Shushan Wushen

Chapter 972 Close combat

Chapter 972 Close combat


Yushan, the main building of the Qingguang Shenyu Road, felt strange, and made a direct question again with his big mouth.

"Hehe! You really don't understand? Our space bureau has countless people! It's all about attacking the mind! Disturb the mind and let the opponent mess up! It's a routine!"

Zhou Wei, the Taoist master in red, gradually moved closer to where the two were.Tried to listen in.

"There is a specialization in the art industry! The direction of cultivation is different! Believe in the strength of the profession! Yes!" Lou Yushan nodded in admiration.Just like that, Daoist Suan Qiang was fooled by him without changing his expression or beating his heart.

Tang Chen flapped his wings on his back and fled crazily!The wolf is running!When chasing the Shuyue Pagoda just now, a small universe exploded, accidentally squeezing out her own potential!With a speed that can almost compete with the rules of heaven, it is still more than enough to deal with this group of god kings!But the most difficult ones are still Di Jun and Xi He!
However, what Tang Chen never expected was that the tower god Xiaosan took advantage of Tang Chen's unpreparedness and climbed up to the second floor!It caused Tang Chen a lot of trouble!
Tang Chen got a deliberate reminder from Suanqiang Daoist and Zhuri Zhuri, and he was quite anxious!Even though Tang Chen still has at least a few trump cards in his hand that he hasn't used!However, the gods in charge of the major gods have a big move to seal the light realm under their jurisdiction!
Tang Chen had no way of knowing the specific cultivation levels of Di Jun and Xi He!However, it was rumored that before the endless years, Emperor Jun and Xihe of the Black Emperor's Palace had already cultivated in the realm of the God Emperor!With this difference in realm alone, Daluo Jinshen Tang Chen couldn't compete!
speed!The only slight advantage is speed!Relying on the advantage of speed, Tang Chen wandered around the borders of the major gods!Always be on guard against the lore move banned by God's Domain!
At the same time, the game Tang Chen set up is coming to an end...

Tang Chen ran away seemingly irregularly, but in fact, he secretly left behind a trace of spiritual thoughts, and gradually swayed the pursuit formation with various routes and trajectories!

With Tang Chen's current combat strength, he has no chance of winning against two god kings at the same time, and he will definitely lose!For the current plan, the only way is to defeat each of them!

call out!
Tang Chen folded his wings, and in a swooping posture, he suddenly glided into the Purple Light God Realm!With a flip of his wrist, the Purple Light God Realm's [Taoshen Seal] was revealed!
"Xuanyuan Wuji?" Tang Chen read the [Guangxun] sent by the six masters of the divine way, and the corner of his mouth revealed a trace of coldness.

Tang Chen's figure instantly blurred!It's as if the whole person has melted into the light realm!It turned into a purple streamer!call out!A pale golden divine light behind him!Follow up!The unlucky guy who took the bait was Xuanyuan Wuji!
Taoist Master of the Yellow Light God Realm!The founder of Renyimen, the boss!Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, deception!

"It's a bit tricky!" Xuanyuan Wuji himself participated in the hunt!The [Taoist Seal] controlled by the puppet god body found Tang Chen's trace!Tang Chen entered the Purple Dao God Realm through the Yellow God Realm!
Xuanyuan Wuji jumped into the Purple Light God Realm, and he really missed Tang Chen's target, so he couldn't help but be surprised!With a bad face, he shouted arrogantly!

"Hmph! You god thief is really hidden! You only know about fleeing rats! This Taoist master has already found you! Quickly capture you! Otherwise, you will cut off your divine root! Dispel your divine soul!!!"

The Purple Light Divine Realm is the only Divine Dao region where Tang Chen's position cannot be determined!Because the Zi Dao master was abolished by their six great gods together!

The mind and memory of Xuanyuan Wuji's main body and the puppet god who controls the [Tao Shenxi] are connected!Check other light fields [Guangxun], but no trace of Tang Chen has been found for the time being!

