Urban Feng Shui Master

Chapter 338 Fighting the Female Corpse

Chapter 338 Fighting the Female Corpse
I thought that if the female corpse was attacked, it would immediately go mad and attack the two of them, and the two of them also concentrated on fighting.Unexpectedly, it did not fight back immediately, but followed the place where the hair was knocked down to find it.After searching around, I finally found the thick mass of hair and put it on my head.

Zeng Yifan and Zhao Dapeng looked at each other, I dare say this is a master who loves beauty even after death.

However, the slap just now was really hard enough, a large piece of the female corpse's forehead sank directly, and the stinky brains in the head also squeezed out from the crack that was slapped open, and the whole space was extremely stench.

"Yifan, don't you know how to draw talismans? I've seen on TV that you have to put talismans on your foreheads to deal with this kind of zombies!
"This kind of thing will never be taken away, and the king of Hades will be worried when he sees it. Today we can only fight hard." Zeng Yifan said.It's not that he didn't think about getting a talisman, but on this island, all the feng shui energy is useless, so the female corpse must not be dealt with with a talisman.

Seeing Zeng Yifan's bright eyes, Zhao Dapeng was also encouraged, and joined the battle with an engineering shovel in his hand.

He jumped forward suddenly, jumped in front of the female corpse, grabbed it by the neck, grabbed an object, and then ran back quickly.The force of this grab was not small, almost tore off the cervical spine of the female corpse, and her head almost fell to the ground.Because the neck is also connected to the cervical vertebrae, the flesh of the neck has long since rotted and dried out, like a pile of rags tangled up between the head and the shoulders.

Zhao Dapeng proudly showed Zeng Yifan what he got: "This thing looks quite valuable."

It was a beautiful necklace, it shone very crystal in the light

"I said, can you stop being so picky? There is a pile of gold and silver objects at the door opposite, which one is not worth more than this? Is it worth robbing someone? Besides, she...isn't she still wearing a watch? You go and see if it's a word. ?” Zeng Yifan sarcastically said.

Zhao Dapeng suddenly felt that the object in his hand was light: "Damn it, how could I forget this!" After finishing speaking, he rushed out with the engineering shovel.

As a result, when the shovel was thrown down, the woman's body was not hit, but the shovel was blown away, and Zhao Dapeng's tiger's mouth was also shaken painfully.

The opponent wasn't ready for Zeng Yifan's surprise attack just now, once he was ready, let alone a sapper shovel, even bullets wouldn't be able to penetrate it.This is the case with zombies or walking corpses. If you don't get their deadly parts, it won't work at all!
Anyway, death is nothing more than two kinds, one is heart death and the other is brain death, either the heart or the brain, these two places are the only ones, fight!
"To the head, or to the heart!" Zeng Yifan commanded

Zhao Dapeng nodded: "Understood!"

However, just as the two were about to make a move, the female corpse had already jumped up, and with two powerful front paws, Zeng Yifan was pushed down to the ground, and the big mouth full of rancidity was directly moved towards it!
Zeng Yifan felt the rotting corpse oil dripping on his face and body.He struggled desperately, grabbed the skeleton of the female corpse and pulled it out, but found that it was useless at all.Only now did he know what it means to shake a tree!
Damn, he actually attacked himself first!
Zeng Yifan hurriedly shouted: "Zhao Dapeng, save me quickly, you are being molested!"

Zhao Dapeng was not nervous when he heard the words, and said leisurely: "You guys make out first, I'll go and see the good things over there."

Zeng Yifan really wanted to beat Zhao Dapeng to death at that time, but his hands were holding onto the skeleton of the female corpse, and he couldn't get away at all.

Just when I could already smell the stench and bloody smell from this thing's mouth, I could only hear it suddenly groaning and jumping away.

Zeng Yifan was relieved, but found that Zhao Dapeng was in trouble.

It turned out that at the critical moment just now, Zhao Dapeng randomly picked up something and swung the female corpse's ass firmly.

Because of this, the female corpse gave up Zeng Yifan and went straight to Zhao Dapeng.

This is the characteristic of Zhao Dapeng, because he is fat on weekdays, he feels tired after walking a lot, but at critical moments, he is flexible and fast.I saw him constantly circling with the female corpse in the relatively wide cave, but he was not caught at last.

Zeng Yifan was not idle at the moment, he quickly picked up the engineering shovel, and pried open several boxes in a large pile of moisture-proof boxes, looking for a weapon at hand.While looking for it, he encouraged Zhao Dapeng: "I told you to slap women's butts, something happened now? It's funny that they didn't sue you for sexual harassment!"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Dapeng shouted while running: "I'm dying, you should find a way!"

"Here!" Zeng Yifan found a small submachine gun from a box, and threw it at Zhao Dapeng.

"The thing you gave me is broken!" Zhao Dapeng immediately pulled the trigger when he received the gun, but the gun didn't move at all. It turned out that the gun had been used for a long time and the trigger had rusted to death.

Seeing this, Zeng Yifan could only pick up the engineering shovel and chase after him.So, the female corpse chased Zhao Dapeng, Zeng Yifan chased the female corpse, and ran in circles in this big venue, the scene was quite lively.

After running for a few more minutes, both of them couldn't move anymore.

"Zhao Dapeng, lead your wife to me!" Zeng Yifan stopped and shouted.

Zhao Dapeng didn't care about talking to Zeng Yifan, and ran towards where he was standing.

The female corpse is not like the Chinese zombies, who run like a jump and jump, but they are like normal people, running on two legs at a very fast speed.Zeng Yifan held the engineering shovel tightly, staring at the female corpse, ready to go.

When Zhao Dapeng came to him out of breath, Zeng Yifan was already ready and slapped him with a shovel.It is estimated that the head of the female corpse can be directly shot away.

Unexpectedly, when the female corpse arrived in front of her, she suddenly jumped and jumped over Zeng Yifan's head, and then directly pressed Zhao Dapeng under her body.

Zeng Yifan slapped nothing, almost flicked his arm, and immediately turned around to slap the head of the female corpse on Zhao Dapeng.

But it didn't work at all, the female corpse continued to want to retaliate and sexually assault Zhao Dapeng just like a normal person.

In desperation, Zeng Yifan had no choice but to think of a move, immediately grabbed the wig of the female corpse, put it on the engineer shovel, and flung it away.

This trick really worked, the female corpse first let go of the skeleton hand that was pinching Zhao Dapeng's neck, then immediately got up to chase the hair, Zeng Yifan quickly helped Zhao Dapeng up, and ran to the gun box.

The two of them don't know how to use a gun, and, in such a small place, who knows how powerful the gun is, when the time comes, the female corpse is not killed, but accidentally injured her own.But in addition to firing bullets, this gun can also be used to launch attacks with a swing.

I saw Zeng Yifan picked up a pistol, swung it round and threw it at the woman's corpse, hitting her head just in time.

However, with this smash, the female corpse only shook twice and was not injured at all.Her eyes were red, obviously Zeng Yifan's surprise attack had angered her.She roared like a wild beast, and her appearance was even uglier and more terrifying.

She flicked back the hair she had put back on, and pressed the four skeleton claws to the ground. It could be seen that she was gaining momentum and planning to organize a big attack.

(End of this chapter)

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