Urban Feng Shui Master

Chapter 339 Undead Giant Rat

Chapter 339 Undead Giant Rat
Just before the female corpse launched an attack, Zhao Dapeng picked up something from the ground and threw it at it. The object passed in front of the female corpse, but was caught in the female corpse's hand.

The two of them were prepared to continue fighting with her, but if they couldn't do it, they could disassemble her, or kick them to the bottom of the water. Isn't there such a small fish at the bottom of the water?The kind that eats corpses must love this big thing.

Unexpectedly, the female corpse took Zhao Dapeng and threw the thing over and stopped attacking.The two of them looked carefully and found out that what Zhao Dapeng threw was a round mirror, and the woman started combing her hair in front of the mirror again!Just put the two of them aside.

What is rhythm?This is totally an insult!
"Zhao Dapeng, should we take this opportunity to launch a counterattack?"

When Zhao Dapeng heard this, he said in embarrassment: "When a lady is grooming, generally don't bother her, it's very rude..."

After finishing speaking, his eyes suddenly widened: "Yifan, you...look! That female corpse's belly!"

Immediately Zeng Yifan also paid attention to the female corpse's belly, which was bulging. From the dilapidated and rotten body, it could be seen that there was a huge rat inside!

This is ridiculous!The mouse that was eaten just now was shot dead and resurrected before, and it was shot into meat sauce and eaten by the female corpse, and now it is resurrected in the female corpse's stomach!And rushing out desperately.

At this time, the female corpse screamed, and a giant rat about the size of a full-grown cat jumped out of the female corpse's abdomen.

The rotting viscera of the female corpse spilled all over the floor, but she didn't die, and instead fought with the giant rat.

"It's even more lively now, here comes another one!" Zeng Yifan said helplessly.

The giant rat may have just been reborn, and its physical strength was significantly better than that of the female corpse. Soon the female corpse was gnawed to pieces by the giant rat, and there was even less rotten flesh on her body.

Seeing that she couldn't beat the giant rat, she started to retreat, and just reached the water's edge, Zeng Yifan swung a submachine gun at it, and the female corpse fell into the water in response.

Only hearing the sound of Xi Suosuo, the two knew that the group of small fish had succeeded.

Seeing that the female corpse had fallen into the water, the giant mouse turned around and headed towards Zeng Yifan and Zhao Dapeng.

Suddenly, there was a loud gunshot.

Zhao Dapeng looked back and saw Zeng Yifan holding a shiny small submachine gun and shooting at the giant rat.

Because he had no shooting experience, both of Zeng Yifan's arms were numb after this sweep, and he almost couldn't hold the gun steady.

However, the power of the gun was indeed enormous, and the giant rat retreated a long way, almost falling into the water.

But this thing is also really powerful, probably because it has just gained energy, it quickly recovered its state, full of blood and rotten smell, and jumped towards the two of them.

"Old Zhao, you take one too!" Zeng Yifan then handed over another shiny small submachine gun.The weapons in this box are good. Although it can't be said that they can repel the giant rat immediately, the two of them can protect themselves at least.

Zhao Dapeng took the gun, tried to pull the safety catch, and fired at the giant mouse: "It really works! But, how did I become Lao Zhao?"

"You just said that you cut off all four legs of this mouse. If it can still stand up, you will call him old!"

Hearing this, Zhao Dapeng swept wildly at the giant rat, angrily said: "I keep my word! My business with it is not over yet! Don't change your mind in a hurry!"

Of course, this shuttle bullet did not cause fatal damage to the giant rat.

At this time, Zeng Yifan remembered that it was said on the Internet that when dealing with big prey such as Xiong Xiazi, it is best to hit the eye with one shot.Eyes are the death door of many animals. Once the eyes are broken, half of the prey's work is over, and there is basically no need to worry about the rest.

Then, in this critical situation, Zeng Yifan had no choice but to make eye contact.

But he soon discovered that this trick might not be effective, because the giant rat's actions didn't seem to rely on its eyes to perceive. Its eyes were the same as the eyes of the female corpse just now, gray and white, with no eyeballs.

I saw the giant rat's nose shrinking and shrinking to feel the surrounding air, and the two front teeth were like two huge shovels.Thinking about it, if he was bitten by this thing, he probably wouldn't die.

But anyway, let's talk first.

Zeng Yifan then aimed at the giant rat's eyes, and fired with a single shot, hitting it accurately.The bullet exploded, and a big hole appeared in the giant rat's head.The huge body fell down in response.

Zhao Dapeng immediately gave a thumbs up: "I haven't seen you in two months, I'm good at marksmanship!" Besides, this time I used a real gun, no different from the crossbow gun I used to deal with Xi Shu in the Rose Garden villa area.

At this moment, Zeng Yifan didn't dare to slack off at all, because he knew that this thing would not die so easily.

He held his gun, ready for the guy to bounce.

Sure enough, before the smoke from the muzzle dissipated, the giant rat sprang up again at an extremely fast speed.Zeng Yifan raised his gun and shot, this time hitting the giant rat in the neck.

The giant rat jumped and ran back a long distance, and soon survived the pain, but it was obviously seriously injured, and it was far less sensitive than before.It is estimated that this shot pierced the giant rat's left eye. This guy's cerebellum was traumatized, his balance and mobility were affected, and he was wobbly.

This undoubtedly increased the chances of winning for the two of them. It seemed that this guy's body was not monolithic.

But for such a big mouse, standing upright on two hind legs in front of the two of them is something very unusual in itself.But having said that, since everyone landed on this island, nothing has been normal!

Therefore, it is not too worried that the giant rat can't kill the two of them for a while. What if a series of blood-red numbers suddenly appear on the wall, followed by two awesome Chinese characters "document"!On the contrary, it feels abnormal.

Taking advantage of the giant rat's retreat, Zeng Yifan raised his gun again and hit it on the head, but this time the hit rate was not high.

But Zhao Dapeng is better at shooting things.Although he has never used a real gun before, but the aim is there, as long as he knows the performance of the gun, even if it is a moving target, he can hit the bull's-eye in minutes.

So, after observing for a while, Zhao Dapeng raised his gun and began to aim, and at the same time muttered: "Don't be a mother, something will be born in a while, and we two will be busy again."

After the words fell, a shot went out, straight to the head of the giant rat, and a huge smoke was instantly produced.

However, when the smoke cleared, the giant rat disappeared!

The two looked around the entire building, but found no trace of it at all.

"Zhao Dapeng, you are still the best. Once you shoot it, it is atomized without even a single hair!" Zeng Yifan's mouth twitched, and he also gave Zhao Dapeng a thumbs up.

(End of this chapter)

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