rune hunter

Chapter 105

Chapter 105

"Ten years ago, Master Pross went out with the former head of the family. Before leaving, he entrusted his wife and daughter to the dark guards, that is, our black knights. Later, they were accidentally plotted against. The former head of the family died of assassination , several adults and the young master disappeared. During that time, Istaron was in a stormy time, and the lady was too worried and couldn't get sick. When Lord Pross came back with the young master, the lady had passed away, and only the remaining Unreasonable Pallanti."

"To tell the truth, Lord Pross doesn't know how to take care of children, and he has a lot of official duties, so he basically didn't discipline her much. Palanti lived in the military camp since she was a child, and she was full of shit from veterans. She was brought up by a piss, she is an honorable young lady, everyone dotes on her like a baby, and doesn't want her to wield knives and guns, but I didn't expect this child to learn a whole lot of skills by stealth."

"Master Xie Te is the kind of character who watches the excitement and is not afraid of big things, and secretly gives her some messy things. So you can see that her fighting style is like a mixture of Lord Pross and Lord Xie Te..."

Timmy, the knight in black who was temporarily promoted to vice-captain, sat beside El, talking in a babbling manner, stretched out his hand to fiddle with the bonfire, and peeked at the officer's face by the way.

"What are you talking to me about?" El suppressed the psychological desire to gossip, and asked with a straight face and no expression: "You don't care about the brothers who died in battle, why should I worry about it?"

While saying this, his eyes still involuntarily moved to the petite figure in the distance.Pallanti was working with others to collect the bodies of the war dead.According to the customs of the Eastalen army, the surviving soldiers will bring back the corpses of their comrades who died in battle to their hometowns.Now the corpses need to be preliminarily treated and concealed to avoid being eaten by wild beasts in the forest. After the battle is completely over, the knights will return to this place, take the corpses of their companions, and call their souls home.

Lolita Knight has already cried secretly once, her two big eyes are still red like rabbits, but the movements of her hands have not slowed down by half, and although the expression on her face is a bit sad, it is still firm.

"I've said it all, it's a long story. These stories before are just to tell you that Pallanti is not the disobedient bad boy you imagined." Timmy shook his head, and he was serious about El Look very helpless.

"But why do I think your main meaning is that she has a good father?" El touched his chin and questioned: "And... why is it a father? I thought she was Pross' sister, Lord Pross looked at her. Not that old, how old is he now?"

"That... ahaha, Master Pross was that one, I heard that young men were romantic..." Timmy's expression changed, and he smiled awkwardly: "Let's talk about Palanti, don't you wonder why we pampered her so much? ?"

"No, no, please tell me the age of Mr. Pross first. I think he is only about 26 or [-] years old? How old was the child ten years ago?" El couldn't help but sigh deeply. Feeling a bit, the envy and jealousy are beyond words.From Antonio to Pross, the big shots in Istaron are all "winners in life" like the protagonists of novels, and compared to them, I am simply a scumbag.

"In short...that child's talent in combat is even better than her father's, and her intuition is also very keen. When we were on missions before this, we relied on her intuition many times to reverse the key to the outcome." Mi abruptly changed the subject and brought up Pallanti again.

"That means her habit is actually connived by you?" El suppressed his curiosity and turned his attention back to Pallanti.

"You can't say that, sir. Say something you don't like to hear. Compared with a commander like you who was promoted temporarily, everyone trusts the child's intuition. After all, every time you look back, you will find her choice. There is no mistake." Timmy shrugged, feeling a little helpless: "Like this time, your order is actually to let her make up the knife, but she found the target a little earlier than you expected. Just As a result, she is not actually violating your orders."

"I understand. In fact, not only you, but even she doesn't have any confidence in me, so I was asked to direct in name, but she is actually in charge." El sighed and stared unkindly. He glanced at Timmy: "Maybe we should all be thankful that the magician is an idiot. If it were Miss Tiana who was put under house arrest by you, she could play you a hundred and eight tricks."

Although he has never experienced Tiana's real means, El knows her dark history back then. She was called the "Dancing Light Snake" by the Cursed Sect, and a reward was jointly offered in the northern counties, and the bounty even reached Sicily. The leader of the thieves group, the "Minotaur" Leon, the ability of such a sturdy figure can be imagined.Not to mention that after her recovery, her strength reached the silver level, and she accepted the inheritance of a great magician...

With the strength she's shown on the surface, if it weren't for the Silver Crusader Katyusha, those kittens and puppies in the monitoring force would not dare to act presumptuously in front of her.After being put under house arrest, he had to worship like his aunt instead, without daring to neglect him in the slightest.

In contrast, Er's side is simply too low-key, because he is usually too low-key and cautious, but now not only does the girl he likes lie in the arms of other men, but he also leads a group of disobedient idiots. The soldiers crossed the mountains and mountains in the middle of the night.When he thought of this, he felt that his life was really a tragedy.

"I'm sorry, sir, it's my fault for not obeying the order. I'll go to the Military Law Office to deal with it when I get back." Pallanti finished disposing of the corpse, wiped her hands and walked to El and said in a low voice.After a period of buffering, she has controlled her emotions, and her face regained the calmness that a soldier should have.

"Sir, I found the map on the magician. This information should not have been passed on to other people. However, out of caution, I still suggest that you continue to move forward. It is best to contact our hunter brigade and join them. "

"How far are we from them?" El asked directly without asking for a map.

"Three days." Pallanti glanced at the map in his hand and estimated.

"Three days? Have you brought supplies?" El glared at her angrily. "Even if you can't starve to death, don't forget that we are not far from those bugs."

"The Army of the Ground Army has shrunk its defenses across the board, and has not shown any intention to attack for the time being. As for the problems left over from Redstone Ridge, the lord has specially left a troop to take care of it." Pallanti pinched the map and explained all kinds of information. : "According to the timetable mastered by Master Pross, our hunter brigade is also on the way back. If there is no accident, we can meet up at the white falcon outpost in the north tomorrow."

"White Falcon Outpost? Is there any troops stationed there?" El calmly listened to Pallanti's report carefully, trying not to miss any details.

"Half a squad has an establishment of 30 people, and the shooter brigade may leave some people at the post."

"Where do you think those thieves are going?" El asked again.

"They are leaderless and have suffered heavy losses. If there is no other reinforcements, they will definitely not dare to entangle with us." Timmy next to him interjected: "But if they are left alone, the nearby villages may be in trouble."

"Where is the nearest village?"

"White Falcon Outpost!" Timmy and Pallanti looked at each other and said in unison.

"They won't be idiots looking for trouble..." El shook his head, and he knew that this was wishful thinking. The bandit group was not familiar with Istaren's military deployment in this area, but they were very good at finding it. This is also a necessary basic skill for murder and arson.If they were really stupid enough to crash in, they would have saved themselves a lot of effort.But if you continue to move forward, it will definitely be too late to go back before dawn tomorrow, and I don’t know if senior sister Laurana has been ruined by the lord. What is Master Stephen’s expression when he finds out that he is missing...

Putting these thoughts aside for a while, El stood up and patted Pallanti on the shoulder and said, "Let everyone rest, we will set off after dawn."

(End of this chapter)

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