rune hunter

Chapter 116 The ever-changing

Chapter 116 The ever-changing
Pross guessed Earl Snake's trick of stealing the sky, but he didn't guess the collective betrayal of the garrison.

After the death of the previous head of the family, in order to prevent problems before they happened, the three-headed dog spent ten years building Istaren's army into an impenetrable iron bucket. Even the young lord himself did not have the right to mobilize the army at will.

The security force, the monitoring force, and the garrison are actually indistinguishable from each other. For Pross, this force has condensed his hard work for most of his life.So even when the fake "Antonio" appeared in person, he was not worried at all about his control over the army.

However, the reality is so cruel, everything happens only in an instant.

More than one hundred bowstrings flicked at the same time, and the arrows rained like rain.The defensive facilities on the walls of Istaren are not just ordinary bows and arrows.A huge black shadow came through the air with a monster-like howl. It was a bed crossbow that could only be launched with the help of mechanical power. The bolt made of cast iron was two meters long. It would have taken two people 10 minutes to wind up a war monster. I don’t know. When did you quietly prepare for it?

Maryvian raised her hand, and dazzling white rays of light radiated from her fingertips, converging on Prous's head to form a huge white cross.The huge crossbow hit the white cross, making a deafening noise.The white cross flickered rapidly, counteracting the terrifying force of the crossbow arrows, and he was also on the verge of falling.

There was only so much she could do.

As an ancient military fortress stationed on the King's Road, 300 years later, it revealed its true colors, and its fangs aimed at its own soldiers.Hundreds of hard bows and twelve bed crossbows whizzed together into a violent storm and swept across the border. The Istaren warriors who had just retreated from the Red Stone Ridge battlefield had no power to resist, and the entire army was wiped out in one breath.

There was a moment of silence outside the city gate, which was still noisy just now.

There was only a loud explosion out of thin air, and the figure of Pross appeared above the city wall across a distance of tens of meters.He is not a person who likes to talk, and he has already forged a life-and-death enmity at this time, so there is no need to say a word. "Antonio" raised his head subconsciously to meet his gaze, and suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and fell backwards involuntarily.

The soldiers in charge of guarding the city gate are elite soldiers with rich combat experience, and so are the traitors.The moment Prous jumped into the air, at least ten hard bows aimed at his body and shot the second arrow without hesitation.Prous flipped deftly in mid-air, took off his cloak and threw it out with his backhand, revealing his body wrapped in layers of blood-stained bandages.

The black goat hair cloak covered all the arrows that were shot at him, and he himself hid behind the cloak and landed on the top of the city, shaking the daggers in both hands, countless blood lines bloomed from the surrounding mutinous soldiers at the same time.At this time, the soldiers who did not rebel on the city wall also reacted, drew their weapons and fought the rebels, and the city wall was suddenly in chaos.

Pross stared at Earl Snake with cold eyes, and the next step flashed directly in front of him, holding the dagger behind his back and stabbing straight at his chest.

"Since Mr. Pross is seriously injured, don't force yourself too much." Earl Snake calmly raised his cane and easily blocked the blow that Pross was determined to win.The corners of Pross' eyes twitched, and he quickly took a few steps back, his cold eyes filled with surprise.

Even if he can't exert half of his combat power due to serious injuries, he won't be so easily resisted by Earl Snake.Now this situation can only explain one thing - Earl Snake actually hides the strength of the silver rank!
"To be honest, I really don't like your rigid expression of not being surprised before. This is just right now, and it can make me feel a little sense of accomplishment and happiness."

Earl Snake did not pursue, but instead stood there and smiled politely.

"Earl Snake, from today onwards you will be the sworn enemy of the White Lion of Istaron." Pross said through gritted teeth.

"Although I would like to say that it is a great honor..." Earl Snake shook his head, the smile on his face remained unchanged: "However, compared to the one outside the city gate, your threat is really unspeakable." interested."

"So the name of the White Lion family has been underestimated so far?" A voice said with a sigh.

Earl Snake turned his head sharply and saw the figure of the young lord, of course it was not the trash under his feet, but a handsome young man in armor and holding a long sword walking out of the tower on one side of the city wall.Crazy dog ​​Shet and Laurana followed him, and one after another the great knights whose strength had reached the bronze rank or even silver climbed up the city wall.

Although the command of the ordinary troops was delegated to the three of Pross, as the current head of the White Lion family, Antonio still holds the core of the White Lion Knights.

"This is really... an unexpected surprise." The smile on Earl Snake's face finally froze, and seeing the girl beside the young lord with the same standard smile on his face, he finally deeply realized the significance of this expression. How disgusting.

"I'm really sorry, Lord Snake. After thinking about it, I still think that the lord is more worthy of allegiance than you." Laurana lifted the corner of her clothes and bowed to Earl Snake.

"Poor child, you don't know how precious you are giving up. If I had known that you were so cute, I would never have wasted you on the little lion." Earl Snake shook his head and said regretfully: " Although your stupid behavior disrupted the rhythm of this waltz, it also impressed me."

"Stop this farce, Earl Snake!" Antonio shouted loudly: "This city is about to face a major life-and-death crisis. What good is it for you to cause this situation now?"

"I agree with you, my lord." Earl Snake spread his hands and said with a smile: "It's just that our views on certain issues may be biased. Why do you still think that I want to get rid of this situation?" What 'benefits' do you get from the play?"

Hearing him say this, Antonio was a little confused, and the faces of Laurana and Pross, who were the most agile among the people present, suddenly changed drastically.Without saying a word, Pross raised his dagger and entered the assault state again, while Laurana opened her hands, with colorful alchemy potions between her fingers.

"Hehe, I like smart people..." Earl Snake chuckled twice, raised his cane to block Pross's swift blow again, and flicked his orchid finger with his other hand in front of him, Pross's face paled. Yibai spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to his knees.

Just as Laurana was about to throw the alchemy potion in her hand, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.When she looked up, she gasped involuntarily.

It hasn't been long since Maryvian asked to open the city, but the situation has changed rapidly. However, the person who should appear the most has never appeared.Until this time, he didn't know which corner he jumped out of, and he stood by Earl Snake's side without hesitation.

"Anderson? It really is your problem! What price did Sneaker give you?" Mad Dog Shet held the hilt of his sword tightly, stepped forward to block Antonio behind him, and asked gnashing his teeth.The collective mutiny of the garrison is unimaginable, and only a problem with their immediate commander is a reasonable explanation.

"Look at his eyes! Lord Anderson must be under control!" Laurana suddenly shouted.

Xie Te hastily watched carefully, and as expected, Adelson's eyes could no longer see the white pupils, some unknown black substance occupied his eyes, and he still protruded out a strip of slender tentacles. Into the blood vessels of the skin around the orbit.

Judging from his appearance, it is obvious that his mind has been controlled, but his own strength has not weakened in the slightest.Shet didn't make a move, but Anderson raised his warhammer and smashed it down at him.

Shet grabbed Antonio and Laurana and flew back, and the solid granite wall exploded in front of Anderson.

"Although there was a small mistake, this waltz will still be played." Earl Snake looked at Antonio from afar, took off his top hat and bowed in greeting, with a gradually distorted smile on his face.

"Stupid little guy, do you think I'm the kind of corrupt nobleman who plays power games? Little do you know that you are the corrupt nobleman yourself, and I am a real artist! Let's appreciate the art of destruction together !"

(End of this chapter)

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