floor! Believe me!..."

"Do you dare?" Tang Chen raised his eyebrows suddenly, and ruthlessly accused him.

Xiaosan bared her teeth and said bitterly: "Master, you are not afraid that we will be thrown into the Shenshen Furnace together with the Shuyue Pagoda..."

"Don't say it's unlucky! Let's adapt!" Tang Chen, as the master of Shuyue Pagoda, can return to Ziwei Universe at any time!However, once the Shuyue Pagoda is destroyed, it means that Tang Chen has lost his space coordinates, and may lose contact with this chaotic universe forever!

In view of this, the pagoda god Xiaosan said a lot of words of gratitude to Tang Chen.Tang Chen couldn't help being disturbed: "I said, little San, why don't you give up this Shuyue Pagoda, I'm in Ziwei Universe, reshape your physical body, and send you a storm, how about glory and wealth?"

Xiaosan's eyes lit up, and she licked her mouth: "I'm looking forward to it! It's really a good idea." Tang Chen nodded, "Okay! Let's do it as soon as possible! Start your journey of sex hunting..."

"Oh! No, no, no! At least now my mistress has a strong character! No! I absolutely refuse!" Misan's hair fluttered and her head shook like a rattle.

Tang Chen shook his head and smiled silently.This is to be expected!

Suddenly!In the void laser channel, stretch out a powerful hand!Sudden attack!Catch Shuyue Pagoda!Tang Chen sat up suddenly, and an endless and terrifying murderous aura rose from his body!Looking at the direction in which the big hand stretched out, it should be the guy who restrained Shuyue Pagoda!
Di Jun reached out to grab the Shuyue Pagoda, removed the black divine power, and handed it to Empress Xihe graciously.Xi He's eyes were soft and affectionate, and Qi Chi smiled: "Thank you, God! I recently got a five-grade brocade quilt from God's family! Does God have a sense of elegance?"

Di Jun's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly responded: "Good! Good! Good! The goddess invites you, and Di Jun dares not obey, so..."

The two focused on flirting, and did not focus their spiritual thoughts on the Shuyue Pagoda where Tang Chen was!Tang Chen was in the Shuyue Pagoda, and he could hear the conversation between Di Jun and Xi He clearly!Just when Di Jun was distracted, Xi He raised his orchid fingers, raised his arms and gathered his hair to make a headband...

Chirp.Tang Chen suddenly got out of the Shuyue Pagoda!Whoosh!Take advantage of the opportunity and snatch the Shuyue Pagoda from Xihe's hand!Spread your back wings!Soar!In the blink of an eye, it disappeared at the end of the Chiguang God's Domain!
"Winged Godman!" Lan Tianci, the master of the Blu-ray God's Domain, saw it first with his sharp eyes, and immediately reminded him!In fact, he didn't need to remind him, which one of the other five gods is the one with mediocre power?It has already soared into the sky, and it has been pursued!
"Chase!" Xuanyuan Wuji tugged at Lan Tianci.Only then did Lan Tianci reflect it!call out!Soar!
Tang Chen took out countless magic weapons while flying!Isolate the cause and effect of the Shuyue Tower, and seal the breath of the Shuyue Tower!But obviously, Tang Chen's methods are not enough!Those talismans, magic codes, etc., all collapsed and disintegrated within a moment!

Who is Xihe?One of the masters of the sunspot world!The legendary mother of the sun!Xi He's angry branches trembled wildly: "Which filthy guy has taken a fancy to my Shu Yuehua headband? It's been used over and over again! Hiss..."

"Dijun! We must catch the Winged Godman! My Shu Yuehua headband is indeed a fragment of a magic weapon! It turned out to be a complete Yuehua Pagoda just now! Oh! I missed it! I blame you! I made the empress careless! Hurry up! Chase!"

Di Jun and Xi He turned into two streamers of light, one black and one white, and followed the light explosion trajectory left by Tang Chen, chasing straight down!It's not just that simple!The Taoist masters of the six great gods found out that Dijun and Xihe were following them, and their morale was greatly boosted!
"The palace lord and the empress have personally rushed over to chase after the Godly Man of Yuyi, everyone, work hard! Don't let the Godly Man of Yuyi run away again!" the host Zhuri of the Royal Golden Crow Academy shouted out their names as Emperor Jun and Xihe The campaign was actually entrusted by Kuafu, his beloved apprentice who had just returned, to tactfully point out the current situation to Tang Chen!
Luo Yao's eyes were gloomy, and a trace of spiritual thought was transmitted to Daoist Suan Qiang of the Space Bureau!Daoist Suan Qiang showed strange colors, worried and pleasantly surprised, released him and shouted!
"Listen to the Winged God in front! You can't run away! Hurry up and get caught! Plead guilty! His Majesty the palace lord Di Jun and the empress Xihe personally lead the team! All the seven gods are here! There are other sects Xuegong Tianjiao to help out! We have the 【Shenxie in Hand】in our hands! You cannot escape within the Light Realm!"

"Damn! Suan Qiang Bureau Chief, you've done it in too much detail! Our old Dier, you've given it to Yuyi Shenren!"

(End of this chapter)

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