Based on this, it can be concluded that Tang Chen is very likely to be in the Purple Light God Realm!

Whoosh!Whoosh!Whoosh!Xuanyuan Wuji released his spiritual thoughts and turned them into yellow streamers...

Suddenly!An extremely majestic and huge jade mountain, full of air!Appeared suddenly, boom!He smashed Xuanyuan Wuji himself!
Tang Chen actually took the initiative to attack!
"Bold! How dare you sneak attack on this Daoist!" Tang Chen didn't follow the routine!Xuanyuan Wuji was caught off guard!pedal!pedal!pedal!Staggered back three steps!

Xuanyuan Wuji himself was suddenly attacked!The smashed helmet is crooked!Swish Swish Swish!The released divine sense returns quickly!Even the body of the puppet who controlled the [Taoist Seal of God] rushed into the Purple Light Divine Realm in a hurry!

There are countless magical treasures looted from the Yuyi Godman!When Xuanyuan Wuji became greedy, he became crazy!

With the help of Zi Dao [Shen Xi in Palm], Tang Chen was invisible and streamed, and happened to see a flaw at this time!There is a smile on the corner of the mouth!A ray of light!Full of purple energy, suddenly, he leaned towards Xuanyuan Wuji's side!
The streamer is covering up!Tang Chen quietly stretched out one foot, and placed it behind the heel of Xuanyuan Wuji himself. Xuanyuan Wuji was caught off guard, lost his body's center of gravity, couldn't hold back his momentum, "Plop!" He fell on his back!
Tang Chen raised his combat boots, and kicked Xuanyuan Wuji's pale golden face wildly! "Aw! Aw! Aw! Ouch! Ah! Ah! Ah!" Xuanyuan Wuji's mournful howl immediately attracted the attention of Zhou Wei who was a few light days away!

Zhou Wei raised the [Taoist Seal] in his hand, and checked the [Guangxun]!really!The Wing Godman has found a flaw in the Light Realm!Entered the Purple Light God Realm!

"What a cunning thief!" Zhou Wei's eyes were full of hatred!After a little hesitation, like Xuanyuan Wuji, he transferred the puppet body of the seal holder!God's Domain has not had wars and desperate struggles for too long!They are all blinded by interests to judge the crisis clearly!

Even the slightest bit of etiquette makes them, Taoist masters, not hesitate to take risks!They are aloof and pampered for too long!These Taoist masters are aloof, possessing wealth and power beyond the reach of Guangmin!
In their eyes, all the gods and kings are lambs waiting to be slaughtered!Don't you know that a pack of wolves hunts, but what they besiege is a colorful tiger!
The wolf enters the tiger's mouth!

Zhou Wei's puppet god body exploded!It burns instantly and turns into a majestic divine power!The speed of Zhou Wei's deity doubled!Go straight to where Tang Chen is!
boom!Xuanyuan Wuji's puppet body sacrificed a Shinto dagger!Shining!Violent breath!
Tang Chen saw that the work was done, and there were side issues!I'm a little annoyed!Shu Dao Zhang!Surge out majesticly and turn into a master of magic!Clutch Xuanyuan Wuji's puppet god body!Boom!Immediately squeeze it to pieces!

Crush the puppet god body with every move!Tang Chen grinned grimly, and holding Xuanyuan Wuji's main body, he started to fight!He stripped Xuanyuan Wuji cleanly and neatly!Xuanyuan Wuji didn't even leave his underwear behind!
Do not misunderstand!Tang Chen has no bad habits!

Xuanyuan Wuji's underpants are at the level of divine treasures!It can be sold for a good price!
Whoosh!Tang Chen threw the naked Xuanyuan Wuji into Shuyue Pagoda! "Huh? Where's Xiaosan?" Tang Chen didn't even notice Xiaosan's existence!Spiritual thoughts entered it, and only then did I know that Xiaosan actually sneaked up to the second floor!

(End of this chapter)

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