Chapter 129
In the battle of thousands of regiments, the individual strength is very weak, and what is left is to fight as a whole.

Generally, which side is more united, which side will have a higher chance of winning.

Now the alliance and the tribe are in the period of competing for the ranking of the guild. Everyone will have some grievances and grievances in other games, and it is difficult to achieve unity.

Evenly matched.

There was no winner, the two sides were evenly matched.

"Haha, happy."

"This is the real battle. When several people fight together, it's like children playing house."

"Boss 6666, the big move just now took at least a hundred heads, and the honor is soaring."

Li Yunze's team did not act with the large army, but fought the autumn wind outside.

It's not that Li Yunze and the others are cowardly, but that their number is too small, only 14, oh, no, only 13 people are on the front line, so it's hard to play a big role.

Just like Yeying Meteor, taking advantage of professional advantages alone to steal the remaining blood players of the tribe in the rear, the contribution provided is stronger than that of Brainless Rush.

"Mill, don't rush too fast, I can't add your blood." Chun said to Millhouse.

As expected of a law-breaker, life and death are indifferent, and he will do it if he refuses to accept it.

Millhouse: "There are only fallen lawbreakers, there are no retreating lawbreakers."

Li Yunze smiled when he heard his words, if he was given a flash skill book, this guy would be able to charge even faster.

In the past, the Fearless Mercenary Corps only had one healer, but now that there are more of them, follow me home, and the two healers greatly increased Li Yunze's combat effectiveness.

"If you encounter a large group, withdraw."

Li Yunze is not without brains. When encountering a small group, fight. When encountering a large group of hundreds of people, fight according to the situation.When encountering a large regiment formed by several regiments, withdraw immediately without making unnecessary sacrifices.

Now, the 5% experience lost in one death is not as valuable as the equipment, and a piece of platinum and gold equipment on his body exploded, causing a heavy loss.

"Boss, how do I feel, those tribes are so weak." Said after beating a tribe to death.

Li Yunze said: "The reason is very simple, selfishness."

"Selfishness?" Runaway Char Siu Bao was puzzled.

Feng Dao outside: "If I were to go out with a large army, I would replace the equipment on my body with rough quality equipment, and would not wear the best equipment on my body."

Suddenly realized: "Haha, so that's the case, why didn't I think of it. If I didn't follow the boss, I guess I would do the same. The honor belongs to everyone, and the equipment belongs to me. I don't believe that if it explodes, others will be kind enough to return it." Give me."

Due to large group battles, it is easy to die, and most players will not be willing to put on the best equipment.

Runaway Barbecued Pork Bun feels that the tribe is weak. That's because the tribe players they meet basically wear rough and ordinary quality equipment.

In fact, on the side of the alliance, there are also many players who play like this. It is difficult for ordinary players to get a piece of high-quality equipment, and they are not willing to wear it out to die.

Li Yunze's equipment, facing such an opponent, is almost like a god of war, people block and kill, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

"It's boring, it's just the honor value. None of the equipment I picked up is valuable." Timo said dissatisfied.

Players are not stupid. Since the equipment is replaced with garbage, there will be no items in the backpack, and all must be deposited in the bank.

So, Li Yunze and the others killed countless tribes, but they didn't find a single valuable item, and the backpack was filled with a pile of ordinary quality equipment.As for rough-quality equipment, don't pick them all up, it's a waste of backpack slots.Ordinary quality equipment can be disassembled and used as enchanting materials.

Instead of worrying about exploding equipment, everyone fought more openly. According to the current rhythm, this battle can last at least three days and three nights.

"Another Horde has arrived."

"There are a lot of people, more than 60, haha, here comes the honor."

Li Yunze and the others finished cleaning the battlefield, and half a regiment of tribes appeared in front of them.

As long as you don't meet the main group of the tribal grand guild, ordinary players from other tribes will give them honor.

Faction wars are like this, either you will give me honor, or I will give you honor, and everyone will give each other honor.

Killing all year round is very fun: "I don't know where the main team led by Feng Guo Wuhen is. I really want to fight him."

Li Yunze didn't tell everyone about his defeat of Fengguo Wuhen, there's no need to talk about it, in his opinion, it wasn't a victory if he didn't kill Fengguo Wuhen.

"One day, we will meet."

Li Yunze learned from Feihua Xueying and Gucheng in the First World War that Fengguowuhen's Shengshi Dynasty group is on the frontal battlefield, and First Heaven has already fought against them.As a result of the fight between the two sides, there was no result, and the fight was 55.

The half-group tribe coming from the opposite side saw that Li Yunze and the others were only 13 people, and they were very excited: "Hurry up, everyone, don't let them go."

They obviously regarded Li Yunze's 13 people as the honor value of mobile.

The corners of Li Yunze's mouth rose, and he rushed forward: "Chun, set me up."

Chun Li immediately put a shield on Li Yunze, and also added a stamina buff to him, which can increase his HP ability by 5 times.

After working with Li Yunze and the others for a long time, I already understood that the core of the team is Li Yunze.

When Li Yunze charged, come home with me to restore him.

Li Yunze went up, how could the mercenary group's melee fights be restrained, and they charged together.

"Soul, save a few more for me."

Directly use charge to catch up with Li Yunze's pace throughout the year.

The wind outside is the guardian knight, and there is no charge. However, the guardian knight can jump, and can jump a distance of 20 yards.

Xia and Yufeng like the combination of partners. A cheetah druid and a giant bear druid can cause headaches for opponents.

"I feel that Mi Er has to die again." The violent charred pork bun shot an arrow.

The most unrestrained member of the whole team is still Millhouse, the mage who rushed forward to fight melee, see you soon.

There are 13 people in the team, and only Millhouse has died.

"Mier, I'll help you." Timo is not meow, worried that Millhouse will die again, and rushes to help.

Qiu moved closer to Dong and assisted Dong in attacking. Ice Mage and Beastmaster Hunter attacked a target at the same time, and the equipment advantage could kill the target in an instant.

Runaway Char Siu Bun imitated Qiu and leaned over to Qiye Huichun: "Qiye, brother is here to help you second."

Seven Nights Rejuvenation is not polite: "Get lost."

Suddenly, Millhouse roared, "For the alliance!"

Spellbreakers can use staffs, daggers, and one-handed swords, just like other mages.

Millhouse used a one-handed sword, the main technique was the one-handed sword, and a book in the off-hand.Rushing into the crowd, slashing with a sword and smashing a book at the same time, the damage is all legal damage, and the skills are all instant, fierce as a tiger.

The Horde had never seen such a brave mage before. Millhouse's performance made them a little suspicious that this was an enhancement shaman lurking in the alliance.

"Fuck, mages are so fierce, I, a warrior, can't lose."

There is a lot of pressure on Millhouse's style of play throughout the year. A fighter can't beat a mage in melee. It can't be justified.

"Come on, let the honor come more, for the alliance, kill!"

Li Yunze's crusade swept across, and basically killed this group of tribal players in tattered clothes.

The honor value is rising steadily. According to this trend, when the first battle is over, his honor value is estimated to be directly promoted to corporal.

(End of this chapter)

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