deep in time

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 (2)
The bell for the fourth period of class rang throughout the campus.

Those who gathered in twos and threes in the corridor, and those crowded in front of the canteen, soon dispersed and flowed into their respective classes. The bustling campus fell silent like tired birds returning to their nests.

There is a small forest on the right side of the library. I don’t know what kind of trees are planted. There are leaves on the ground, which are crispy and crunchy when stepped on, like a black forest cake.When Baili passed by the grove, he felt that it was a little cool under the shade of the tree, and was about to walk quickly, when he caught a gray-blue figure in the corner of his sight.She subconsciously stepped on the thick leaves and ran over.

Sure enough, after bypassing several rows of big trees, Baili saw Cheng Lichen.

The boy put his hands in his trouser pockets, leaning against the trunk of a big tree, looking up at the sky, like a puppet with no expression.

"Awkward", "I'm ashamed to put on airs"-the words that came up in an instant were not so beautiful.Baili slowed down and walked over: "Cheng Lichen—" his tone became stern unconsciously.

Cheng Lichen kept his head motionless and upward, as if he hadn't heard anything.Just when Baili was about to walk to him, the boy suddenly turned his back to the girl.

"Come back with me, they are all looking for you." Baili sighed, quite helplessly.

"Leave me alone." He replied coldly and stubbornly.

"No one wants to care about you." Baili's face was not so good-looking, "No matter what, you shouldn't let everyone worry about you."

"Worried about me? Who will worry about me? Everyone you mentioned, including you?" After a pause, Cheng Lichen showed a strong sense of sarcasm, and whispered, "If you don't say it, you are also slandering it in your heart." Me. Like me, beating my own brother, causing trouble all day long, poor grades and poor popularity, who will worry about me? As long as I don't cause trouble, my dad will be very popular."

"Cheng Lichen, stop making trouble." Baili stroked his forehead, feeling a headache.

The boy's back was straight, like a javelin, and his voice was indifferent, he asked slowly and word by word: "Baili, you also think I am making trouble for no reason, I am ignorant, is it right?" ?"

In the lonely woods, on the golden fallen leaves all over the ground, the tall boy gave people an extraordinarily lonely and fragile feeling.Baili frowned slightly.She wanted to say "I didn't," but she knew she couldn't fool anyone because that's what she thought.She couldn't bear to say "yes", because she vaguely felt that this sentence might be the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Cheng Lichen didn't wait for the girl's answer, and finally turned around and took a look——

The sun sifted through the gaps in the trees, wrapping warmly on the girl's body, so bright and warm.He thought, maybe he shouldn't expect girls to understand him and support him at all, because people like him are only worthy of standing in the dark.

At this moment, he just thought "I have to get out of here quickly", the boy's face was as cold as usual, but his eyes were filled with a grayness that the sun could not reach.He felt that his cheeks were a little cold, so he quickly turned around and took a few steps forward.

Baili almost thought he had misread it—the ten-thousand-year-old iceberg in front of him seemed to be... crying?
On the basketball court in the distance, the students in physical education class were practicing shooting. The sound of basketball hitting was heard, like a messy and unstructured heartbeat.

Seeing that the boy was about to leave, Baili subconsciously ran after him, stretched out his hand and grabbed the boy's sleeve forcefully.The boy froze and didn't turn around, Baili finally sensed something was wrong, she bit her lip in confusion: "Cheng Lichen, please stop making trouble, okay?"

It was obviously the same thing as what I said before, but because the girl's tone softened, it carried a hint of pleading.

The boy flicked his sleeves, but didn't shake them off. He turned his head and saw Baili's serious and sincere eyes. Looking down, he saw the girl's slightly white fingers from grabbing his sleeves so hard.

"Go back." Baili's tone was very light, like a dandelion seed, gently brushing towards him, soft and itchy.Tears finally couldn't help but fall down.Feeling ashamed, the boy quickly shook off his hand as if being scalded, and took a few steps forward.

The grove was as quiet as a small airtight box, but the subdued, childish, and wronged sobs slowly sounded, like fine sand, permeating into the cochlea bit by bit.

——Like rewinding a movie, the time goes back an hour.

The overturned desks, the turbulent crowd, Ji Nan who was helped away by several boys, his head hanging limply to his chest, Baili looked at him for the last time... There seemed to be a pure black and deep... The whirlpool was going to suck him in.But in fact, this scene was only tens of seconds, and he was surrounded by groups of people.Who is the man at the head?He didn't see clearly, those eyes showed contempt and disdain as if looking at a dog.

"Scum. You fucking are a scum."

He heard low cursing sounds, at first it was just one or two voices, and then gradually it was like a tidal wave, rushing towards him.After that, there was a strong boy's fist, and it spread as fast as the plague. Many fists greeted him, but it didn't seem to hurt him at all, so he didn't resist, just stood there, letting himself be beaten Fist and kick together.Pushed and shoved by the crowd, he couldn't stand still, fell to the ground, slowly hugged his head, and curled up.

