rune hunter

Chapter 115

Chapter 115
"I'm right here, Your Highness." Antonio's voice came from the city wall, and the figures of the young lord and Earl Snake appeared on the wall, smiling politely at Maryvian.

"Please open the gate of the city and take in the refugees." Maryvian said bluntly.

"I'm sorry that I can't grant your request. As the lord, I am responsible for the safety of the people of Istaren." Antonio shook his head and bowed.

"We guarantee it in the name of the Goddess of Life," Maryvian said.

The weight of this sentence was so heavy that even the soldiers stationed on the city wall had a small commotion.The clergy of the gods sect are used to crusade against heresy in the name of gods, or to bless believers, but they rarely have the experience of guaranteeing.Because when a priest is forced to say this sentence, it means that the other party has offended the majesty of the gods.

Omniscient and omnipotent are gods. God said there is light, and there is light.You may not believe in God, but you cannot doubt the existence of God, or even offend the majesty of God, that is the greatest blasphemy.

Maryvian is a voter of the Goddess of Life, and she also has the title of "Holy Nun" recognized by the sects of the gods. She not only walks on the ground on behalf of the gods, but also represents the common will of the sects of the gods.But now even such an identity can't make Antonio compromise, she can only guarantee it in the name of the gods.

When she uttered these words, it meant that Lord Estalon, the Temple of Life, and even the sect of the gods lost room for compromise.The majesty of the gods cannot be violated, and the will of the gods cannot be hindered.If Antonio continues to go his own way and refuses to believe in the guarantee of the gods, it is tantamount to provoking the gods as a mortal, and he will immediately be attributed to heresy.

Antonio didn't expect Marivian to be so determined, and his face turned pale.He swallowed secretly, and looked at Earl Snake involuntarily.

Earl Snake rubbed his temples with a headache, took a few steps back and hid behind Antonio, took a handkerchief to cover his lips, and muttered a few words in a voice that only two people could hear.

Antonio nodded, calmed down and shouted: "His Royal Highness, I didn't intend to offend the gods. But since you have the confidence to make a guarantee, it shows that you have the ability to control the plague. The Temple of Life is the best What's the point of letting them enter the city with all the clergy around you?"

Why go to town?

Maryvian lowered her head and looked at the refugees surrounding her.As the young lord said, there is a luxurious lineup belonging to the Temple of Life to treat them with all their strength. Even though the Holy White Sanctuary was destroyed, the epidemic on this group of refugees has been effectively controlled, and it can be said that they have basically escaped the clutches of the plague.

However, the reason for the refugees to flock to Istaren is not just the spread of the plague. There are many more important problems to be faced than the disease.The refugees did not bring enough food when they fled Marsein, and Istaren was the closest city to Marsein.If they were not supplied here, they would starve to death before the plague came again.

The magic of the goddess of life can expel diseases, but it cannot create clean food and fresh water out of thin air.

"It doesn't matter if you don't open the city gate, I hope you will provide enough food for the refugees." Maryvian thought for a moment and said loudly to Antonio.The Gray Water River outside Istaren City is a source of clean water, and what the refugees need most is food.

"No problem, please wait patiently for a while, I will prepare it myself." Antonio nodded, this time there was no embarrassment, and he readily agreed.

Seeing the smile on the young lord's face, Maryvian felt irritated for no reason.A woman's innate intuition made her feel that the other party was insincere, but under the eyes of everyone in broad daylight, she couldn't think of any tricks the other party would play for a while.

"My lord, please wait a moment!"

Just when Antonio turned around and wanted to leave, a shout suddenly came from a distance, making him stop.I saw a group of knights rushing along the Gray Water River, billowing smoke and dust.Seeing that the armor on their bodies is full of scratches and blood, it is obvious that they have just fought a difficult battle.

"Lord, why don't you open the city gate?" Pross came to the city first, staring into Antonio's eyes coldly and asked.

"I...I want to be responsible for the people of Istaren." Even though separated by a city wall more than ten meters high, Antonio still felt uncomfortable when he was looked at by Pross' cold eyes.He subconsciously wanted to turn his head, but was kicked by Earl Snake who was hiding behind, and his body stiffened immediately.

"Furthermore, I have already promised Her Highness the Holy Nun to provide food for the Marseilles! Then they won't need to enter the city!"

Pross turned his head, glanced at the situation of the refugees outside the city, and then looked at Maryvien calmly, and nodded to each other.

"Then why haven't you brought out the food yet?" Prouss raised his head and asked suspiciously.

"Are you questioning me? Bastard!" Antonio pressed the wall, a vein appeared on his forehead: "Who knew there would be so many refugees! Don't I need time to raise food?"

"Isn't there enough military rations in the military warehouse at the gate of our city? Your lord!" Pross' tone became severe.

"That...that...damn it! I don't need you to teach me how to do things!" Antonio yelled angrily, and he stretched out his hand and pointed down: "Do you want to rebel, Pross! Kill him!"

"Can't the show go on?" Pross sneered, looking at the imperial envoy hiding behind Antonio.At the same time that Antonio ordered, he also shouted: "All the garrison obey! Catch those two liars!"

With a sound of swiping, the weapons of all the soldiers on the city wall were aimed at the bodies of "Antonio" and Earl Snake.

"Oh, oh, Lord Pross is worthy of being called a hunting dog, and his eyes are so bright that you should not be underestimated." Earl Snake clapped his hands and stood up from behind "Antonio", but his face did not show any nervousness. He still smiled and looked at Pross.

"Except for the Knights, the highest commander of the other armies in the city is our three-headed dog. The lord himself has no command power at all. Besides, only an idiot would believe the joke that the granary is built at the gate of the city." Pross glanced at Glancing at the earth-colored "Antonio" on the city wall, he spat in disdain.

"You can't say that. How can a truly decent person study the rules in your army. But it is indeed my oversight to make such a funny joke." Earl Snake patted his forehead in frustration, and turned his head to look To Mary Vianne.

"His Royal Highness, you must have seen through this low-level trick a long time ago, right?"

"I noticed it when we met for the first time, but I didn't expect you to have such courage." Mary Wei An shook her head lightly.As soon as "Antonio" opened his mouth, she heard a problem, because the young lord always called her "sister" and "sister" unofficially for nuns.It was just that the situation was urgent at that time, and she didn't have the time to think about it, and she didn't think that Earl Snake would dare to make such a plan.

"Earl Snake, the crime of offending the majesty of the goddess, you must have the consciousness to pay the price for it?"

"Let me pay the price? You really love to joke." Earl Snake patted "Antonio" on the shoulder, and suddenly laughed: "The little tricks that can't be put on the stage have made you lose interest in watching, this is I'm really sorry for the inconsequential arrangement. However, the good show has just begun, let's step into the carnival waltz!"

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Two-thirds of the soldiers on the city wall suddenly turned around and aimed their bows and arrows at Pros and his party below the city.

(End of this chapter)

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