rune hunter

Chapter 112 Malice

Chapter 112 Malice
Among the teachings preached by the sects of the gods, they all mentioned a basic point of view invariably: Human nature is inherently evil.Especially after losing the constraints of morality and reason, this nature will be exposed openly.

Theoretically speaking, devout faith can purify the human mind, but in the view of the Cursed Sect, unless it is a real death, the evil hidden in the dark side of the human mind can never be eliminated. This is the original sin of human beings.

Human beings are inherently chaotic and fickle creatures, accustomed to blind conformity to the herd and selfishness at the same time.Sometimes they don't even know what their purpose is, and they don't hesitate even if it hurts others or benefits themselves.

The refugees gathered on the hill, and were divided into two groups inside and outside the Holy White Sanctuary.The refugees who had undergone treatment settled down and lit the bonfire and began to rest, while those refugees who had not yet entered the Holy White Shelter for treatment could only hide and shiver in the cold wind.The area in charge of treating diseases in the Holy White Sanctuary itself is not large, and can only accommodate refugees moving slowly in two rows.

For the Maple Leaf nuns, they have done their best and put in the best effort.But in the eyes of those refugees, they only saw heaven on one side and hell on the other.

When they noticed the problems in the Holy White Sanctuary, most of them didn't think about it calmly, or they didn't want to think about it at all. Instead, they immediately and unconditionally believed the provocateur's words.

"The nuns are exhausted! No more healing!"

"Those who stay outside are doomed! We are about to be abandoned!"

Shouts like this one after another, immediately caused confusion in the team.Soldiers banging on their shields tried to restore order, but were overwhelmed by the oncoming crowd.They wanted to find the spreader of the rumor, but they found nothing.No one is willing to stop and think about the veracity of the rumors. On the contrary, many people spontaneously start to fan the flames, making the rumors intensify.

Exhaustion and hunger tormented the nerves of the refugees, making their heads numb.They only saw that the light of the Holy White Sanctuary was shaking, and their bodies were gradually losing temperature due to the troubles of the disease.Why are they saved?Why don't you save me?

Hurry up, hurry up, before the nuns take back their magical spells, they must cure the plague that is contagious on my body!Why are you blocking my way?How dare you block my way?I just want to live!Must survive...

People kept falling silently behind him, obviously the plague in his body had broken out, and no one knew if he would be the next person to fall down, so he could only move forward bravely.

Just touching that beam of light can cure diseases, right?Everyone has this fantasy in their hearts, without any basis, just hearing "someone" say this, and believing it without hesitation.At this time, such a voice is a life-saving straw, and it must be grasped regardless of whether it is true or false.


Marivian stared coldly at the refugees who crowded over, and said.Her voice was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears clearly, making the chaotic crowd quiet down involuntarily.

"I belong to the Temple of Life, Holy Sister Maryvian. You don't need to panic, everyone who is sick can be saved."

As soon as her words fell, someone in the refugee crowd immediately shouted: "So she is a holy nun! I heard that as long as you touch a holy nun, you may be blessed, and any disease can be cured!"

The holy nun is a gift bestowed by the gods to mortals, and those who are touched by the holy nun will also receive the blessings of the gods. This is a sentence that the sect of the gods used to propagate its teachings in the past, but it has been maliciously misinterpreted here.But to the ignorant commoners, that's exactly what they want to hear.At a time like this, no one cares about blasphemy, they just need a way to save their lives.

Maryvian frowned, and she felt some disgusting malice in some of the eyes staring at her.

"It's the same for other nuns! They have magic spells to expel diseases, as long as they are pasted, they will be saved!" The person with ulterior motives hiding in the crowd changed positions and continued to shout loudly.

Maryvian's eyes turned cold, she stretched out her finger and pointed forward, and a white divine light descended from the sky, covering the refugees' heads.A few people hiding in the crowd with hoods covering their faces suddenly emitted a puff of black smoke, screaming and fleeing.

"The Cursed Sect? The culprit who spread the plague?" Marivian narrowed her eyes and asked in a cold voice.

"Your hypocrisy is meaningless, and everything will eventually come to death!" The leader of the Death Cultists laughed loudly.

"It's nothing but tongue-in-cheek!" Maryvian snorted coldly, stretched out her finger and pointed at the Death Cultist, and the holy fire fell from the sky.

The leader of the Death Cultists smiled strangely and grabbed a refugee, manipulating the refugee's body to block his head. The holy fire poured down, burning the refugees into a huge fireball, but the leader of the Death Cultists took the opportunity to jump aside.

"Stupid nun, you can't stop the tide of death!" The leader of the Cult of the Curse raised his staff and roared, and a miserable green light burst from the staff.Following his order, the ground under the moonlight suddenly squirmed, and pairs of blood-red pupils appeared one after another in the darkness, and low growls that seemed to be wolves but not wolves came and went.

"It's a monster! It's a monster!" The refugees suddenly panicked, screaming and scrambling forward.Before they had enough time to realize the true identity of the murderer behind the Cult of the Damned, they were dominated by even more desperate fears.

The order that was barely maintained last moment collapsed in this instant.The sisters of Maple Leaf standing on the hill screamed in panic, which interrupted the hymn that had lasted all day.It wasn't because of his own endurance, but because he was coerced by the flow of people and left his position involuntarily.

"This is the ugliness of human nature, stupid nun! Even if you can cure the physical diseases, you can't heal their hearts that are dripping with mud!" The leader of the Cursed Cultists laughed triumphantly.

Amidst his laughter, the light of the Holy White Sanctuary suddenly dissipated.Just as the farmer kills the laying hen for the golden egg, so the terrified refugee kills his only hope by his folly.

One after another, ghouls jumped out of the dark shadows, waving their sharp claws and wantonly massacred the helpless refugees, causing even greater panic.At this time, the Cult of the Damned also used its real trump card - the undead army.The majesty of the Holy Nun has unimaginable power in the eyes of mortals. Spreading rumors, sowing discord, and other low-level tricks can't turn the situation around in front of her deity.

The best way to deal with such high-ranking clergymen with firm beliefs and outstanding prestige but powerless hands is to use force directly.


Seeing the chaotic scene in front of her, Mary Weian's face finally completely darkened.The other party seemed to think that the Maple Leaf Sisters lost their protection by force after Katyusha left, so they dared to release undead creatures so blatantly.For the priests belonging to the Temple of Life, these low-level undead creatures are not worth mentioning, but the refugees in Marsein are already scared out of their wits.Without a decisive force to suppress, it is difficult to settle these chaotic refugees.

The holy nun took a deep breath, and the white divine light on her fingertips turned into a purple flame.

The purple flames bloomed brilliantly in the darkness, and the girl slowly lifted off the ground amidst the flames.The purple flames wrapped tightly around her body, revealing the exquisite body under the nun's clothes.

The invisible divine power spread from her body, causing the panicked refugees on the ground to kneel involuntarily.A huge image of a cross of ice and fire appeared behind the girl, and purple rays of light pierced the sky.

"Praise the Lord of Death! What the hell is this?" The leader of the Cultists screamed.Even with his knowledge as a believer of evil gods, he has never heard of such a strange change in any holy nun of a god.

Maryvian sighed, and opened her purple eyes to look at him.Wherever she looked, a group of cursed believers and undead creatures suddenly burned out of thin air, howled in the purple flames and turned into fly ash.

(End of this chapter)

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