rune hunter

Chapter 114 Chapter City

Chapter 114
When Langaria retreated from Red Stone Ridge, she not only cut off the Kota wormhole, but also smashed the underground passage with her foot.In a sense, she doesn't want this underground passage to play any more role than humans.The strategic materials obtained by taking advantage of the fire were enough for the legion under her to digest for three years, just in time to hide and recuperate, watching the other princesses kill each other with cold eyes.

However, she obviously underestimated the degree of hatred she attracted. It wasn't just her family who were secretly staring at this batch of strategic supplies.How can the princesses who can stand out from their peers and take charge of a legion be the easy ones, allowing Langaria to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight?
Although this underground passage is secret, it is only a matter of time before it is exposed under the search of interested people.The meaning of the channel itself is not a "passable tunnel" as understood by humans, but represents a weak part of the earth's crust. As for whether it collapses, it is not a problem for the race named "Earthwalker".

It was difficult for the human soldiers stationed on the outskirts of Red Stone Ridge to feel the slight vibrations in the ground, and they didn't raise the alarm until they found new monsters in the hive area.

Due to its lack of strength, Langarlia's combat style tends to be mobile, and a large number of reconnaissance troops are deployed in the legion.Her Royal Highness Langa Akalian's style is full of blood and violence. The legion under her command does not even have a first-level reconnaissance unit called "Flying Locust". The lowest-level combat unit is the black iron flame hound.

In order to take precautions, Langaria also left a reconnaissance force in this area, lurking in the hive area to face off against the human army.And the flame hound launched an indiscriminate attack from the moment it appeared. Both human soldiers and Langaria's subordinates were brutally murdered, and the front line was in chaos.

When Pross received the distress signal, the temporary defense line set up by the human army at Red Stone Ridge had collapsed. He could only go to the place where the Istaren army had established a barracks outside the city, and stop the rout troops and organize a second line of defense.

"No reinforcements? What do you mean?"

Kicking the body of the strange beast out of the line of defense, Pross didn't care to wipe off the green blood on his face, and looked at the soldiers who came to report in surprise.

"The ones crawling out of the ground are only vanguard troops. If you don't block them back, what the hell will climb up tomorrow? You tell me there are no reinforcements? Is Anderson eating shit?"

"I haven't seen Lord Anderson. The lord has issued an order that Istaron is under emergency martial law. The city gates are sealed off and no one is allowed to enter or leave." The soldier who reported the news said helplessly.

"What the hell!" Pross frowned tightly. He didn't know what happened in the city, but he vaguely felt that something was wrong.The Red Stone Ridge, which has just ended the war, is the area that Istaren focuses on. Now that I have set off the alarm for help three times, there is still no response from the city, which is very abnormal in itself.

Another batch of flame hounds pounced on the temporary defense line built by the soldiers. They spewed flames from their mouths, forming billowing black smoke in the air, and the specific number could not be seen clearly.The sharp minions collided with the steel again, and bright red and emerald blood splashed each other.

There was a scream in the ear, and a soldier was thrown to the ground and his throat was torn open. The perpetrator turned his head and exposed his fangs to the human in front of him.Pross snorted coldly, his figure flickered, and he came behind the beast in an instant. He inserted the dagger in his hand into the back of its head and stirred it vigorously. The limbs of the beast twitched and fell to the ground.

"Brothers! Get rid of these damn things!" Pross yelled as he stepped on the corpse of the alien beast, and the surrounding soldiers responded loudly, cheering up their morale and fighting back, stopping the momentum of the flame hound's attack.

"Then... it's time for us to retreat." Pross said to himself in a voice only he could hear.He glanced up at the western forest. There was still an elite army there, but it was too far away to make it back.The distant water cannot save the near thirsty, and the only way out is to retreat back to Istaron.

No matter what happened, Pross did not believe that Istaron's soldiers dared to block his footsteps.

What happened to Istaron?Mary Vian also wanted to know the answer to this question.

When she opened her eyes, she found that she was lying on a cargo carriage, with thick straw under her body, and the sky had just turned fish-belly white.

"Thank you, Goddess, you finally woke up, Sister Maryvian." The little nun who was waiting by her side cried out in surprise.

"Sister Yiwen, what happened... What happened? Where are we?" Maryvian wanted to sit up, but a heart-rending pain came from her mind, and her mouth was too dry to speak.

The memories in her mind stayed in the moment when she used her hidden power in a fit of rage, and the cursed believers and undead creatures were wiped out before her eyes, and then she vaguely heard Katyusha's call for help in the distance, and subconsciously sent a divine power over...

The power of the purple flame was like a god descending, and it also made her involuntarily have the illusion of omnipotence.The super-long-distance transmission of divine power produced more than ten times the consumption, draining all the purple flames in an instant, and she herself, who was originally not strong enough to control this kind of power, naturally lost consciousness.

"Praise Goddess, you eliminated those evil minions, but you also burned the outpost. We had to follow the refugees back, and now we have returned to Istaren." The little nun patted her chest, as if she was terrified.

"Sister Katyusha..." Marievian recalled what happened before she lost consciousness. She wanted to ask about Katyusha's whereabouts, but she knew the answer when she saw the little nun beside her.If Katyusha came back, she would definitely return to her side directly.

"Sister Katyusha hasn't come back yet." The little nun replied truthfully, but there was no worried expression on her face.Anyone who knows Katyusha's true identity will have confidence in her strength.But soon the expression on her face became tangled again: "We can't enter the city now, Sister Maryvian."

Maryvian stretched out her hand and let the little nun help her to stand up and look around. It turned out that she had returned to the gate of Istaren.At this time, the refugees gathered outside the city gate had reached the scale of thousands of people. Whether it was the nobles who escaped first or the commoners who came with the nuns, they all mixed together in a chaotic manner, and surrounded the city gate with a lot of noise.

The appearance of the holy nun immediately attracted the attention of many people. The clamor of the refugees quickly calmed down, and the eyes of thousands of people focused on her neatly.

There is eagerness and expectation in the eyes of the nobles, and they know the meaning of the status of a holy nun best.The eyes of the civilians were full of awe, they saw her showing off her might.But the priests and nuns who belonged to the Temple of Life looked at her with more inquiring eyes.

Only the priests who belonged to the Temple of Life knew best that the purple flame was definitely not owned by the Goddess of Life, but belonged to another strange god.It is a shocking anecdote that a holy nun, who is bestowed by the goddess of life, can use the power of other gods!
After Maryvian passed out from a coma, the priests checked repeatedly and finally confirmed that she still hadn't lost the favor of the Goddess of Life before giving up.No one could explain why the girl was favored by two gods at the same time, and the reason for this may only be clear to herself.

"Your Highness Holy Nun! Please save us! The people of Istaren refuse to open the city gate!" A nobleman knelt down on the ground and cried loudly.

Following his cry, the refugees surrounding him also knelt down one by one, and in a short while the ground was full of people kneeling in darkness.Everyone was shouting in one voice, and finally gradually converged into a unanimous sentence:
"Your Highness Holy Nun! Please save us!"

Maryvian sighed, jumped out of the carriage and walked towards the city gate.The refugees bowed their heads before her, making way for her.She walked under the city gate, stretched out her hands and pressed behind her, and the refugees immediately fell silent.

"I am Holy Sister Maryvian." She raised her head and said loudly, "I want to see the lord."

"I am here, Your Highness." Antonio's voice came from the city wall.

(End of this chapter)

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