rune hunter

Chapter 106

Chapter 106
At dawn, the order from the Temple of Life to assemble urgently broke the calm in the castle.Marievian changed into a formal gold-trimmed white robe with the mark of a holy nun, and broke into the lord's bedroom directly, but found nothing.

"My lord stayed at the place where the imperial envoy stayed last night. I haven't come back yet. I don't know if His Highness has any important matters. I can order my subordinates to make preparations." The castle steward bowed his head and said respectfully.

In terms of identity, he is a housekeeper, but in fact he is also an elder of the White Lion family.Not only did he know about the fact that Antonio had brought home the beauty last night, but he was also happy to see it come to fruition, but he didn't know whether the Highness in front of him came for this matter, so he felt a little uneasy.After all, in name, this Highness is likely to become the Lord's fiancée in the near future.

Mary Wei An is not in the mood to pay attention to the complicated thoughts in the old housekeeper's mind.Naturally, it would not be such trivial matters that could really alarm her.After confirming that the lord was not there, she turned around and left without saying a word.

"Or we can talk to Mr. Pross?" Katyusha suggested in a low voice behind her.

"The matter is of great importance, and must be decided by the lord himself." Marivian shook her head, quickened her pace, and a white robe fluttered in the wind from the courtyard.

In the hotel where Earl Snake stayed, they still failed to see Antonio, and the waiter reported that the lord was too drunk to see guests.

Mary Wei An reached out to fish in the fountain at the entrance of the hotel, and unexpectedly fished out a fist-sized ice cube.Handed it to the stunned waiter, and said to him: "Put this in his arms, and the lord will wake up immediately."

This method had an immediate effect, and in less than three minutes, Antonio appeared in front of her.It's just that the young lord who was dragged up at this moment was disheveled, unkempt, and looked sleepy.Looking at his haggard face and black eye circles, it must be the price of excessive indulgence.

"What happened, Your Highness?" Antonio slumped on the sofa and asked weakly with a hoarse voice.

There was a hint of coldness on Maryvian's face, but it didn't show it obviously.She stood up and said in a serious tone: "My lord, the Temple of Life received information last night that a serious plague broke out in the city of Marseille on the King's Road. The epidemic spread too fast to be controlled. The local lord is seeking help from the surrounding areas."

"A plague broke out?" Antonio couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the news.The previous news about the plague came from the far northern counties, so everyone didn't pay much attention to it.And this time the plague actually appeared in the city of Marseille, which is the southern starting point of the King's Road, only [-] kilometers away from Istaren, and it can be reached in less than a day by galloping on a fast horse.

If the city of Marseille cannot control the spread of the plague, then Istaren, which is close at hand, may also be in danger. Under the hygienic conditions of this era, no matter how prepared it is, it may not be immune.

"What do you want to do, Your Highness?" Antonio straightened up and asked seriously.

"The main purpose of the Temple of Life's coming to the northern border this time is to stop the plague." Mary Weian said in a deep voice: "We will lead the members of the Temple of Life to Marsein to participate in the rescue and investigation. I hope the lord will facilitate it."

"No problem." Antonio nodded and said, "No matter what your Highness needs, I will fully cooperate."

"We intend to leave immediately, and the martial law of Istaron's city defense has not been lifted. I hope the lord will accommodate you." Mary Weian said.

"No problem, just take my token and give it to Anderson, and say it's my order." Antonio nodded, took off a ring with the emblem of the White Lion family from his finger, and handed it to Maryvian .

When the holy nun took the ring, she took a deep look at Antonio, but without showing any expression on her face, she stood up respectfully and saluted.

After coming out of the hotel, Marivian's face was cold and she didn't say a word, her gloomy attitude made the thick-skinned Katyusha have to pay attention, and the other Maple Leaf nuns hid far away and didn't dare to get close.

"Is there any problem, Sister Maryweian?" Katyusha looked around vigilantly, and asked in a low voice after following Maryvian's footsteps.

"It's not me who has the problem, but the lord." Maryvian also replied in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"It's normal for nobles in the mortal world to be addicted to alcohol and sex. It might be the first time for that lord to look at him. Young people really don't know how to control themselves." Katyusha shook her head with emotion.

"The performance of the lord today is very different from that of the past." Mary Wei An said worriedly.

"Yes, after a boy becomes a man, he will mature both physically and mentally." Katyusha nodded, looked at Mary Weian meaningfully, and said with a smile on her face, "Sister Mary Weian, it seems that the imperial envoy It seems that they want to provoke the relationship between us and the White Lion family."

"Controlling the epidemic is the top priority." Mary Vian said calmly, her expression unchanged.

Earl Snake stood by the balcony on the second floor of the hotel, watching the nuns drifting away through the curtains, with a smug smile on his lips.He picked up a chess piece on the chessboard at hand, and pushed forward two squares again.

"My lord, someone saw Leon's body last night, but Master Ciro and Captain Luthor have not been in touch until now, and Pross has not appeared until now..." The valet leaned over and said in a low voice.

"I see, don't be nervous." Earl Snake shook his fingers, sat down and took a sip of black tea slowly from his teacup.

"With the secret support of Master Xi Luo, it is impossible for Pross to eat the hard bones of the Sicily bandits, so let them pester them. It is better to lure the hound as far away as possible, so that we can do things more conveniently."

He cast his eyes on the two guests on the opposite side of the sofa, looked at them carefully for a moment, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Master Stephen really deserves to be the most powerful alchemist in the country. This camouflage mask can be made so seamlessly in such a short period of time."

Of the two guests sitting opposite, one was Master Stephen, and the other was actually the white lion lord Antonio who had just met Maryvian!
"Although the appearance and voice can be imitated, it is not easy to learn the personality and temperament that an individual has developed over the years." Stephen looked at the tired young lord beside him, and couldn't help shaking his head: "Excessive indulgence... this cover-up The reason is too lame, and I think Her Highness the Holy Nun may have seen the flaw. After all, Antonio's power as a lord is difficult for others to imitate."

"It's just a vase displayed by the Temple of Life. Even if she notices the abnormality, she can't directly see through our tricks." Earl Snake said indifferently: "However, your disciple performed so well this time. I am impressed. I didn’t expect our little lord to like this pure taste..."

"With all due respect, Lord Earl, you'd better not underestimate the wisdom of Her Majesty Maryvian." Stephen hesitated for a moment, but continued to persuade: "As a voter of the Goddess of Life, her eyes are the eyes of the Goddess. Clear everything. Trying to play tricks in front of her is tantamount to playing with fire and setting yourself on fire."

"You worry too much, Master Stephen. Prudence is a virtue, but excessive caution will only hold people back." Earl Snake finished his cup of black tea slowly, raised his head and stared at the clear sky outside the window, the corner of his mouth revealed A meaningful smile.

"What's more, if they leave this time, I'm afraid they won't have a chance to come back. Istaren is now in our hands."

"What?" Stephen couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words: "My lord, can it be said that the information about the outbreak of the plague in the city of Marseille is true?"

"If you can't tell the truth, do you think those nuns would be so eager to leave?" Earl Snake laughed loudly: "What awaits them will be a surprise beyond imagination!"

(End of this chapter)

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