rune hunter

Chapter 110 Disappointment

Chapter 110 Disappointment
Faintly hearing the noise coming from outside the window, the girl put down her teacup, flipped her fingers flexibly to make a three-dimensional triangle gesture, and a prism appeared in front of her, reflecting the outside scene.

It can be seen from the prism that the panic-stricken soldiers were surrounded by the citizens on the street, and the noise gradually increased. The monitoring troops standing aside not only did not persuade them, but also had worried faces.

"What happened outside?" Tiana walked out of the room and asked the black knight guarding outside.

"Master Tiana!" The black-clothed knight outside the door also seemed to be a little uneasy. He was startled when he saw Tiana coming out, and hurriedly pulled himself together.Although it is called imprisonment, in fact everyone knows that the eldest lady came here voluntarily. Before leaving, Pross repeatedly asked not to neglect the distinguished guests.

"The plague broke out in Marseille, and the refugees have fled here. The lord has not lifted the martial law, and the refugees are not allowed to enter the city." The black knight reported all the news he knew: "The soldier just now came from the city. Everyone who came over from the door wanted to know how far the plague has developed over there."

"Lord Pross hasn't come back yet?" Tiana asked suspiciously.

"Yes, it is said that Lord Pross left the city with a large group of people last night." The black knight nodded and said, "But I think the Lord will return today... After all, they have no supplies."

"What's going on with the Temple of Life?" Tiana asked again.

"After receiving the information about the Marseilles plague, Her Royal Highness led the temple staff and set off early in the morning." The black knight hesitated and whispered.As the guard responsible for taking care of Tiana, he certainly knew that the young magician in front of him had a grudge with the Temple of Life, but he didn't dare answer truthfully.

"The lord let them out? Including the Maple Leaf Sisters and the Silver Crusader?" Tiana frowned slightly, and asked again in disbelief.After getting an affirmative answer, the look on her face slowly became serious.

"You'd better start gathering your manpower now, it may be needed at any time after Master Pross returns. And I need to meet the Lord Lord immediately."

"Okay, ah, wait a minute, Master Tiana, you still..." The black knight was stunned for a moment, and was about to speak to dissuade, but found that the girl in front of him had turned into a translucent image, gradually disappearing into the air .

The young lord Antonio has not left the luxurious hotel where the imperial envoy stayed until now. It is said that he was unwell from overwork last night, and all orders were delivered from here.

"The Hester family? The Fir family? The Marquis of Clover? I don't care what their origins are, and I don't care what their previous relationship with Eastalen is. Without my order, no one is allowed to enter the city!"

Antonio lay lazily on the soft sofa bed, pointed at the messenger who delivered the message and reprimanded loudly: "Go back and tell Anderson that this is a military order. If anyone violates this order, he can kill him on the spot! Carrying diseases, we must not let them infect the people of Istaren!"

The messenger bowed his head and retreated. Antonio tore off his neckline impatiently, grabbed the wine bottle on the dinner plate and gulped it down. A sick blush appeared on his face.

"Bring another bottle of wine!" He shouted out the door with the bottle in hand, but turned a blind eye to the girl standing in front of him.Tiana came to him silently, scrutinized his drunken state carefully, with a solemn expression on her face.

She didn't open her mouth to speak, but just stretched out her hand to calculate, raised her head and glanced at the ceiling, and then left the room directly.

On the surface, Antonio's resting place was still guarded by his personal guards, but in secret, the imperial guards and knights surrounded the hotel tightly.However, this kind of tight guard is only for ordinary people, and it seems a bit ridiculous in front of magicians who play illusions.Although Earl Snake has Master Stephen's secret assistance, it is impossible to arrange magic detection and traps here, not to mention the cost issue, such a mobilization of troops is enough to arouse the suspicion of others.

Tiana walked slowly to an inconspicuous room at the corner of the second floor and stopped. In order to conceal this room, Earl Snake did not place guards at the door, but there were several pairs of surveillance eyes hidden on both sides of the corridor.The guard knight in the distance held the sword hilt tightly, seemingly not paying attention, but peeked in this direction from the corner of his eye, but this guilty behavior just exposed the target.

Naturally, this kind of surveillance method with the naked eye couldn't help Tiana. She silently recited a few spells and released a "virtual background", instantly freezing the scene and sound outside the door.

The magic fluctuation of this spell is extremely slight, even if the opponent hides the caster, they may not be able to detect the abnormality.However, when Tiana knocked on the door, she felt a very similar weak magic wave coming from behind the door.

The door opened a gap, revealing the vigilant eyes of the orange-red long-haired girl. When she saw the visitor outside the door, she couldn't help being stunned, but quickly reacted, and quickly opened the door to signal Tiana to enter.

Tiana couldn't help wrinkling her nose as soon as she entered the room. The thick curtains were drawn in the room, and the strong smell of incense filled the air, which made her nose itch badly.Although the vision in the room was dim, Antonio could still be seen lying motionless on the bed, seemingly falling into a coma.

"A phantom device made by alchemy?" Tiana's eyes lit up, she didn't care to cover her mouth and nose, and asked as she watched the young lord lying on the bed pretending to be dead.

"You're laughing at the small tricks, Miss Tiana." Laurana lifted her skirt and bowed her head, took out a mechanical combination gadget from her cuff and pressed it. The sleeping young lord on the bed disappeared immediately, and the real Antony O appeared in the chair, nodding and smiling at Tiana.

"My lord, what game are you playing?" Tiana asked with a cold face.

"This is not my game, but a program created by the imperial envoy." Antonio spread his hands and said with a smile, "I'm just here to see how he wants to continue playing."

"The plague broke out in Marseille, and refugees have already appeared outside the city. At this time, you are still studying the rules of the game with the imperial envoy?" Tiana's voice was cold, and her eyes became more severe.

"I already know about this." Antonio nodded and said: "The problem of the plague is indeed serious. No matter how Earl Snake wants to play this game, he can't turn a blind eye to it. Regardless of the purpose of the counterfeit outside Why, you don’t dare to act recklessly on the issue of the plague. Maybe you may work harder than me.”

"You actually pinned your hope on an enemy with unknown purpose?" Tiana raised her voice involuntarily, she took a deep breath, and her sharp eyes became meaningful: "Let me guess, the Hester family, Fir The family, the Marquis of Clover... Marseille and Estalon are so close, the blood relationship of the nobles on both sides must be unclear. You are too embarrassed to refuse the favors of the nobles in the city face to face, so just let the fake outside You come here to be a villain and block the knife for you... After everything is over, you can jump out and prove yourself. Then you can put all the sins and the hatred of the nobles on him."

"You think too much, Tiana." Antonio smiled wryly and shook his head. "I didn't..." He wanted to explain, but for a moment he didn't know how to speak.What the girl said was indeed what he thought in his heart, but it was only the darkest path.Before finding out Earl Snake's purpose, he himself was not sure how to choose.

"I'm really disappointed in you, my lord." Tiana's voice calmed down, and her eyes made Antonio feel bored and a little faintly afraid.

"I once told you that as long as you can prevent this disaster, I will swear allegiance to you... But since you still don't plan to take the initiative to actively deal with it, I can only use my own method to act."

Tiana bowed deeply, and when she raised her head, her whole demeanor had completely changed.Even Antonio, as a lord, couldn't help but shudder when he saw her eyes now.

That is the villain named "Snake of Dancing Light" who is wanted jointly by the northern counties and hated by the curse sect.

 The author is going back to his hometown to get married... Ah no, it's the Chinese New Year, and the update is suspended. Thank you readers for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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