Chapter 395
Rats are no fun, especially to women.When Maya saw the group of black mice, she almost jumped onto Zeng Yifan's shoulder.

Fortunately, those mice were not targeting the two of them. To be precise, those mice were just desperately drilling into a corner.

Gentleman Zeng Yifan picked up Maya, jumped onto the iron frame of the boiler room, and found a hiding place with a good view to nest up.

This is the boiler room of the community, and the temperature inside is very high, which is not very comfortable for rats who like damp environments, but they have gathered here, and the number is surprisingly large.

There must be something lurking behind this wall that attracts them.

The answer came soon, a secret door suddenly opened on one side of the wall, and a man flashed out swiftly.Maya was horrified to find that the secret door was full of rats, almost dozens of times the number outside the door.

"The only person who can mobilize so many mice is Cui Enying." Maya's voice trembled.

Because from the first time she saw the finger wrench in his hand, Maya knew it was a sacred object from Rajasthan, India.Rajasthan is the former kingdom of Bikaner. Legend has it that the goddess Karl lived to be 160 years old. When she was dying, she said that people of the Charan caste would be buried in the rat temple after death and become worshiped rats. .So the villagers in this area regarded the mouse as the "daughter of the goddess".And this finger wrench of Karl can summon mice.

"What the hell is he trying to do?!" Maya said angrily.

"I don't know what he wants to do." Zeng Yifan looked at the man among the rats and said indifferently, "I only know what these rats want to do."

Although the man's skills are quite good, there are still many scars on his body, and the mice are biting like crazy, as if he is a piece of delicious cheese.

The transom on the south side of the boiler room moved, and Cui Enying came in silently.

"How is this possible?" Cui Enying looked down condescendingly, startled.

What surprised him was not the scene of humans and mice fighting each other, but the man surrounded by rats, with small eyes and protruding ears... Isn't this the boss Feng who was accidentally killed by him just now?Why would he appear here? !

There was a sound from the earrings, Cui Enying suddenly nodded, looked around carefully, and then hid her body in the dark of the iron frame next to the window, waiting quietly for something, and had no intention of going down to save people.

Maya clearly felt that the "quantity" on Cui Enying's body was slowly disappearing, and soon it was too weak to be felt.Obviously, Cui Enying was worried that someone would know that he was here, and activated the volume jammer.

She subconsciously looked at Zeng Yifan, asking what to do next with her eyes.

But she didn't get an answer, Zeng Yifan just smiled, leaned on the iron railing and closed his eyes to rest.It seems that he, like Choi Eun Young, is waiting.

They can wait, but Boss Feng below can't wait. With the vigor of his fists and kicks now, he has the aura of being one man and one man.If the opponent was a human, he would probably be stunned, but unfortunately he was facing a group of rats, a group of rats that were crazy enough to bite and tear everything apart.

Seeing that he couldn't get away from the rat swarm, Boss Feng was heartbroken, and came up short to sweep the hall. The first batch of rats were kicked and flew around, and the rat swarm opened in a small circle.

Boss Feng retracted his legs, curled up, stretched out, and flew forward like a spring, grabbed the crossbar on the iron frame opposite, took advantage of the momentum and turned upside down, hooked his feet on the iron railing on the upper floor, and then jumped up. Ting, the whole person fell on the upper level of the iron frame.

But he was unlucky, he stepped on something before he could stand firmly on his feet, it was slippery and could move.Boss Feng felt a numbness in his calf, and his feet slipped, and he lost his balance at that moment, where he fell from where he came up.

Anyone else would have fallen into a pile of rats, but Boss Feng was not an ordinary person. The moment he fell off the iron frame, his right hand accurately grasped the outer iron railing.In this way, the body was suspended in the air, and finally did not fall.

But the iron railing was also greasy for some reason, and seemed to be a little elastic. When Boss Feng raised his head subconsciously, his pupils shrank into needlepoints immediately.

Snakes, big and small, were crawling all over the iron railings and partitions of the iron frame. His hand that was holding onto the iron railing happened to catch the body of a small khaki-colored snake.Being caught by him like this, the little snake's bones were broken immediately, and its body loosened and dangled on the iron rail.

Next to it, a big snake of similar color came over aggressively, with its mouth wide open, probably wanting to avenge the little snake.

With a khaki color, a triangular head, and a strange pointed mouth, the sweat on Boss Feng's face immediately came down.He knew that snake, called Agkistromus acerbs, also known as a hundred-paced snake, if he was bitten by it, he would be dead.Besides, he was half-hanging in the air at this moment, and there were a group of red-eyed mice who regarded him as cheese under his feet.

Seeing that the big snake was about to bite the back of Boss Feng's hand, he stopped for some reason.There was a strange screaming sound in the air, and all the snakes on the iron bars stopped wriggling, raised their heads and spit out letters, as if waiting for an order.

Pa, a rope suddenly hung down in front of him, Boss Feng didn't have time to think about it, he grabbed it and climbed up a few times.

"Grab my hand." At the end of the rope was a young and handsome smiling face.

In times of crisis, even a straw can stimulate people's desire to survive, especially when people feel that they must die.Some people call it human instinct, while others think it's just a conditioned reflex.

In fact, no matter what it is, when life is in front of people, no one is willing to give up.

Unless, this person doesn't want to live anymore.

Boss Feng is obviously not this kind of person. From finding the rope to climbing to a safe high place, he only took ten seconds. Even Cui Enying who put down the rope was surprised by his extraordinary speed.

However, what surprised Cui Enying even more was that the first thing Boss Feng did after gaining a foothold was to attack him.After forcing Cui Enying to retreat, Boss Feng turned over and jumped to the side of the transom, kicking the window open and was about to jump down.

"He Chengdong, you are jumping." Under the window, Cui Enying grinned and said, "Do you want to help you move a tree?"

Boss Feng's face turned pale, but he jumped down after all, rolled on the spot and stood up, and said to Cui Enying, "I haven't seen you for many years, why are you thinking about my life, He Chengdong?"

"It's easy to say, and people don't do secret things." Cui Enying laughed, "I happened to be competing with someone recently, and your brother is the subject, so I have to take credit for you."

It seems that Boss Feng is He Chengdong, but who was the one who died in the community square just now?

(End of this chapter)

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