rune hunter

Chapter 101 Strategy

Chapter 101 Strategy
For the soldiers of Istaren, the area within a radius of 300 miles around Istaren can be regarded as their home field. [-] years ago, when the Baishi family established a military fortress here, they had already made accurate measurements of the surrounding area.Every Istaren soldier had to memorize and recite a complete regional military map, as well as the specific locations of dozens of surrounding villages, towns, outposts, and strategic locations when receiving formal military training.

Even the natural underground cave hidden hundreds of kilometers away, which was chosen by Princess Langaria for her legion to recuperate, is actually under the complete monitoring of Estalon.In fact, the mountain forest south of the Cloud Mountain Range can be said to be the actual control area of ​​Istaren, and it is difficult for the Sicily bandit group who came from afar to hide their whereabouts here.

"700 meters to the west from here is a small valley, and there is a stream in it, which is a branch of the Gray Water River." The knights knew the terrain of this area very well, and they could even be accurate to the hundred-meter level.In the daily military deduction and confrontation, the terrain near here has been used repeatedly countless times, even if you ride a horse with your eyes closed, you can walk back and forth.

"There is a valley, which means that there is a high ground to watch the enemy's situation, and a water source can be used as a temporary resting place. This place is really not coming." El subconsciously glanced at Pallanti: "This place can't happen to be a certain place. A road that must be passed on a map, right?"

"Yes." Pallanti nodded, but refused to disclose other information.

"Then what are you waiting for? As long as we get out of this woodland, we can flatten that valley with one charge." Said the irritable knight of the city defense army beside him.

"Why do I feel that those gangsters seem to want us to do the same?" El touched his chin and drew a few lines on the ground with his toes: "Look, it's like sending your butt up for us to kick , the notorious Sicily bandit group is capable of this?"

Pallanti nodded again and again, seeming to share the same feeling. Lolita Knight is definitely a professional in a certain way. After El said this, he immediately noticed something wrong.

"Then what do we do?"

"You can't play according to their rhythm." El looked at the traces left on the ground with an intriguing smile on his face. "Everyone dismounts, let's touch it slowly."

Compared with the Knights of Istaren, the members of the Sicily Thieves Group did not know enough about this land. In their previous criminal history, they rarely approached heavily fortified military fortresses.But when it comes to the ability to climb mountains and mountains, these people are all self-taught experts.For them, the rugged mountain road north of Istaren City is like their own back garden, and they can't catch up as long as they spread out.

But when they reunited, the traces they left behind became clear immediately. Even if the thieves were masters at covering their tracks, it was inevitable that so many people would leave obvious traces when they gathered together.Experienced old thieves usually don't try to cover up everyone's traces, but use these traces to create various illusions to confuse the enemy, but this kind of trick is meaningless in front of El's Eye of True Sight.

El led the troops to advance quietly along the traces left by the thieves, and as expected, they found that all the traces pointed in the direction of the valley.After getting the information, these thieves didn't run away in a hurry, but came to this place to rest in a leisurely manner. This behavior itself seemed very suspicious.

When he could vaguely see the light of the bonfire in the valley, El stopped and raised his hand to signal everyone to stop again.There is already a smooth road ahead, and the cavalry can charge in an instant from here, and they can completely end the battle before the thieves react.

"How many bronze knights do we have?" El asked Pallanti in a low voice.

"Fifteen." Pallanti glanced back and replied quickly.For this army with a total number of less than 300 people, this number is already very scary.Twelve of them belonged to the black knights, and this was because they were the elite of a hundred.

El silently multiplied his previous strength by fifteen in his heart, made a simple calculation, nodded and said: "You pull them out individually and form a team, and climb up from the side of the highland in the west in a circle. There is another camp where the thieves are hiding, and the number of people will not be too many. After 10 minutes, let them make a big noise."

"On the mountain? Are you sure?" Pallanti opened his eyes wide and looked at the mountain pointed by El, but found no movement. The vision of ordinary people would be greatly restricted in the dark night, and the mountain was far away. 300 meters away, it's no wonder she subconsciously became suspicious.

"Now I'm the commander, so do as I say." El gave Pallanti an annoyed look.In the slang of the lower society, another meaning of the word knight is inflexibility. Even the black knights who specialize in dirty work like the surveillance troops cannot expect their assassination skills to be so sophisticated.

He originally wanted to gather some experts to deal with the thieves on the mountain silently, but after thinking about it later, this idea seemed unreliable.With the vigilance of the old fritters of the thieves group, it is impossible to sneak attack.So simply change the order to make a big fuss.The combined strength of the fifteen bronze-level knights is enough to attract the attention of the bandit group, or the mysterious magician.

El's eyesight is far superior to that of ordinary people, and he has already seen the figure of the magician in the bandit group. The old guy in the robe is hiding in the temporary camp set up by the bandits, occupying a separate space by himself, but he Not sure if this guy is genuine.

Don't believe your eyes in front of the spellcaster, this is the advice given to El by a certain magician girl.I have a deep understanding of Tiana's amazing and ever-changing optical illusions. Although his eyes of true seeing can see through illusions, this ability has a distance limit. Only when he is close to a certain distance can he be able to distinguish To tell the truth.

Although it is temporarily impossible to distinguish the authenticity of the magician, the magic alarm lying on the road is still obvious.The magician in the thieves group seemed to have recognized the weakness of Pross's lack of spellcasters, so he placed the magic alarm on the road in a grand manner.Ordinary people can't feel the magic fluctuations, but in El's eyes, they are as bright and dazzling as torches.

"There are four magic alarms ahead, and there should be dark whistles."

El slowly drew the dragon's toothbow, and shot an ordinary wooden arrow with the slightest force.Seeing that the wooden arrow wobbled and fell into the grass not far ahead without any change, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he could see the area affected by the magic fluctuation, he didn't know the specific scope of action of this magic alarm. He just tried it according to his own guess, but he didn't expect it to be wrong.

He shot a few more arrows one after another, showing the approximate range of the first magic alarm, and turned to Pallanti and said, "Let everyone pay attention, the area I hit with the arrow is the magic alarm, and it should be at least five meters away. Follow me, and I will deal with the secret whistle and the alarm."

He was about to move forward, but suddenly the Lolita Knight grabbed his sleeve.

"You are the commander, you shouldn't risk your life." Pallanti persuaded in a low voice.

"What danger?" El couldn't help being stunned for a moment. The work of cleaning up magic alarms and thieves' secret whistle is not difficult, but it needs to be more cautious.To say that there is danger is when there is a fight, and the mysterious magician doesn't know what tricks he will play.

"Sir, please leave the work of clearing the secret whistle to me!" Lolita Knight said confidently, patting his chest.

The few knights in black standing behind her trembled involuntarily when they heard this, and shook their heads desperately at El, regardless of their superiority or inferiority.Pallanti looked back as if aware of it, and gave them a hard look, and these guys immediately languished.

Seeing the panicked expression of the black knight and recalling some of the previous scenes, El vaguely understood something in his heart, so he said with a straight face: "Don't waste time, you follow me, there are important tasks in a while. "

Pallanti nodded and retreated reluctantly, while the black knights standing behind her breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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