Shushan Wushen

Chapter 973 Li Daitao is stiff

Chapter 973 Li Daitao is stiff


"Bastard! Come down! Come down now! There are prisoners who need to be imprisoned!..."

It's too late to say it!Zhou Wei, the Taoist master in red, turned into a red streamer, like a blood-stained butcher knife... Phew!Split the purple light barrier enchantment!The Daoist Zhou Wei in red has come!
The Zidao Shenxie can determine the positions of these Taoist masters with each other!Location sharing!Tang Chen was shocked!It feels too late!At the same time, he was puzzled: "Why is Zhou Wei so fast this week?"

Zhou Wei's deity stood tall, with a haughty contempt rising from the corner of his mouth! "Huh?" Divine Sense swept across a huge and exquisite giant stone carving, and soon found Xuanyuan Wuji, curled face down on the ground!
The Red Light God Realm, the Yellow Light God Realm, and the Blue Light God Realm are the three original Light God Realms!Since the beginning of chaos, the three families have been family friends!Otherwise, Zhou Wei wouldn't openly deny Indigo Zongze face!Because of the endless years of family friends!Between Zhou Wei and Indigo Zongze, there is no need for such vain etiquette!
At this moment, Zhou Wei saw his old friend, whose life or death was uncertain, he was startled, and before he could think about it, he stretched out his hand and hugged Xuanyuan Wuji in his arms, intending to save him: "Ninth brother, are you all right! Ninth brother..."

Tang Chen grinned, and suddenly Ye Meng's big black inscription gun shot out from his sleeve, Phew!Steep insertion along the lower abdomen!From the back of Zhou Wei's neck came out!

The pure gold of blood fiend produces powerful devouring power!Tang Chen jumped out of Zhou Wei's arms!He returned and pulled out Ye Meng's big black inscription gun!boom!At this time, Zhou Wei's divine body opened inch by inch, and was torn apart by the divine power of the Light Realm, quickly deforming like quicksand!Crash in the light!

Tang Chen held Ye Meng's big black inscription gun, jumped lightly, and put Zhou Wei's red robe into the dimensional ring!In case of a rainy day, use it to sell money!
Shu Dao Zhang!
Tang Chen grabbed Zhou Wei's dimensional necklace on the ground again!Recognizing the Lord, he took out the equatorial [Zhidao Shenxi], looked through the recent hundreds of [Guangxun], and finally sent a [Guangxin] to Lan Tianci: "The shocking secret! Come quickly!"

Tang Chen quickly spread his wings, and soon entered the Scarlet God Realm!Not far from the agreed place with Lan Tianci, I found a place, ran the equator [Zhan Dao Shen Xi] and turned it into a ray of red light, hidden in the white light of the light world without any sense of disobedience!

A few days later, Lan Tian gave the deity to come as promised!Catcher looked around vigilantly, took out Lan Dao's [Zhu Dao Shen Xi] and sent Zhou Wei a [Guangxin]; "Seventh brother, I'm here!"

In Lan Tianci's eyes, he didn't wait for the frequency of his light signal to disappear from sight.Suddenly a red light [Guangxun] flashed in front of my eyes!A mysterious flash!It is a word "immortal" exuding red light!It is the exclusive system of [Shenxi Guangxun]!

Lan Tianci reached out and grabbed the light message, crushing it lightly: "You'll know when you look back!"

There was a hint of smile on the corner of Lan Tianci's mouth, he shrugged his shoulders and turned his head chicly, his sparse beard, and instantly misty eyes revealed endless elegant decadence...!Indigo Zongze likes this kind of pretentious and profound plot tone!The aristocratic friends from Lan Tianci tried their best to cooperate...

Lan Tianci slowly turned around and raised his hand to hold up the Lan Dao [Shen Xi in Palm]: "You're here first Brother Seven..."

