Urban Feng Shui Master

Chapter 320 The God of Plague Arrives

Chapter 320 The God of Plague Arrives
Some people were invited into the police station while walking, and some people were invited into the police station while drinking, but Zeng Yifan, Li Shaoyun, and A Duo were going to eat hot pot right now, and they hadn't started eating yet. He went into the police station.

This hot pot restaurant is opened by a couple, and the business has been good. Regardless of the size of the store, it is crowded with customers who come to eat hot pot every night.There are also many guests tonight, and the couple are very busy.It is said that their bottom material has a secret recipe, so there are many repeat customers.

Of course, all of this was before Zeng Yifan and the others entered the shop.When they went in, there was only one little brother in charge of serving food left in the shop, sitting behind the counter staring at his phone.

Strange, where did the owner couple and other guests go?

In fact, they didn't go far, and all nested in the back alley.

There were thirteen guests, the owner and his wife, and these fifteen people lined up against the wall, their heads drooping on their chests, dead.

Ordinarily, no one goes to this alley. It just so happened that a customer from the shop next door got drunk and got into the alley to vomit.

So, the police came, and Zeng Yifan and the others who "just happened" to stay in the store became suspects.

"You are such a plague god, you are responsible for every case..." The leader of the team was Lao Wu from the criminal police team. When he entered the store, he saw Zeng Yifan and Li Shaoyun standing there.And A Duo was very "professional" to check the causes of death of several people there.

Zeng Yifan was not very surprised to see them, he pulled A Duo, and Li Shaoyun, and got into the police car cooperatively.

"You don't have to drag me into the water just to prove that you haven't recovered." Li Shaoyun said dissatisfied.He really didn't want to be questioned by the police and locked up in that empty detention room.

"I like being with Yifan, no matter what the reason is." A Duo said coquettishly.

"There is always a complete set of acting..." Zeng Yifan smiled wryly.

The car arrived at the police station very quickly. After the transcripts and evidence collection, the three of them were brought into the interrogation room by criminal police officer Lao Wu, where the director Yang Yufeng sat there alone.

"Ju Yang." Zeng Yifan smiled and nodded at Yang Yufeng, not surprised by his appearance.

Yang Yufeng waved his hands at the three of them, signaling them to sit down, but Old Wu who was beside him had already gone out and closed the door behind him.

"Accident at a ramen restaurant, case of an unknown female corpse at a garbage dump, murder of a fugitive, kidnapping at a telecommunications office, murder of Guan Chengjie, murder in a red-light district, case of Dong Zhengping attacking the police, vicious murder at a hotpot restaurant...every case is related to you." It's related, and it's getting worse." Yang Yufeng counted a large stack of files in front of him, "Zeng Yifan, can you tell me how to deal with these headless cases?!"

The voice was sonorous and powerful, and the three of them felt the strong coercion of Yang Yufeng. It was obvious that he was really angry.

"This has nothing to do with us, Yifan! What are you policemen doing? You've wronged good people!" A Duohuo stood up.The bureau chief actually said that about Zeng Yifan, believe it or not, she would let a snake bite him to death right now!
Zeng Yifan quickly grabbed A Duo, who was also angry, and then turned to Yang Yufeng and said, "I'm sorry for causing you trouble at work, and I didn't know that I would be involved in these incidents."

I don't know if it was because of Zeng Yifan's sincere attitude, or because he knew that A Duo was really not easy to mess with, Yang Yufeng's attitude eased a lot.

"I asked the forensics department to review. The evidence at the scene shows that you have not been to the scene before the case, but you know what happened and what will happen at the scene very well."

Zeng Yifan shrugged his shoulders noncommittally, as if he didn't quite understand what he meant.

"In other words: you have foreseen the occurrence of every case." Yang Yufeng simply broke the point.

"That sounds like fun."

"You don't have to deny it, and I'm not curious." Yang Yufeng lit a cigarette and continued, "But I hope our city can be stable and harmonious."

"From a personal point of view, I also like stability and harmony." Zeng Yifan touched the corner of his eyebrows, "However, I can only promise to take care of myself."

The dialogue between the two reached a stalemate, Li Shaoyun secretly sighed aside, Zeng Yifan did not take the initiative to kill anyone, but many people died indirectly because of him.

Although they tried to save people, including Dong Zhengping, who would have been silenced, if they hadn't taken action, he would have been a corpse at this moment.But because of Dong Zhengping, at least two criminal policemen were injured, which has to be said to be a helpless exchange.

Yang Yufeng continued to smoke, his eyes fixed on Zeng Yifan.He admitted that he has an extraordinary affection for the young man in front of him, but this young man has brought too many killings to the city.He thinks that he is not a favoritism person, if possible, he would like to put Zeng Yifan in the strictest cell in the detention center right now.

Come to think of it, it was not unreasonable for Guan Chengjie to pay so much attention to him.

But what about the evidence?Yang Yufeng, who has been engaged in public security work for more than 30 years, is troubled by what he pays most attention to.

"No matter what, I hope you can try your best to avoid similar cases from happening again." Yang Yufeng pressed out his cigarette butt, "Otherwise, I will spare no effort of police force and resources to ensure that you are no longer related to any case."

After the loud words fell, Yang Yufeng stood up and walked out of the interrogation room without looking back.

Five minutes later, criminal policeman Lao Wu came in, took Zeng Yifan and others to make another statement, and then sent them out of the police station.

In this regard, Old Wu felt that he was really useless. For such a big incident, 13 people died. The director still favored this kid, and asked the forensics department to conduct an inspection immediately.Such a good opportunity doesn't even matter for 24 hours.

But there was nothing he could do about it, he could only deliberately delay for some time while going through the formalities.

When the three of Zeng Yifan came out of the police station, it was already one o'clock in the night.

But they were not in a hurry to return to Zeng Yifan's residence, but walked slowly along the main road.

"It seems that they didn't arrange surveillance personnel." A Duo approached Zeng Yifan and said.

"Director Yang is a smart man." Zeng Yifan said lazily, "He won't do such a meaningless thing."

"Then why do you want us to accompany you wandering around the street?" A Duo said with wide-eyed eyes.

"I'm thinking about something." Zeng Yifan said solemnly, "The cool night breeze is good for thinking."

A Duo is not stupid. In such a cold weather, Zeng Yifan took them for a leisurely walk on the road, and his purpose was definitely not to think about anything.

Li Shaoyun walked slowly like Zeng Yifan from the beginning to the end, and their steps were exactly the same.

The "aura of failure" on Zeng Yifan and the "aura of madness" in Dong Zhengping's body had already been eliminated. Next, when Yuan Gang and the others thought Zeng Yifan hadn't recovered and relaxed, they had to quickly find the next target.

Saving people is much more difficult than killing people in most cases.

(End of this chapter)

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