rune hunter

Chapter 111 Human Heart

Chapter 111 Human Heart
"A lord who disregards the lives of the people in order to fight for power and profit is really not worthy of trust." After Tiana left, Antonio shook his head and couldn't help laughing at himself.

"I think the difference between you and that lady is that she regards the plague as an uncontrollable factor." Laurana reopened the phantom device, with a smile on her face: "Your confidence comes from the holy nun Mary Weian of the Temple of Life." Your Highness, as long as there are people chosen by the gods to live here, all problems can be solved. However, Miss Tiana doesn't seem to have such full confidence in the gods."

"Maryvian once told me that Tiana is also the chosen one of the sun god, so I trust her. I just don't know why she has such great hostility towards other sects." Antonio wondered say.

"The Sun God? The Chosen One of Light?" Laurana was a little taken aback. Only the Chosen Ones can identify each other's true identities. Since Maryvian said this, there must be nothing wrong.It's just that this information is too shocking. No one would have thought that the magician, who was hostile to the sect of the gods, himself was also a chosen one of the gods.

"Didn't expect that, seeing how poor she was when she first arrived in Istaren, who would have thought that she would have such an identity?" Seeing Laurana's surprised expression, Antonio's originally depressed mood suddenly Much clearer.The girls he came into contact with recently were all hiding their secrets, which made him, as the lord, unable to regain any self-esteem.

"If this is the case, then you really need to pay attention to Miss Tiana's opinion." The surprised expression on Laurana's face was fleeting, and she quickly weighed this new unknown factor in her heart.After thinking about it carefully, her face suddenly became serious.

"My lord, there is a saying in Eastalon - Veterans know what war is. Looking at it from another angle, it is precisely because Miss Tiana herself is a voter that she will make accurate decisions about Her Majesty Maryvian's ability." Estimates. Even if one elector of light failed to save the epidemic in the northern counties, Her Royal Highness, the Holy Sister, may not be able to completely control the spread of the plague."

After listening to Laurana's analysis, Antonio's face darkened.

"You're right, I really didn't think about it. Tiana didn't admit it herself, so I didn't pay attention to it. In fact, she should belong to the side of the sect of the gods... What do you think she will do now?"

"It's hard to say, since Miss Tiana has given up your help as the lord of Istaren, I'm afraid she will choose some shady means next." Laurana shook her head and said with a wry smile: "Lord , we must now have a showdown with the imperial envoy in advance. If this farce is not ended as soon as possible, the development of the situation is likely to get out of control."

Antonio nodded. So far, the players in this chess game are still him and Earl Snake. This kind of struggle is an unspoken rule among nobles, and everything is still under control.However, the timing of the arrival of the plague was far beyond his expectation. If he allowed it to develop, it would be tantamount to playing with fire and setting himself on fire.

Because of Tiana's change of attitude, the young lord was forced to make an early showdown decision, but at this time he didn't know that the development of the situation had gotten out of control.

The refugees gathered at Black Crow Outpost had reached the scale of thousands of people at sunset.

The situation in Marseille City changed three times a day. After the city lord was infected with the plague, the army mutinied, and the irrational soldiers began to burn, kill and loot the city.Even the temple that treated the wounded was not spared, and the temple priests who received a large amount of treatment fees became fat sheep to be slaughtered in the eyes of others, and were caught by the rebels from the church one by one and hanged on the street.The brilliance of the temple faded away in the madness, and the plague broke out silently in the shadows.

The light of the Holy White Sanctuary shines like a torch in the dark night, and it can be clearly seen even in the wilderness thousands of kilometers away, providing the most obvious beacon for the refugees fleeing Marsein.

Marivian stood in the center of the sanctuary, and Sister Maple Leaf's chants manifested as golden notes around her, flying up and down like butterflies.When the refugees climbed the hill and saw her figure, their panicked hearts could not help but calm down.

