Shushan Wushen

Chapter 981 He is a dragon

Chapter 981 He's a Dragon


Helu laughed extremely abnormally!Unabashedly showing sadness.

Tang Chen smiled slightly, and simply turned his body back: "What's the matter, my friend? Dear General Helu, I will definitely drink with you when I come back! I'm so sad, is it because I don't want to take away the goblin family's treasure?"

Helu shook his head slightly when he heard the words, and looked around the facilities in the military tent reluctantly, with infinite grief in his eyes: "My comrades! My brothers, they have already passed away endlessly before me! Today! I'm leaving too! You can enter the Ziguan Divine Mansion by choosing the topic of the supreme kit, and the first view will no longer exist! Farewell to God Tang Chen! My brother!"

Streamer shines!Helu's figure gradually became unreal!She raised her hand to Tang Chen and made a motion, that's a toast!Tang Chen also clinked glasses to cater to him, and drank it all in one gulp!

"Farewell! Heru! My friend!"

Helu smiled when he heard what Tang Chen yelled!He opened his mouth as if to say something, but in a flash of light, he disappeared completely!The last trace of divine sense fell, and Helu was gone forever!
Tang Chen turned around and stepped into the Ziguan Shrine. Just as he bypassed the screen wall, the door behind him "Boom!" automatically closed!Tang Chen entered the courtyard, but found nothing.Not even a stone table or bench!There is only one deep well, exuding an unexplainable weird smell!Covering his nose, Tang Chen pushed open the tightly closed door of the main hall.

"You are finally here!"

The light in the main hall was extremely dark, Tang Chen only heard his voice but didn't see his person!There was a surge of air, and just as he was about to release it, he heard: "My boy! This room doesn't need light!"

Tang Chen hastily withdrew his divine power.Looking up, I saw a goblin with a yaksha head sitting cross-legged on the middle hall!Smiling and stroking his golden beard, he looked at Tang Chen.

"Hello, elder!" Tang Chen knew that this was another ray of divine thought.So he bowed down respectfully and saluted.

"Hehehe! Good! It seems that boy Helu touched you!" The old goblin didn't wait for Tang Chen to answer, and then asked, "How is it? How does Qingtu wine taste?"

"Excellent! Please give me a reward from the elder!" Tang Chen replied very simply.

The goblin old man laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Hurry up! Hurry up then. Hahaha! Good, good! Good disciple! Appreciate your teacher quickly! I will give you a reward! Old man Dukang! You are the only apprentice in this life! Hahaha ! If you are fast! Then fast! Fast, fast!"

"Why do you want to be a teacher?" Tang Chen had doubts in his heart, but when he thought of this old goblin, he might have been dead for a long time.Even if it is hospice care!
make up one's mind.Simply being respectful, Tang Chen knelt down and bowed to his teacher: "Disciple Tang Chen, bow down to your benefactor Dukang!"

Du Kang twisted his beard with his hands, and did not signal Tang Chen to get up, and said loudly.

"What is wine? The essence of the universe! Ordinary people drink alcohol to get pleasure! Drinking alcohol is also cultivation! Old man Dukang is the wine sage of the goblin clan! Alcohol masters are always enshrined! Alcohol masters are divided into nine ranks, and the first rank It’s the wine sage! This time, the old man will pass on your understanding of all aspects of wine refining, a wine urn in the Ziguan Shenfu, and a well for a while!”

Before the words fell, Dukang's figure had become illusory, and finally condensed into a piece of spiritual essence, Phew!I plunged into Tang Chen's soul!Tang Chen was kneeling down and listening, when he suddenly felt that there was a lot of complicated information in his memory...

"Alcohol refiner? Wine sage? How do I have this memory?"

In his memory, Tang Chen was good at discerning the heaven and earth, a grain of rice and a ray of divine light could transform the universe and refine it into a peerless wine!Tang Chen couldn't help but be amazed by that mysterious and unfathomable wine refining technique!

"When did I become so powerful?"

"No! This is the memory of Dukang, the old goblin!"

Tang Chen sorted out the relationship between the characters in his memory.There are a huge number of goblin civilians, goblin nobles from all walks of life, and even Dukang and Kongtongyin have a close friendship!Then the gods and demons of the heavens!Gods of the Light Realm...

"Du Kang, he is actually a peerless alchemist!" Tang Chen couldn't help feeling turbulent waves in his heart!From a humble origin, her rise is astonishing!This Dukang is clearly a generation of peerless monsters!

After a while, Tang Chen didn't hear Du Kang's voice, and suddenly realized that something was wrong, and without waiting for Du Kang's order, he looked up!But where is the shadow of Dukang?

"Oh!" Tang Chen suddenly realized!Immediately burst into tears! "Master..., the disciple is not good! It is all the disciple who is not good! The disciple is ignorant and foolish! Master..."

Tang Chen broke down in tears.I didn't even have time to communicate with Master Dukang, and I said goodbye!Blame myself for being too impatient!Utilitarianism blinds true feelings!Damn "hospice care"!How good it would be to be sincere!At least I can still quarrel with Master, that is also a kind of emotional communication!

Tang Chen silently refined the Ziguan Shenfu wine urn!Grasping his hand out of thin air, the Qujing in the courtyard came to Tang Chen's palm!Proms!The supreme treasure of heaven and earth that is indispensable for refining divine wine!
"Alas!" Tang Chen was infinitely sad, and waved the wine urn and Qujing into Ziwei Xingchen.Gather all the people and set up a stele for Dukang, write a sacrificial oration, and have a grand funeral!
After clearing up his mood, Tang Chen raised his head and saw a huge curved mountain in the distance!This giant mountain is shrouded in majesty, and the nine-color light is mottled and intertwined!Extremely bright!Knock loudly!The texture contains the universe!

Tang Chen wanted to use his spiritual sense to observe, but he didn't want to have a lot of changes!boom!Immediately, the earth was turned upside down, and the earth cracked and collapsed!The mighty countless anti-curved mountains are rising gradually!The breath is so familiar!The shape is so kind!
"Dragon scale! It turned out to be dragon scale! Hiss!..." Tang Chen gasped!The nine-clawed divine dragon and the thirteen-clawed ghost valley, in front of this dragon scale, are as insignificant as scum!
call out!A divine light suddenly rose!A goblin suddenly appeared in front of Tang Chen!This goblin has dragon horns on his head!
"Clear the level so quickly! Tang Chen! You are extraordinary! It's a pity you're not a goblin!"

Tang Chen's eyes dimmed instantly, and two lines of tears overflowed the corners of his eyes!The tone was sonorous: "Goblins? I am the only disciple of Dukang! I will definitely do everything possible to let the goblins reappear in the universe!"

"The wine sage...has fallen? Sigh!" The goblin with the dragon horn also collapsed in an instant, leaving behind two lines of turbid tears!
Tang Chen knew through the memories of the wine sage Dukang that this was a mutant goblin, and he adored Dukang very much!So he spoke comforting words.

"General Jian Long! The former teacher left very peacefully! I have obtained all the inheritance of the former teacher! But I don't know what's will I get out of here?"

General Li Long was silent, thinking about it for a long time, and then he answered: "Going to leave? lonely!"

(End of this chapter)

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