Maybe the beating happened in a short period of time, he didn't know, his mind was in chaos.After a while, those who beat him dispersed, he struggled to get up, and walked out through the back door of the classroom.It was probably class time, and there was no one in the corridor, so he took a secluded path and entered the toilet next to the lover's forest.

In the small toilet exuding a strange smell, he took the water and took off his school uniform to get wet. There were a few clear footprints on the back of the school uniform, but he didn't care. He just wiped his face slowly. Dazzling, only then did I feel the pain.There were pain points everywhere behind the ear, at the corner of the right eye, on the lips, on the arm, and on the waist. When he touched it lightly, the pain in those places flooded.

"Good fight! It's time to fight!" A soft, low voice whimpered to himself in the toilet.

When he saw Baili, his first reaction was to hide.He didn't want to be seen in such a distressed state.Especially her.

But the pace of leaving couldn't help but slow down, so he asked Baili to find him.He couldn't understand whether he slowed down on purpose, waiting for Baili to catch up, waiting for Baili to come and condemn her, or was he harboring a small expectation—hoping that she would give him some strength to forgive himself?

When he was a child, once during the Spring Festival, he and a group of children lit firecrackers on the street to play.A bag of red firecrackers with five small cylinders, the sound of a bang is a sound of nature to the little boy.There was a squib that didn't sound for a long time. When he walked over to look at it, the squib suddenly exploded. The firecracker that hit the small vent of the iron cover of the sewer created a huge momentum and knocked the iron cover away. He happened to be hit by the cover , hit two meters away.His right ankle was knocked off.

"There was a child who died because of lighting firecrackers."——The annoyance that arose in my heart at the beginning gradually turned into fear in the vivid narration of the adults.

If you don't play with firecrackers, if you don't go to see Squibs stupidly, if you don't play with this group of children... at this time, all that overflows from the heart is regret.

I don't know if my right leg will be lame after it heals—my mother couldn't sleep for several nights with such worries.It wasn't a happy year either.So that year's New Year's wish also changed from "hurry up and grow taller than the brother next door" to "it's just as good as this thing didn't happen".

If only this hadn't happened.

Such an impulsive self seemed to have been eaten up by bugs.

The boy was sitting on the hospital bed with a needle hanging on his arm, looking at the ceiling boredly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Until a group of people rushed in.The boys found a place to sit down one after another, looked at Jinan's leaky teeth, and couldn't help laughing for a while—"Jinan, you are entering old age early because you have to get your teeth hahahaha", "Do you want a diamond inlaid? Feel free to donate a dollar or two to support.”Ji Nan always smiled with a good temper, as if he wasn't the one who lost his teeth.

A group of people laughed and ate lunch called by Ji Nan's mother in the hospital, and finally the nurse who couldn't stand it anymore asked them to leave with the reason that "other patients were disturbed".

While waving his hands to do other things, a boy deliberately slowed down, lagging behind the crowd, leaned down next to Ji Nan's ear, and whispered: "We have already taught that kid a lesson for you, beat him to death Pig head. I've seen him displeased for a long time, let's see if he dares to be so mean in the future!" Then he patted Ji Nan on the shoulder and left with a "You're welcome" expression.

The noisy ward was suddenly emptied, and the boy couldn't react, and then he remembered what the guy said just now.

Cheng Lichen was severely taught a lesson.

He picked up the mobile phone placed by the bed, and pressed his finger on the screen for a long time, but he didn't press it down.

"What are you doing? You kid doesn't lie down and rest, what kind of mobile phone are you playing with?" Ji's mother came in annoyed, took the mobile phone from her son, and put it in the drawer next to the hospital bed.

What is the most frustrating thing you heard in school?

Exam tomorrow.

Make up classes this Saturday and Sunday.

The teacher pointed to the scores that were far from passing and asked you to go back and sign for the parents.

This is true for most people, but there are exceptions.

Seven-year-old Dang Guoguo stroked the ink-scented textbooks and the old but warm desks. The joy in her heart had not completely faded. She happily went to the podium to introduce herself, but she just started: "I am Dang Guoguo." Guoguo..." The classroom was suddenly full of whispers.

"Ah, her surname is 'Dang'..."

"What a strange surname, is there such a surname?"

The children below were just talking about it out of curiosity. They didn't notice that the smiling face of the little girl surnamed Dang on the podium suddenly collapsed, and tears gradually flooded her eyes.

"Teacher, why is her surname Dang?"

"Oh, that's because Guoguo is a child of the orphanage, and he doesn't know what his last name is, so the orphanage gave them names, let them be named Dang or Guo..."

(End of this chapter)

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