The soldiers stationed at the Black Crow Outpost were temporarily recruited to maintain order. Under the command of the soldiers, the refugees lined up neatly in two rows and slowly passed by Maryvian.The moment they stepped into the Holy White Sanctuary, a black mist invisible to the naked eye immediately rose from their bodies, and quickly dissipated under the power of the Sanctuary.The refugees couldn't see the dissipation of the black mist, but they could clearly feel the disease leaving their bodies. They immediately burst into smiles and praised the nun in front of them with the most beautiful words they knew.

Although she was wearing the simplest nun's costume, Maryvian, who stood in the center, was no different from a real angel in the eyes of the refugees.

More and more refugees gathered in front of the outpost, and the expression on Maryvian's face gradually became serious.

Most of these refugees had been infected with the plague. Although they were treated in the shelter, they did not have enough energy to move on, so they had to stay near the outpost for the night.But even if they continue to move forward, there is no hope. The nobles who left first have sent back news that Istaron refused to open the city, and there was no assistance.

Now it's not just the refugees themselves. Asylums can cure physical ailments, but they can't do anything about those things that lurk on the dark side of the mind.Human beings are inherently sensitive creatures, and are more prone to various extreme emotions in adversity.Regardless of evil or good thoughts, they will be multiplied.

Marivian provided them with a spiritual support, which gradually calmed down the emotions of the refugees, but another group of people hidden in the darkness was obviously not happy to see this situation.

Refugees needed more than therapy, and as their emotions calmed down, bigger issues crept from their minds.

Marthaine is devoured by the plague, if Istaron does not provide shelter, then where will we go?Is there enough food on hand, and who will lead?Are the people around us really cured...

All kinds of questions like this and that, although no one said it at this time, they were rolling endlessly in everyone's mind.Temporarily freed from the threat of illness, it does not mean that they have a chance to survive.For everyone here, the future looks bleak.

There was a commotion in the distance, and several big men who looked like they were not very nice in their clothes gathered together, trying to snatch the food brought by the refugees around them.The soldiers walked over with a cold face, and without saying a word, they killed these troublemakers with knives, which aroused panic among the surrounding refugees.

The holy nun stood motionless in the center of the sanctuary, seemingly unmoved by what happened around her.No one knew that the order to kill Wushe came from her mouth.Katyusha went to Marsein to investigate the news and never came back. The armed forces around her were only dozens of soldiers garrisoned by the Black Crow Outpost.At this time, any weakness and hesitation may turn into an uncontrollable tragedy. In order to maintain the order of the refugees, they can only kill them.

"Cut... that bitch is not easy to deal with."

The voyeur hiding in the darkness had a panoramic view of all this and cursed involuntarily.As long as Maryvian stands on the hill as a torch, desperate refugees will clung to this life-saving straw.

"Humanity's faith is but a hypocritical illusion, and she won't last long."

"Try another way?"

Invisible magic fluctuations spread from the darkness, like a ray of wind slowly blowing over the edge of the Holy White Sanctuary, and the white light that illuminated the vast night appeared waves visible to the naked eye at this moment.

The large-scale strategic magic "Holy White Sanctuary" built by the Maple Leaf Sisters relying on the hilly terrain is far beyond the reach of a few low-level cursed believers.But they don't need to be shaken, just such a flaw is enough.

"The nuns are so tired! They can't stand it anymore! The spell will expire soon!"

Among the refugees who gathered at the mountain pass and lined up to enter the Holy White Sanctuary, someone soon "discovered" the vision and shouted.

"Let's go in quickly! The plague will not be cured when their magic spells fail! The rest of them will die!" Someone shouted.

The refugees who had lined up suddenly panicked. Most of them didn't see the vision at all, but they still panicked involuntarily when they heard the shouts in their ears, and rushed forward in a daze. The neat team All of a sudden it was chaotic.

The most dangerous thing is not the plague, but the human heart.

 Resume update 0-0 I thought I could write more at home during the Chinese New Year, but it turns out I thought too much...

(End of this chapter)

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