rune hunter

Chapter 102 Mutual Design

Chapter 102 Mutual Design
As we all know, the profession of thieves can't see the light, and can only be accompanied by shadows all year round.What thieves are good at is offense rather than defense. If they can sneak attack, they will never fight head-on.Adjectives such as shameless and unscrupulous are compliments in disguise for them, while bravery, kindness and simplicity are ironic swear words.

Letting a group of thieves set a trap in the valley to stop the cavaliers ambushing the regular army, this kind of thing sounds like a fantasy.Although it is said that desperadoes will take risks for money, it is human nature to seek profit and avoid harm.Blocking and intercepting the charge of the cavaliers head-on, this matter sounds very unreliable, so it is inevitable that some people will feel uneasy.

The bonfire in the camp was blazing, and the broth in the pot was boiling, but the thieves sitting around the bonfire seemed absent-minded. Although they seemed to be eating wine and meat lazily on the surface, they were actually standing upright carefully. Ears, as long as there is any alarm from the dark whistle ahead, or any vibration from the ground, they can jump up and draw their knives to fight at any time.

Perhaps sensing the depressing atmosphere in the camp, a middle-aged man dressed like a leader approached the magician with a bone in his hand, and smiled flatteringly, "Master Xi Luo, when do you think those black skins Can you catch up?"

"Prose's injury must have been serious, otherwise they should have come by now."

The magician was sitting in front of his tent, holding a slender black ebony staff in his hand, and a string of colorful glazed beads were exposed under the open robe, with strange shimmers flashing from time to time.

"If it wasn't for that amulet, I would have killed him a long time ago. Why would I need to go to such trouble now?" Shi Luo lowered his head and coughed twice, gritting his teeth.

There was still a piece of scorched black on the chest of his magic robe. The light arrow that automatically counterattacked itself was only a basic spell, but the power contained in it was not to be underestimated, which made Xi Luo feel bored when he was caught off guard. deficit.

Another important reason for his withdrawal was the threat of the Istaren archers. Since he was hiding behind the battlefield and could observe the changes in the entire battle situation, he quickly noticed that the opponent also had hidden cards.The sharpshooter hid his whereabouts like him, and the number of shots was not many, but every time he could play a very critical role in changing the situation on the battlefield.

The spells released by the magician are powerful, but corresponding to the fragility of their own defenses.It's not wise to go head-to-head with an opponent's sharpshooter without preparation.

"At the beginning, our boss didn't say that we would attract so many black skins, and the brothers were a little scared." The middle-aged thief lamented with lingering fear.The elite cavalry unit of nearly 300 people is enough for general siege. No one thought that the fighting style of these northern barbarians was so bold.

"It doesn't matter, as long as they dare to catch up, there will be no good fruit to eat." Xi Luo sneered: "Have your men arranged on the cliff?"

"It's been arranged, Master Xi Luo. As long as they rush in, the cliffs on both sides will collapse. Just doing this...may have to sacrifice some brothers." The middle-aged thief hesitated and said in a low voice.

"Don't play hypocrisy in front of me. The harvest of a few hundred gold coins is enough to make you greedy hyenas kill each other, let alone the wealth that can make the Temple of Life pay a holy nun in exchange. In fact, in your heart I hope that the more other people die, the better."

Ciro sneered, took out a scribbled map from his pocket, shook it in front of the thief, and put it back under his burning eyes that moved involuntarily.

"We mages don't care about worldly wealth. Even your boss, Leon, has more important things to do now, so he doesn't have time to care about these trivial things. As long as you clear up the cavalry in front of you, this map can be rewarded to you."

He was satisfied to hear the breathing of the middle-aged thief suddenly became heavier.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down." Just as the middle-aged thief patted his chest and said these words, a desperate scream suddenly came from the nearby hill.

"Black skins! Those black skins are climbing up from behind the mountain!"

A thief poked his head out from the cliff and shouted hoarsely below.Immediately afterwards, the tip of a sword flashed past his head, and with a bang, the thief was cut into two pieces by the long sword.A big foot in black leather boots kicked his ass and kicked his body off the cliff.

