super holy knight

Chapter 128 Team Battle

Chapter 128
When Li Yunze returned to Astrana, there were at least seven or eight times more players gathered here than when he came out.

The alliance's support is rushing here from all directions, and the number of alliance players is rapidly approaching that of the tribe.

The situation where the beasts were still fighting was broken, and the alliance players took the initiative to leave the city to confront the tribe players.

The Horde side was ready for battle, and the two sides fought together between Astrana and the Brokenwood Watchtower, turning this place into a Shura field.

Year Four and Teemo are not Meow, bringing their friends to Astrana to join the Dauntless Mercenary Corps.

It's windy outside, come home with me.

These are two friends I brought with me throughout the year. It is windy outside and I am a dwarf guardian knight, and I am a dwarf holy priest coming home with me.

"The league's number one guardian knight, it's windy outside."

Li Yunze is no stranger to Feng Da outside and come home with me. In his previous life, he had crossed paths with these two people.

It is not difficult to see from the names of the two that they are a couple, to be precise, a couple.

Outside, Feng Da is in the game circle. He is a very famous tank player. He plays tanks to protect the love of his life. Come home with me.

Come home with me in the game circle, she is a well-known healing player, when her husband blocks her behind, she will use healing spells to make her husband as solid as a rock.

The two complement each other, and the combination of one plus one is far more powerful than two.

"It's windy outside alone, and the ranking is at most within 200. If he stands behind me and goes home, his ranking is enough to rank in the top 50."

"Never underestimate the one who stands outside behind Feng Da, come home with me, she is one of the best holy priests in the game."

If Li Yunze remembers correctly, after ten years of glory, Feng Da outside was named the number one guardian knight of the alliance, and he was named the number one dwarf holy priest when I came home with me.

The reason why it is the number one guardian knight in the alliance is because in the middle of the game, there will be a race of blood elves joining the tribe. This race is also blessed by the Holy Light and can become a paladin.

"If it weren't for the strong wind outside and the hidden profession, he would definitely become one of the top ten tanks in the game. As a guardian knight, he is well-deserved No. 11."

The wind outside is actually not one of the top ten tanks in the game, the reason is very simple, he is not a hidden profession.

Even so, he was still voted by the players as the No.11 tank in the game, the best 11 player.

"The language is windy and the wind outside is strong, and two tanks are in hand."

Li Yunze welcomes Feng Da outside and Come Home With Me to join the mercenary group.

The wind of language has not yet grown up, and it cannot be compared with the wind outside.With the strong wind outside, even if Han Jiang Guying and Kuona were not drawn into the mercenary group, the mercenary group would still have mature tanks to use.

The level of going home with me is actually on par with Chun, she is better than a dwarf priest.In Glory, healing priests are divided into dwarf priests and other priests. The main reason is that dwarf priests with healing talents have a skill - protection from fear.

The protective fear barrier, as the name suggests, designs a barrier within a range, and teammates within this barrier can be immune to fear spells.

Of course, such a powerful skill is one of the ultimate skills of the dwarf healing priest, which can be learned by the dwarf priest.

In Li Yunze's previous life, when I came home with me, she would be able to protect herself from the fear enchantment skill. Relying on this skill, she became the number one dwarf holy priest.

"Nine out of ten dragon bosses have the ability to fear crowds. A dwarf priest who can protect the fear barrier is the natural enemy of the dragon boss."

Li Yunze suddenly had the urge to hit Princess Black Dragon and rub some of her blood.

Impulse is impulsive after all, with his current output, it is impossible to defeat the Black Dragon Princess.


Li Yunze was even more shocked that Timo was not Meow's friend.

If you say Fengda outside and Come home with me, they are two well-known husband and wife files in the game circle.Then Millhouse was completely unknown in the game circle, just a newcomer.

However, in "Glory", no one dares to underestimate this Mengxin.

"The world is so small."

Why didn't Li Yunze find out in his previous life that Milhouse was Timo's friend and not Meow's, the two of them hid it too deeply.

The world is really small, referring to Millhouse, what the hell is a god-level player with a god-level game login card.

The lawbreaker is an ancient inheritance among the mages of Azeroth. It has long since disappeared in the historical background of the game and lost its inheritance in the long history.

However, Millhouse, who is a god-level player, got the inheritance that had already been wiped out, and became the only lawbreaker player in the game.

The profession of lawbreaker, as the name suggests, is a mage with infinite destructive ability.

You can understand it this way, this is a melee mage.

He is obviously a mage, but he only has melee attack methods. He is obviously a melee fighter, but all his attacks are magic damage.

The mage's body is weak, but the body of the lawbreaker is as hard as iron.Rampage, reckless fighting, life and death, and resignation, this is everyone's evaluation of the profession of law breaker.

Neuropathy among mages.

Ahem, Li Yunze once commented on Millhouse like this, a mage can charge more fiercely than a soldier, and the staff in his hand is comparable to Fang Tian's painted halberd, sweeping away thousands of troops.

"Ten years of glory, the game ranks No.12."

Millhouse's ranking in the future will be higher than that of the four seasons of the year.

Li Yunze glanced at Timo, and then at Milhouse: "Teemo is worthy of being a big sister, and to have such a little brother, he is indeed the most powerful dragon knight in the game."

Of course, Teemo will still be better than Millhouse in the future, and she will be ranked tenth.After all, in the arena 1v1, the battle mounts of other professions are forbidden to be summoned (the hunter's pet is not a battle mount, and is allowed to be summoned), only the dragon knight's dragon mount can be summoned.

"Everyone is welcome to join."

As the regiment leader, Li Yunze naturally expressed his opinion: "Our Fearless Mercenary Corps is a big family, and we are family members when we join Fearless Mercenary Corps."

Now there are 14 people in the Fearless Mercenary Corps, and there are still 20 people left to fight the 6-man prison in Stormwind City.

Li Yunze will try to get in touch with these 6 people in these two days, trying to get them in as soon as possible.

The runaway char siew buns came to Astlana to fight. Seeing the flames of war raging outside the city, he couldn't hold back for a long time: "Boss, let's go out and wipe out all the tribes."

All the year round: "Soul, why is Yeying Meteor not with you?"

In fact, he also wants to plant a flag with Yeying Meteor throughout the year. In other games, he has never played against Yeying Meteor. He wants to try the depth of the number one thief in the game circle.

Li Yunze didn't give him a chance to test the depth of Yeying Meteor: "She steals people from behind the tribe."

"Stealing people."

A little disappointed throughout the year: "When I have a chance in the future, I will try her power again."

"Are you in Astrana?"

Feihua Xueying sent a private chat: "Come to the gate of the city, we will cooperate with First Heaven and Old Dream of her city, and prepare to attack."

After receiving Feihua Xueying's private chat, Li Yunze knew that the big show was about to begin: "Everyone get on your mounts together, let's go to the gate of the city."

The crowd, who wanted to be unable to hold back for a long time, immediately mounted their horses and followed Li Yunze to the east gate of Astrana.

The gate of the city has long been crowded with hundreds of guilds from the Alliance, with at least 6 to [-] people.

A regiment is full of 100 people, and 6 or [-] people are five or six hundred regiments.

There are five or six hundred regiments in the alliance, and there are only a few more tribes. The first battle of thousands of regiments in "Glory" is about to begin.

The first expansion pack of "Glory", "Blood and Glory", is really opened at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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