rune hunter

Chapter 103 Loli Ferocious

Chapter 103 Loli Ferocious
El had been wondering why Pross had allowed himself to lead the force instead of Pallanti, and now he understood at least part of the reason.

"Did I just tell her to attack after hearing the sound of the arrow?" El turned his head dully and asked the knight in black who was following him.

"It's not your fault, sir." The black knight nodded, his face full of sympathy: "Even if you don't give the order, she will still rush forward."

"Isn't she a soldier?" El still couldn't believe it. In his impression, the biggest difference between the Istaren regular army and the mercenaries was strict discipline.It is the bounden duty of soldiers to obey orders, and the soldiers of Istaron are even more proud of it.Take the army behind him as an example. Both the city defense army and the black knight obeyed Pross's leadership unconditionally because of his orders.

"Don't you think...Pallanti looks a bit like Lord Pross?" The black knight gritted his teeth, and whispered in El's ear.

"What do you mean? Could it be..." El took a breath, and a hundred alpacas galloped past in his heart.This is too ridiculous. Didn't expect that seemingly ruthless and selfless guy to do such a thing?
"It's not a secret, everyone knows it." The black knight knew what he was thinking when he saw El's shocked expression, and couldn't help but sighed and said: "Sir, let's go, if something goes wrong, Miss , how do you explain to Master Pross?"

"He doesn't know how to discipline children himself, let me tell you the ass!"

Al came back to his senses, feeling inexplicably sad and indignant.He had already carefully designed the plan of attacking the east and west, and wanted to wipe out the enemy with the slightest loss, and draw a perfect end to the experience of commanding the army for the first time in his life, but because of such an unreliable The bear child, all the plans have lost all meaning.

"Get on the horse! Come with me!" He pulled out the ax from his waist, jumped on his horse and shouted.

When El's first arrow hit the magic puppet, Shiro, who was hiding in the dark, sneered, with a clear smile on his face.He knew that the opponent's sharpshooter would definitely take himself as the first target to kill, so he made preparations early.After the arrow was shot, the position of the sharpshooter was also exposed, while he himself turned into a dark place, and the offensive and defensive momentum immediately reversed.

Although I don't know how the sharpshooter bypassed the magic alarm and the thief's secret whistle to reach such a close distance, but it was more convenient for him to cast magic.Ciro chanted a few spells in a low voice, and a phantom of a white spider web appeared on his fingertips. He had already locked the position of the sharpshooter, and he could release the spider web technique to restrain him in just two seconds, and then Follow up with a fireball and you're done.

With such beautiful thoughts in mind, the syllables in his mouth had already been recited, and the spells at his fingertips were ready to be released, but at the last moment, Shiro's face suddenly changed, and he forcibly twisted the last words against the danger of magic backlash. With one syllable, he released the spider web technique in his hand directly in front of him.

In his ears, he vaguely heard the whistling sound of piercing the sky rushing towards him, so he subconsciously switched the spell effect, and his cautious character saved his life again.The moment the spider web technique opened, the tent he was hiding in was split in two with a hiss.

Before both the enemy and us reacted, a small figure rushed into the center of the bandit camp following the sharp arrow, and the foil sword in her hand was twice as fast as her.

Also a swordsman who uses light weapons, Luthor's swordsmanship is more than gorgeous but not powerful enough, more like a repertoire of court performances.However, the same foil sword has completely different power in Pallanti's hands.

There are no cumbersome tricks, no dazzling sword light, the foil in Pallanti's hand has only the simplest moves, but the speed has reached a frightening level.

After the magician's stand-in puppet fell, Pallanti also made the most accurate judgment immediately.She couldn't feel the fluctuation of magic, but relied on her innate intuition to lock on to the tent behind him, and rushed straight towards the target without hesitation.