The thieves gathered in the camp suddenly woke up, and there was an uproar.Everyone knows that dozens of brothers are ambushing on the cliffs on both sides, ready to launch a surprise attack after the battle begins. Although this trap is clichéd but very practical, it is more than enough to deal with ordinary local troops, but no one thought that the other party would climb up the mountain first.

In the general consciousness of the members of the bandit group, cavalry should charge on horseback. Can cavalry be called cavalry if they have horses and don't ride up the mountain by themselves?
"What are you doing standing still! Go up and support!" the middle-aged thief screamed angrily, and shouted at the other thieves.Others don't know, only he knows that the people hiding on the cliff are all his cronies, and he prepared a large number of rolling logs and rocks. He originally planned to smash his wrong accomplices and the Estaren cavalry to death in the valley .If those knights were to capture it now, the only one who would be unlucky would be himself.

"Don't panic, be careful that they charge from the front." Siro said in a deep voice.

In a depression less than a hundred meters away from the valley, El carefully bypassed the last magic alarm, opened his bow and shot three arrows in a row, and heard the sound of three heavy objects falling to the ground in the distance. dull voice.This is the last batch of dark sentries outside the valley. No matter how concealed they think they are hiding, they still cannot escape El's shining blue eyes.

The fierce battle on the cliff suddenly broke out. Judging from the momentum, there were at least a hundred people fighting together. The team of bronze-ranked knights fully understood El's meaning, and worked very hard to create the illusion of a large number of people. With strong personal strength, they easily defeated the thieves on the mountain, and deliberately created bloody and tragic sound and light effects, successfully attracting the attention of most thieves.

"How fast can you charge into that camp?" El asked Pallanti in a low voice.Since her request was not granted just now, the little girl has been looking sullen.Hearing El's question at this time, he immediately cheered up.

"I can go as fast as you want." Pallanti estimated the distance and said confidently.The knight's charge needs to be accelerated gradually, but for the assassin profession, the distance of less than [-] meters can be reached instantly by using various skills.

"Okay, listen to my orders. I'll find an opportunity to attack that magician later." El took out a pair of ebony arrows with white feathers from his quiver and stuck them on the ground one by one. The focus of his eyes still did not leave the camp. Magician: "The guy you see now is not necessarily him. Once I confirm where he is, I will shoot a loud arrow. No matter what I hit with that arrow, you just need to rush to him Come on hard, understand?"

Pallanti nodded repeatedly, indicating that he fully understood.

"Others prepare, start attacking when they hear my loud arrow!" El said to the knights behind him. The knights were already eagerly waiting impatiently. After hearing this order, they immediately quieted down, showing good military qualities.

El calmed down and stared at the magician's every move.The thieves on the cliff had been slaughtered, and the thieves in the valley relied on their own climbing ability to climb over the rock wall one after another.

After a while, the battle situation was still unclear, and the magician finally got a little impatient. He looked around vigilantly, raised his staff to aim at the cliff, and whispered the magic spell in his mouth.

It's now!El's eyes lit up, and he drew the dragon tooth bow like lightning, aimed at the magician's head and shot an arrow.There was only a light sound of the bowstring, and the white-feathered ebony arrow seemed to directly cross the space and come to the magician, and it hit!The arrow was inserted from the temple, and pierced out from the other side. The magician shook his head and fell, the corpse fell to the ground with a plop and was torn apart.

It really is a fake!El laughed secretly in his heart. The moment he hit, the magic wave on the magician suddenly disappeared, and then reappeared in the tent behind him.

He was about to shoot another arrow to confirm the target, when he suddenly felt a black shadow passing by, and when he fixed his eyes, Pallanti had already rushed out.Her speed is indeed not without a bit of bragging, only half a point slower than the arrow shot by El, and she has rushed to the corpse of the magician in the blink of an eye.

"Fuck me!" El's heart trembled, and the arrow in his hand flew into the air with a snap.Now he finally knew why the black knights behind him had shit-filled expressions on their faces.

 I had guests at home yesterday, sorry
(End of this chapter)

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