Urban Feng Shui Master

Chapter 394 Feng Tianming

Chapter 394 Feng Tianming

In the south, away from the position, the place where the stove is dry, look for bright halls and empty rooms, and look for people with big bellies.

The community square is very simple, without the usual sculptures, fountains and corridors, but the elegant ground laying and the open and closed layout reveal an atmosphere in the simplicity.

As the time approached noon, the community workers had already set up a row of long tables in the square, and many residents in the community came one after another, waiting for the snacks that Boss Feng routinely distributed.

Dangdang, a bell rang from the bell tower of the European-style building in the distance, just after twelve strikes, a middle-aged man in white clothes walked into the square surrounded by staff.

This man was about fifty, not tall, with an ordinary appearance, a fat stomach, small eyes, small mouth, small arms and legs, and if there was anything special about him, it would be a pair of protruding ears.He is Feng Tianming, the big owner and real estate developer in the community, known as Boss Feng.

Boss Feng greeted the surrounding residents with a smile and clasped his fists, while motioning for the staff to put the snacks in the cart on the long table.Those were some exquisite western-style pastries. Interestingly, the utensils used to hold these pastries were all authentic purple sand utensils.

Although there were quite a few people in the square, it was not the first time for most of the residents to participate, so the scene was orderly. Boss Feng stood at the side of the long table, watching the residents take the snacks from the staff, and smiled. I'd be happier than selling fifty neighborhoods.

However, this smile did not last long.

"I'm going to wrong Mr. Feng." Feng Tianming only felt a hard object suddenly hit his lower back, and a blunt voice came from his ear, "Please follow me to a place."

People who met He Chengdong thought he looked like an orangutan, but Cui Enying didn't think so.

He felt that He Chengdong was just an orangutan.

Without any climbing tools, climb up the knife-like cliffs with bare hands, and then climb up the towering ancient trees tens of meters high, and walk on the canopy like walking on the ground.

In fact, before He Chengdong's death, he took the initiative to find Cui Enying. At that time, he came to ask him for help. It was a small favor - to hide from enemies.

The northwest is a big land boundary, and many places are inaccessible. It is not too difficult to hide a company of orangutans, let alone He Chengdong alone.

Cui Enying is a foreigner with a strong background, and he was participating in a competition at that time, so it was not a big problem to hide He Cheng.But he didn't agree, because He Chengdong provoked a group of people this time, a group of people that Cui Enying could not afford to offend.

He Chengdong was also savvy, so he didn't get too entangled, and left immediately.

A week later, his body was found in Helan Mountain.

Cui Enying was not surprised by his death, but she always felt that something was wrong, so she went to see it immediately.But apart from seeing that this guy died rather ugly, there was nothing unusual about it.

He didn't tell others about the previous incident, and as for why, only he knew.

From the moment he got the questions for this round of competition, he understood why he felt something was wrong at the beginning. It turned out that He Chengdong was not dead.It seems that he found some kind of expert, and used other methods to escape the golden cicada.But on the surface, he had to pretend to be stupid, deliberately misunderstood the hexagrams, and even endured Yi Boer's ridicule.

On the side of the square, Boss Feng looked behind him in astonishment. He was a fashionable young man with a stud earring with a gossip pattern on his left ear.

"I don't know you." Boss Feng said in his mouth, instead of dodging, he leaned back, and the hard object on his waist pressed even tighter.

"Don't try it, it's not a gun." Cui Enying whispered, "But I can guarantee that you will never want to be hit by it."

Boss Feng nodded hurriedly, as if frightened.But after a few clicks, his head slammed back and hit Cui Enying's face hard, and he threw himself forward and kicked his feet backward.

Cui Enying covered her face in pain, avoided Boss Feng's feet, subconsciously tightened her hands, and a cold light shot directly at the back of Boss Feng's head.


At the long table, all the residents had finished their snacks, and whoever applauded took the lead. Immediately there was a round of applause, thanking Boss Feng for the delicious snacks.

"Damn it!" Yi Boer, who arrived in a hurry, exclaimed anxiously, "Be careful with the back of your head!"

He reminded in time, but the applause sounded even more in time, completely obliterating his voice.

Pfft, puff, a cold light went into the back of his head, Boss Feng didn't even have to struggle, and fell to the ground - dead!
Yi Boer stared at the fallen Boss Feng from the crowd, and with a thought, he happened to capture the last mental activity before his death, and then spit out a sentence: "Little stick, lucky you, you didn't kill the right owner. "

As for Cui Enying, at this moment he has quickly hid in a dense green belt.

"He resisted suddenly, and the needle gun was too sensitive..." He seemed to be muttering to himself while touching the earrings, "Well, he hit the back of the head and died on the spot."

"The place where you started is Zhengnan?" There was a deep voice from the earring, and only Cui Enying could hear the voice clearly.

"Yes, you told me to leave." Cui Enying replied carefully.

"Bastard! You are going to leave your seat?!" The voice said angrily, "Do you want me to arrange everything for you in advance?!"

Cui Enying's body trembled like a dead leaf in the autumn wind, and her usual unruliness had long been lost to Java.

"It's a good thing they were only suspicious. All these things can be left to the scapegoat." The voice sighed, "Remember, we must force Zeng Yifan to take action."

"The difference in strength between me and Zeng Yifan is too great." Cui Enying hesitated, "I'm afraid there is no chance of winning."

"You only need him to act, and you don't have to think about the rest." The voice said with a smile, "Go, I have already arranged a guide for you."

"That's..." Cui Enying felt that her head was not enough.In fact, he has been relying on this earring to receive instructions from a stranger, and the journey has indeed been smooth.But the guide he is talking about now, he doesn't understand at all.

"Damn it! How did I find such a mallet like you!" A swear word burst out from the earring, "You still have the finger wrench of Goddess Karl?!"

mouse? !
I don't know who was the first to spot Boss Feng, who was lying on the ground. The crowd in the square immediately became agitated. Taking advantage of the chaos, Yi Boer and Matsumoto Kameda dodged aside.

"The target is wrong." Matsumoto Kameda took out a compass from his bag and fixed the position, "The position of the square is too correct."

Yi Boer was a little distracted, and didn't notice what Matsumoto said. He was squatting halfway, staring at the surrounding green space with his eyes wide open.

"Don't talk about the target, this place is not right." Yi Boer picked up a pinch of soil from among the plants and sniffed it.

"This is..." Matsumoto Kameda noticed that there were two small black particles mixed in the pile of soil, "mouse droppings?"

"Fuck! What kind of trick is this?" Yi Boer twitched his fingers, "It actually drove away all the nearby mice."

(End of this chapter)

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