rune hunter

Chapter 107 Ambush

Chapter 107 Ambush
The sun rises from the hills, awakening the sleeping mountain village.The peasant women began to prepare breakfast, and wisps of cooking smoke floated into the sky from the chimney.The industrious mountain people follow the ancient tradition of working at sunrise and resting at sunset, which has never changed for thousands of years.

A scream broke the quiet and peaceful atmosphere, ragged men with fierce faces poured out of the forest, and laughed when they saw the panic-stricken woman.

After a whole night of fierce fighting and fleeing, the robbers were exhausted one by one, and this village waiting to be slaughtered like a lamb was just the place they needed to rest.It was enough to have food, and women, and a strong house and warm beds.As for money, it is secondary, the key is to save energy and escape from the pursuit of those knights.

The leader of the bandit group who had the leadership had all died last night under the arrow of the sharpshooter, so the team was scattered in a mess, but there is no need to plan in advance to deal with ordinary villages, just hold the weapon in hand to scare the foolish people That's enough.Most of the robbers held such thoughts, with lewd smiles on their faces, and walked towards the women in the village with a knife in their hands.

There are also a small number of experienced old thieves who calmly slowed down and gradually fell behind the team.They heard the woman's screams, but they did not see the panicked expression on her face.After encountering the robbers, these women did not panic, but decisively dropped the buckets and wooden plates in their hands, and quickly retreated to their huts.

Amidst the sound of the horn, the men in the village got up from the kang, picked up the pitchforks, hatchets, axes, bows and arrows at hand, and ran out quickly to gather at the entrance of the village, blocking the road into the village.

It's not that the robbers have never seen the resistance of the villagers, but in their eyes, the violence of these villagers is as ridiculous as children playing tricks.Although they are not the opponents of the Knights of Eastalen, they are more than enough to deal with these muddy legs.The village I met today seemed a little different, but it was more likely to arouse their pleasure in killing.

Bandits have always been characterized by bullying the weak and fearing the strong, and only when they massacre ordinary people will they burst out with powerful fighting power.Howling like hyenas, they swung their knives and rushed towards the desperate villagers at the entrance of the village.

Seeing the smoke in the sky in front of him dyed black, Pallanti subconsciously tightened his grip on the horse's belly to speed up, but El grabbed the rein and couldn't move forward.

"I remember I told you before I set off that if you don't obey the order again, don't blame me for turning my face." El said with a cold face.

"Sir, the bandit group is already attacking the village!" Lori Knight shouted eagerly.

"My eyes are better than yours!" El glared at her angrily: "The Sicily thieves are not familiar with this area, they can only find the exact location of the village through the smoke in the morning, and we directly Hurrying here has saved a lot of time. What's the use of rushing there alone?"

"Sir, I think letting Pallanti go first can at least procrastinate for a while, otherwise there won't be many people left in the village when we get there." Timmy, the newly appointed vice-captain, came over and said.

El rolled his eyes, let go of the hand holding the rein, and Pallanti rushed out immediately. She was relatively light in weight, and the speed of the mount was naturally faster than the others. The effort of breathing disappeared without a trace.

"Do you think I should also order everyone to speed up?" Al asked, turning his head and squinting at Timmy.

"No, no." Timmy shook his head with a dry smile.

"Don't worry, those robbers can't get any benefits." El patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I came from this kind of mountain village. A village can be as big as a few dozen households. Look carefully. Don’t you think the cooking smoke in the sky is too much?”

"Uh... cooking smoke?" Timmy raised his head and looked at it carefully, but he was a little confused.He grew up in the city since he was a child, so he naturally didn't know the living customs of the mountain people.

"If I'm not mistaken, there was at least one troop not smaller than ours staying in the village last night, maybe it was the hunter brigade that Pallanti mentioned. It seems that their speed is faster than we imagined." Er said confidently: "Let the brothers spread out and outflank the area, maybe we can pick up the leftovers from other people's meals."

El's guess was right. By the time the knights rushed out of the village, the battle had long since ended, and they hadn't even left any trouble.

When the robbers rushed forward, there was a whistling sound in the air, and hundreds of sharp arrows were thrown from the village, turning the robbers in front into hedgehogs in an instant.On the roof fence at the entrance of the village, a whole row of archers wearing cloaks and holding bows and arrows suddenly appeared, aimed at the robbers and began to shoot freely.

It was originally a massacre without any suspense, but the offensive and defensive momentum reversed in an instant, and the hunter became the prey.Until the end of this round of arrow rain, all the robbers who rushed outside the village lay down on the ground.The rest of the robbers who were cautiously hiding behind to observe the limelight only reacted at this time, and they couldn't help but feel like they were dead, and they turned around and ran away.

But this time, they were no longer there and there was no room for them to escape. El led the knights of Istaren to press slowly from behind, tightened his pockets and caught all the fish that slipped through the net.

The notorious Sicily bandit group shouldn't have been destroyed so easily, but unfortunately they made the wrong choice at the wrong time and in the wrong place.The war between Istaron and the Landwalker Legion has just ended, and the army is still in a warm-up state, maintaining the highest morale and vigilance, and there is no opportunity to take advantage of it.With the home court advantage, they would dare to go to war with Landwalker, let alone a few thieves.

Earl Snake originally had the idea of ​​two tigers fighting each other to reap the benefits, so it was naturally impossible to provide more support.After losing the leader Leon and the magician Siro one after another, the undisciplined bandits immediately became a mess.After a night of chasing and killing until now, he is still as tenacious as a cockroach, which is already impressive.

When El rushed to the village, he saw Pallanti standing in front of a middle-aged man with a longbow on his back, bowing his head and submissively being scolded.The corpses of robbers were lying on the ground, and the archers in cloaks were methodically sweeping the battlefield and returning arrows.Judging from the situation at the scene, this was completely a one-sided massacre.Ordinary archers pose little threat to the strong, but the power they gather cannot be underestimated.

"That's Ahmed, the current leader of the hunter brigade, known as the "Ranger with Two Swords", a master whose strength has reached the edge of silver, and also Pallanti's godfather." Timmy knew that El didn't know this person, and immediately He came over and introduced.

"No wonder no one dares to discipline this brat." El snorted coldly and cursed in his heart.

The eyes and ears of the archers are very sensitive, and Ahmed here also noticed El's arrival, and subconsciously looked at the strange officer.When he saw the velociraptor leather armor on El's body and the dragon tooth bow on his back, the pupils in his eyes constricted involuntarily.

"Good morning, Captain El, I have listened to Pallanti's account of what happened last night. This child has caused you a lot of trouble." Ahmed said first.

"Master Ahmed, I didn't expect you to have arrived in this village. I would also like to thank you for helping us deal with the remnants of these thieves, otherwise we will have to waste a lot of effort." El jumped off the horse, raised his hand respectfully and went A military salute.Although in terms of military rank, he and Ahmed are now equivalent to the rank of squadron leader, but the hunter brigade led by the other party is an independent special organization, belonging to the elite troops of Istaren.In terms of status, Ahmed is actually at the level of the three-headed dog.

Al didn't know anything about this at first, but fortunately he had an enthusiastic Timmy by his side to remind him at all times.For helpful advice El has always been helpful.

"Don't call me sir. Pross has always been cautious. He must have taken a fancy to your ability to appoint you as the interim commander. Then our army will be under your leadership for the time being." Ahmed said with a smile.

"Prudent character!" El couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and countless alpacas ran past him in his heart: "I was pulled by a strong man, okay?"

 Worked overtime yesterday, didn't finish writing, cried~
(End of this chapter)

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