The few thieves blocking the road only saw sharp arrows flying by, and then the figure flashed, and the wind and sand brought with them hit their faces.When they reacted and wanted to fight back, they found that their bodies had lost their strength.One by one, they fell to the ground clutching their necks.

Pallanti pressed the foil close to her chest, and slid out of the tent in a strange posture that was close to the ground.She raised her wrist and flicked it slightly, and the tent where the magician was hiding was torn apart, like cheese cut by a knife, without hindrance.Not only the tent, but also the bedding and sundries in the tent were neatly separated under this sword.

The power of this sword is so powerful, but it didn't have the expected effect.Pallanti saw the figure of the magician, and at the same time saw the white spider web in front of her.This magic-generated spider web can be said to be an inferior copy of the landwalker's spider silk. It is soft and greasy, full of toughness, and hard to hurt by swords.Only the power of magic or natural fire can effectively damage it, neither of which Pallanti has.

"Cut." Lolita Knight tested the strength of the spider web a little, then recognized the reality in front of him, couldn't help but snorted coldly, and fled back.But during such a buffer time, the magician on the opposite side also prepared a second spell.

"Frost Nova!" Ciro gritted his teeth and swallowed the blood from the corner of his mouth. He slammed his staff on the ground, and an arc-shaped blue ice ring shot out from under his feet, exploding in all directions.

Although Pallanti's retreating speed was fast, it couldn't keep up with the speed of the spell's spread. After being swept by the blue ice ring, a thick layer of frost condensed on his body in an instant, and he couldn't move anymore.

The indiscriminate range attack froze the thieves rushing over, but Ciro didn't care too much at this time. Before the opponent's sharpshooter appeared, another silver-ranked assassin no less than Pross appeared. This made him feel very difficult.Under the threat of the sharpshooter, he didn't dare to use spells that required a long time to chant, so he could only use the pre-reserved instant spells to solve the trouble in front of him.

Although the assassin in front of him had been restricted by the Frost Nova, Shiro didn't dare to be careless. He had seen many idiot mage apprentices standing on the spot rubbing fireballs being killed by frozen targets, so naturally he wouldn't commit such a crime. A low-level error.To deal with an assassin who feeds on speed, all attacks must be aimed at limiting his mobility.

The frost on Pallanti's body only lasted for one breath before it began to shatter, but before she was out of danger, a huge magic palm was stretched out in front of her, grabbing her young body in the palm of her hand, ruthlessly Throw it to the sky.

Hand of magic is not considered an advanced spell, but for experienced mages, this spell can have unimaginable effects.Like now, the spell itself didn't do Pallanti any harm, but threw her far away.No matter how agile the loli knight is, it is difficult to maintain balance in the dark night, and if he is unlucky, his neck may be broken directly.

While throwing Pallanti away, Ciro also crazily put on various magic shields on himself. He could feel that he was firmly locked by the sharpshooter, but this time he arranged the arrow protection position in advance , with a little confidence in my heart.As long as the opponent shoots another arrow, he can re-lock the opponent's position, and then bombard him with the most violent magic.

After he took all the protective measures, he raised his head and found that there was no need to lock on it. The figure of the Istaren cavalry had rushed out of the darkness, and the sharpshooter rushed to the front, riding his horse and pulling his bow and pointing his finger. Follow your own direction.

"A fool who can only charge!" Ciro laughed loudly, and pushed his hands forward, a wall of fire shot out from the ditch outside the bandit camp, blocking the path of the knights.

He saw the sharpshooter let go of the bowstring at him, and he couldn't help showing a mocking expression on his face.With the various protective magics on his body now, even if he is besieged, he can last at least 5 minutes, and 5 minutes is enough for him to burn all of them...

Crazy thoughts about killing enemies in his mind made Ciro couldn't help laughing triumphantly, but his laughter stopped abruptly as soon as it left his mouth.

"Breaking Magic Arrow?!" The magician's terrified scream resounded through the entire battlefield like killing a pig.

(End of this chapter)

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