"It's me! You came as promised!" Tang Chen smiled, holding Ye Meng's big black inscription gun in one hand, and the sharp inscription gun tip was pressed against Lan Tianci's throat!With the other hand, he snatched Lan Dao's [Tao Shen Xi] raised by Lan Tianci.

"I like people who are punctual! You have won my honorable favor!" Tang Chen imitated Lan Tian's artificial elegance.

"Shenyou is a winged godman?" Lan Tianci was not afraid of Tang Chen's obscenity, squinted his eyes, and asked without changing his expression.

Tang Chen didn't deny or admit it, and still smiled: "Yes or no is not important anymore! The important thing is that you were captured by me, isn't it?"

"Heh - heh! The truth! But it's really boring! Capable of magic! Mystery! Even warriors! Magic weapon! Talisman! Magic code!" Lan Tianci raised his eyebrows and curled his lips jokingly: "Why not Dare? Don’t tell me that you’re not interested. Head-to-head combat or something like that!”

Tang Chen suppressed his smile, and his eyes burst out with undisguised sarcasm: "Strategy is also a part of strength! Put away your clumsy little tricks! Is such a crappy way of provoking an unscrupulous insult? I am angry!"

Tang Chen was despised by Lan Tianci for showing off his high IQ, so he made sense!This made Tang Chen extremely unhappy!He cursed: "Challenge my IQ? If you have the ability to pick out Bibi!"

"IQ? What is it?" Lan Tianci didn't have the memory of this word.Quite puzzled.

How could Tang Chen pay attention to him!Pulled Lan Tianci's hair with his hands!Pump your fist, bang!boom!boom!It's a slap in the face!Fist slap!Face full of bags!Shengsheng chiseled out a few horns for Lan Tianci!
"Damn! Damn! Damn! Don't follow the routine! Shameless! Shameless! Despicable! Despicable! This Daoist despises you! You have won my noble contempt! You are finished! Damn it! Stop it!"

Lan Tianci tried his best to dodge, Tang Chen leaned forward and kept a fixed distance from Lan Tianci, holding Ye Meng's big black inscription gun with one hand, and madly attacking Lan Tianci with the other hand!Although Lan Tianci was in pain, his eyes were wide open and his mouth was never free...

In the end, Lan Tianci's mouth was full of divine blood, the golden light was shining, his head was red, and his face was full of bruises..., he had no choice but to beg for forgiveness: "Beating people is not slapping your face! What are you? I surrender! My Taoist surrender! Stop beating me!" ! How can this handsome face of this Daoist be seen by others! Surrender! Surrender! Surrender! Why are you still..."

Tang Chen calmed down, and finally stopped, shaking and stretching his fists, and teased with infinite regret: "I should have surrendered a long time ago! You can drink tea and chat happily, but why are you pretending to be smart? What kind of aggressive method do you think you are?" Isn't this bad luck? Right?"

"Hi! Boss! Whatever you say, do you want black coins or exercises? Shenyu?" Lan Tianci showed an open attitude at this moment.Cut directly to the subject of the negotiation!

"Swear! Eternal allegiance to me!" Tang Chen raised his hand and threw a piece of briquette.

"Hiss!..." Lan Tianci hurriedly caught it, "Such a large Chaos spar is rare! Are you ascending from the lower realms? No, no, no! Smuggling... No, no, no! Did you come here quietly?"

Tang Chen saw Lan Tianci's eyeballs whirling around, his words were sharp, and he started the "casual" cliché mode.Immediately I lost my temper.

boom!boom!boom!Raising his fist, it was another violent beating!Lan Tianci was beaten beyond recognition!This time Tang Chen was really angry, a little annoyed.

"Don't play any tricks in the future! Understand?" Tang Chen released the coercion of his temperament. Although this coercion could not suppress Lan Tianci, at least the bursts of murderous aura exuded in the coercion stimulated Lan Tianci's eyes to quiet down!Put an end to Lan Tianci's other unrealistic ideas!

(End of this chapter)

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