Chapter 319
These two figures are none other than Zeng Yifan and Li Shaoyun.

At this moment, in the eyes of the two of them, Dong Zhengping's twisted and ferocious face was covered with a thick layer of mist, and there was such a blackness in the earthy yellow, which looked extremely disgusting.

This khaki-black mist is a sign of madness.That's exactly what they need to address.

Omens of madness generally only appear in people who are mentally disturbed, and the darker the color, the higher the degree of madness.Madness can stimulate the great potential of the human body, just as many mentally ill patients will always become infinitely powerful once they go mad.

Just like Dong Zhengping at the moment.Normally, he is not so powerful.But at this moment, it is indeed enough to block four.

Dong Zhengping was hit by Zeng Yifan and Li Shaoyun, instead of getting angry, he was even happier. He stared at Zeng Yifan and giggled, "Do you want to play together?"

Afterwards, Dong Zhengping stretched out his hand out of nowhere, dragged a criminal policeman who was frightened into a fool in the car, and wanted to tear him apart with his bare hands.

"These toys are not fun." Zeng Yifan happily shook his head following Dong Zhengping's mood, "Let's play together, shall we?"

"Not fun? No, just pull him like this..." Dong Zhengping continued to laugh, pinching the policeman's neck with one hand, and gently pulling the policeman's arm out with the other.

There was only a "crack" sound, obviously, the criminal policeman's arm was dislocated.

The criminal policeman yelled and passed out from the pain.

"Look, he can scream." Dong Zhengping pouted and continued, "If you pull hard, it will still bleed. Do you want to see it?"

Zeng Yifan was terrified watching from the sidelines, this Dong Zhengping was crazy, but the power in his hands should not be underestimated, if it wasn't for the fear of accidentally injuring the criminal policeman in his hands, and the fear of revealing that he had regained the ability to control water , he had already greeted the ice pick.

"Tch, this is also called fun." Zeng Yifan curled his lips calmly and said, "Just play with me and you'll know."

As he said that, he moved his body and swooped towards Dong Zhengping. At the same time, Li Shaoyun also jumped out from the side and dragged the criminal policeman in the car over.

"Haha, it's fun, it's fun, you run so fast!" Dong Zhengping laughed, and with a wave of his hand, he threw the unconscious policeman at Zeng Yifan.

Zeng Yifan leaned to the side, grabbed the policeman's body with his right hand, and pinched it to the waist, and the forward speed did not slow down at all.

Dong Zhengping seemed to be very happy, laughing so much that he clapped his hands and stomped his feet. Every time he stomped, a piece of cement on the ground cracked.Seeing that Zeng Yifan was about to rush in front of him, Dong Zhengping suddenly jumped up and stomped hard on the ground with both feet.

With this stomp, all the shattered cement blocks on the ground were shaken into the air. Dong Zhengping's movements were also fast. Before he could stand still, his right foot kicked out a large piece of cement like kicking a ball.

The cement block went straight to Zeng Yifan's forehead like a fired shell.

"Go on!" Zeng Yifan flicked his right hand, and threw the criminal policeman to Li Shaoyun, and at the same time leaned back to avoid the cement block.

Dong Zhengping missed a single blow, and became even more energetic, kicking and kicking, all the big and small cement blocks flew towards Zeng Yifan.

"Damn! Do you think you are Beckham?!" Zeng Yifan smashed a few pieces away with his fist, "I'm not a goal!"

Cursing, scolding, Dong Zhengping didn't care so much, he continued to compete with Zeng Yifan red-eyed, like a child who found a new thing.

Zeng Yifan yelled and smashed the cement blocks, which seemed a bit exaggerated, but Li Shaoyun who was at the side had disappeared.

Woowa... There was a sharp siren sound in the distance. Dong Zhengping was startled by the siren sound, and his movements were half a beat slow.

Hoo--pa--Li Shaoyun suddenly flew out from the shadow of the alley, flipped upside down in the air, and kicked out with both feet, right on Dong Zhengping's shoulders.

Seeing this, Zeng Yifan immediately flew up from the ground, hit Dong Zhengping's knee with both feet, and hit him hard.

The strength of the combined attack of the two was extraordinary, and Dong Zhengping was thrown into the air by this force, and his body obviously couldn't use his strength anymore.

Huh—— Li Shaoyun immediately stretched out his left hand, and cut Dong Zhengping's cervical spine with his palm.Zeng Yifan seized his body and swung him down, pushing him to the ground.

It took less than a minute for the two to cooperate with each other, and Dong Zhengping, who had been mad just now, suddenly turned into a puddle of mud.

"They're almost here." Li Shaoyun said, and then disappeared into the night.

At the scene, there were two injured, two criminal police officers who were so frightened that they almost peed their pants, Dong Zhengping who was collapsed on the ground, and Zeng Yifan who was like a normal person.

But at this moment, Dong Zhengping's body no longer had that layer of yellowish-black mist.

Chirp - chirp -, several police cars stopped at the entrance of the alley, and Liu Ziheng rushed into the alley with several criminal policemen.

"Why are you here?!" Liu Ziheng yelled at Zeng Yifan.

Zeng Yifan stared at Liu Ziheng with wide-eyed eyes and said innocently, "This is my home, so I'm not surprised if I'm not here, okay?" After speaking, he looked at the criminal police who were lying on the ground and said, "Don't look at it first. Look at your subordinates? They seem to have been beaten badly."

"It's you?!" Liu Ziheng knew that at least one of them was seriously injured with just one glance.If Zeng Yifan made a move in the middle, he would be able to take him down immediately.

"How is that possible, ha ha." Zeng Yifan smiled awkwardly, pointed to Dong Zhengping who was paralyzed on the ground, and said, "A lunatic with terrifying strength."

"Whether it has anything to do with you or not, I'll know soon." Liu Ziheng said disdainfully, and at the same time signaled to his subordinates to transport those injured policemen away.

Zeng Yifan shrugged his shoulders, his action was completely provocative to Liu Ziheng.

Sure enough, after looking around for a week, Liu Ziheng also discovered that the position they were standing in happened to be a blind spot of the Skynet project, and the only camera that could be seen was blocked by the dense tree branches on the side of the road.

"We will have a chance to meet again." Liu Ziheng finally said angrily.

"Cooperation between the police and the public is a must." Zeng Yifan sarcastically said.


Because of this accident, because the suspect was identified as suffering from intermittent mental illness, and because there was no evidence to prove that Zeng Yifan was involved in this incident, this case became another death case.

In addition, after several days of stalking Zeng Yifan, nothing was found. Yang Yufeng also gave Liu Ziheng a clear order not to allow him to mobilize the police force to monitor.

Liu Ziheng's office.

"I didn't prevent him from doing this trick. It really kills two birds with one stone!" Liu Ziheng angrily threw the ashtray on the table to the ground.

"The main chief is always protecting that kid, it's really hateful." The criminal policeman Lao Wu has been with Liu Ziheng for many years, and he is very familiar with the incompatible relationship between him and Guan Chengjie, and he also knows how much he wants to find a breakthrough from Zeng Yifan at this moment. Let's add insult to injury to Guan Chengjie, who is already in prison.

"In that case, let's muddy the water a little more..." Liu Ziheng's eyes revealed a cold light.

(End of this chapter)

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