Shushan Wushen

Chapter 980 Goblin Heru

Chapter 980 Goblin Heru


"Hello!" Tang Chen got off the sedan chair and saw a Yaksha when he looked up!Do not!A human with a yaksha head!Tang Chen looked familiar, and exclaimed: "Kongtong seal?"

"Disrespectful! Bold! Presumptuous! How dare you compare this general to that devil! Hurry up and fight me!"

Boom!A plain knife with a simple and simple shape, slid out an arc, and was nailed to Tang Chen's feet. The blade hummed and swayed non-stop!
"No no no! I mean, Kongtong Yin was killed by you! You are a great hero! I saw it with my own eyes! I have been looking for you, and I always want to make friends with you! It's a pity that I didn't have the chance to meet you! Today I finally met a hero Hero! Hero! Accept me as your friend!"

Under Tang Chen's extremely disgusting flattery, the goblin general's hostility disappeared, and he smiled, walked over and pulled out the simple knife, pinned it to his belt, and wiped his nose with his hand.

"Have you seen this general, Helu? No, no, no! You misunderstood! You should have seen Lord Wisdom! We have long since fallen, and this general is just a ray of divine sense! Lord Wisdom actually killed Kongtong Seal, This is really good news! Great news! Let's go! I'll buy you a drink!"

Helu wrapped his arms around Tang Chen's neck, and walked into the barracks behind him carelessly!Turning around, he smiled secretly at Tang Chen, took out the simple knife, pried it on the ground, and reached out to touch out two jars of wine!
Pu Dao tucked it back into his trouser belt, waved out the mud seal, and handed it to Tang Chen: "Our goblin's fine wine is incomparable to that of the dwarves! My dear friend! I did it for our friendship!"

Tang Chen firmly remembered the confession of the Great Elder!The difficulty factor of the test gradually decreases with the passage of time!Reach out to take the ground fine wine, raise your head up and pour it!Googooo!Drink it in the blink of an eye!Tang Chen turned the wine jar upside down, shook it twice, and grinned at Helu.

"It really is good wine! Thank you, General Helu!"

Heru's eyes showed endless admiration! "Wine quality depends on character! My dear friend! You are so good! I am committed to you as a friend! Because our friendship is as precious as [True Liquid Without Fragrance]! It is as mellow as fine wine!"

After finishing the toast, Helu took a sip lightly and said with a sneer, "I can't bear it. Hee hee hee. I don't have much wine left! Don't blame it! Don't blame it!"

"Understand! Understood!" Tang Chen waved his hand: "General Helu, can this test begin?"

"Huh?" Helu's eyes froze, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes: "The more you start, the more difficult the question is! If you answer wrong, you will be punished! You and I hit it off right away, and brought the gospel of the wise man again. Let's drink again." For a bar!"

"No! Let's start! Punishment is fine!" Tang Chen pushed away another jug ​​of wine that Helu handed over.Firm expression.

"Punish time, time stands still! It is not eroded by the power of time..." Helu sincerely thought about Tang Chen, and actively stopped him again.

Tang Chen didn't say anything, just shook his head.He stared at Helu with piercing eyes.The more you start, the greater the difficulty factor and the more valuable the rewards!

"Okay!" Helu looked a little lonely, and took out seven kits from his bosom, purple kits, snap!The seal burst!Helu looked up at Tang Chen with a final question in his eyes, and Tang Chen nodded.

Helu sighed almost imperceptibly.Unfold the clay slips in the kit.

"The soldiers under my command captured the rebellious nobles of the Tulong tribe! Executed by the order of the lord of the goblins, Emperor Wisdom. Every time you kill two people, you will be left with one person. Every time you kill three people, you will be left. If you kill four people, you will be left with one person. After killing five people, you will be left with four." Kill six people and leave three people, kill seven people and just finish killing, kill eight people and leave one person, kill nine people and just finish killing, every time a rebellious nobleman is executed, three executioners need to be executed! Ask me how many people need to be dispatched this time General?"

"Hiss! What a bloody question! Don't the goblins love peace the most and don't like killing?" Tang Chen couldn't help but wonder.Kongtong Yinna is his subordinate.What the hell did you do when you fell to the ground?

"They are aristocrats! They don't like astronomy, calculus, and arithmetic! They advocate the redemption of poor soldiers, extravagance and waste! They are so happy! It led to the end of the goblin family! If it weren't for the wise man..., alas! Today, the goblin family has never fallen. That’s the wise one! But she has become the fiancée of the high priest of the dwarves!”

"Oh? It turns out that there are such secrets..., then..." Tang Chen wanted to ask again, after all, after marrying the high priest of the dwarves, the blood of the children he gave birth to was also impure!Kongtong seal..., turning hostility into treasure...

"Quick, quick! Answer the question!" Helu pointed at the purple kit, only to see an hourglass appear on the kit!The hourglass flipped over, and the stars were sandy, click!despair!despair!The timer is on!

Glancing at the hourglass, Tang Chen hurriedly reviewed the questions carefully, and quickly saw the clues!Common multiple problem!

"Kill two and leave one! It must be an odd number, and the remainder is [one]!"

"Multiple of [three]!"

"It cannot be divisible by [four], not a multiple of [four]!"

"The remainder when dividing the number by [four] is [one]! It cannot be divisible by [five], and is not a multiple of [five]! The remainder when dividing the number by [five] is [one]!"

"It cannot be divisible by [[-]], it is not a multiple of [[-]], and the remainder when divided by [[-]] is [[-]]! It is a multiple of [[-]]! It cannot be divisible by [[-]], it is not a multiple of [[-]]! Number The remainder of dividing [eight] is [one]! The multiple of [nine]!"

Tang Chen pondered for a moment, "Killing seven and nine just finished killing them! So is it a common multiple of [seven] and [nine]?" There are at least thirty ways to find out the number of prisoners!
"No way! Substitution method! Speed ​​wins!" Tang Chen quickly started to calculate!Just start from 63 and mechanically bring in natural numbers step by step...

The hourglass keeps saying, "Tap! Tap! Tap!" Time is passing by mercilessly...

"340 seven executioners!" Tang Chen blurted out!at the same time!When there are still three or five grains of star sand left in the hourglass! "Click!" The hourglass turned over!boom!The hourglass exploded!

Chirp!Chirp!Chirp!Unleash the rays of light!In the blink of an eye, the purple kit turned into a shrine!Tang Chen took a closer look!There is an ancient copper lock hanging on the door knocker of Shenfu!There is a row of number buttons on the lock!
"What are you staring at me for? Hurry up and type!" Helu reached out and pointed at the brass lock, reminding him in time.Only now did Tang Chen realize it!And the Divine Palace has gradually faded at this moment!

Tang Chen stepped up to the steps in front of the Shenfu, and with a wave of his hand, he pressed [-]!Click!The copper lock made a crisp sound!Tang Chen took down the copper lock, and gently pushed open the gate of the Shenfu.He turned around and nodded to Helu.

(End of this chapter)

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