rune hunter

Chapter 117

Chapter 117
In the depths of the 300-meter underground tunnel at Hongshiling, thousands of diggers, whose bodies are like maggots and have become hundreds of times larger, devoured the soil day and night, expanding an underground passage with a diameter of more than ten meters.Batch after batch of flame hounds emerged from the dark shadows deep in the passage and spread in all directions.

Judging from the size of this batch of flame hounds, there are at least three war king worms in full production at the entrance to the other end of the underground world.As long as there are sufficient supplies, the war king worms of the Landwalker Legion can continue to produce without sleep within seven days, expanding the size of this army to a terrifying number.

However, this is only a theoretical estimate. In reality, it is rare for Her Royal Highness to act in such a frenzied manner.In addition to cost considerations, troops of a single type can easily be restrained in battle.The current plan to launch three war king worms to produce [-] flame hounds at a time has gone beyond the conventional definition of "prodigal". Domineering.

After the last batch of flame hounds left, there was no movement in the passage for a long time.A Digger lying on the ground and nibbling on the soil seemed a little puzzled by the unusual silence, and stopped his movements and turned his head to look.But just as it raised its head, it was pierced through its body by a huge sickle insect foot, bursting out a puddle of pus.

The lower body of the Zerg that walked out of the passage was shaped like a spider, with four slender limbs, and the upper body had two deformed short and thick claws and a ferocious mouth. It was two meters high, with red streamlined patterns all over its body.This is the main combat unit of the legion under the command of Princess Langa Akalian - the Alpha Dread Spider Knight.

"Collect resources to build wormholes, look for the traces of the Langaria Legion, and clear away all obstacles in the ground world! Long live His Royal Highness Langa Akalian!" The landwalker pioneer who straddled the dread spider clasped his fists and patted his chest. growled loudly.The spider knight opened his mouth and let out a strange squawk. It was like thousands of crows opening their mouths at the same time, and even the surrounding underground tunnels visibly shook.

If El knew that another earthly princess was coming soon, he would probably curse in his heart, "You guys are not done!", and then decisively take his family away from Istaron.But the problem before him at this time is even more troublesome.

The troop he led encountered a reconnaissance troop composed of hundreds of flame hounds in the forest, and after a fight, casualties were inevitable.Pross was nowhere to be found, and more and more flame hounds gathered in the forest. As a last resort, he had no choice but to return to Istaren.

But what he didn't expect was that at this moment, Istaren was also in a situation where he couldn't take care of himself.

Earl Snake did not know how to control the mind of the commander of the city defense force Anderson, and at the same time used his identity to indirectly control some soldiers of the city defense force.After his order, not only soldiers rebelled at the east gate where the refugees gathered, but the walls around Istaren fell into chaos almost at the same time.

The soldiers under control suddenly became violent, pulled out their weapons and cut down their companions without saying a word. Even if the other soldiers reacted, they didn't know how to distinguish friend from foe.Hesitation and suspicion caused the chaos to further expand and gradually developed into an unmanageable situation.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing the smoke billowing on the city wall, the soldiers wearing the same armor waved their weapons like crazy and attacked all the comrades close to them. From time to time, some people screamed and fell from the top of the city. El and all the officers were dumbfounded.

"Could someone launch a rebellion?" Timmy narrowed his eyes and asked suspiciously.

"The rebellion is a fart, everyone is beating me up." El said angrily, a blue light flashed in his eyes, and he had already seen the tricks on the city wall.Only a handful of soldiers were entangled with strange black silk threads, like puppets trying their best to destroy everything around them.More soldiers were obviously panicked, they couldn't tell the enemy from us and they just resisted passively.

"Some people seem to be controlled by magic or something similar, Mr. Ahmed, you go to maintain order. Pallanti, you come with me!"

El took Pallanti to the bottom of the city wall, grabbed the gap in the wall and jumped up.Pallanti's strength reached the edge of silver, and his physical agility alone was not inferior to El's, and he could also easily climb up the city wall to control the situation.Although this girl could easily ignore orders, but now that the situation is urgent, she can't take care of that much.

El climbed up the city wall, grabbed a controlled soldier and chopped it down with an axe, stepped on him and carefully observed the details of the corpse, and soon noticed the abnormality in the soldier's eyes.

"Palanti, pay attention to the eyes of those soldiers! Get rid of those who have problems first!" El shouted back.

As expected, there was no response. As soon as the Lolita Knight entered the combat state, her body completely obeyed her combat intuition rather than her brain consciousness. There was no need for El's reminder at all. She was able to distinguish the "abnormality" of the soldiers under control. .Pallanti's foil sword flew up and down, clearing a large space on the city wall in an instant.

"The city defense army belongs, line up and retreat!" Ahmed's voice sounded from the other side. As the commander of the hunter brigade, Ahmed's prestige in the Eastalen army is not inferior to that of the watchdog.Hearing his voice, the chaotic soldiers of the city defense army calmed down and retreated slowly as if they had found a backbone.

Although some soldiers were not controlled, they lost their minds for a while under the stimulation of extreme fear, turned a blind eye to Ahmed's voice, and slashed around with their swords.Ahmed snorted coldly, raised his longbow and shot a string of arrows, nailing all the disobedient soldiers in front of him to the city wall.

The regular army already had extremely strict military discipline. For soldiers who disobeyed orders, no matter what the reason, the superiors had the right to use the most severe methods to suppress them.El is very clear about this, but he is a little soft-hearted when he executes it. Up to now, he has not really regarded himself as a soldier.

But Ahmed is a real soldier, and there is only one way to deal with this situation, and that is to stop killing with killing.Although this method is fast and convenient, it also lacks flexibility and aftermath.

The number of soldiers really under control was not many, and they were quickly killed and injured by the unilateral massacre of the two silver powerhouses, El and Pallanti.El jumped off the wall to open the gate, let his party in, and quickly closed the gate again.Behind their buttocks, there is a group of unknown landwalkers closely following, so they must not be careless at this time.

When the mountain hunters boarded the city wall to control the defense facilities everywhere, the figure of the flame hound had already appeared outside the city.Perhaps out of awe of the tall city walls of Istaren, they just watched from a distance and did not approach, but for these monsters whose thinking logic is very different from that of humans, no one can guarantee that they will not take risks.

"Cheer up! Those bedbugs are gathering people. The bed crossbow is stringed up, and the trebuchet is ready!" Ahmed shouted as he walked on the city wall.Under his command, the soldiers of the City Defense Army who were still in shock finally regained their morale, and Istaron's war machine began to run slowly.

"Puloss, Anderson, Shet...where have all these damn bastards gone? Why do I feel that something is wrong..." Ahmed couldn't help complaining in a low voice when he walked to El's side.The chaos on the city wall here has returned to order, while the smoke in other directions has not stopped.In contrast, the city of Istaren presents a strange and quiet atmosphere, and it doesn't look like there is a mutiny at all.

But if this is just an accident, how can we explain the collective disappearance of high-level military personnel?
Even Ahmed didn't know why, and El was even more confused.He climbed to the top of the tower, gathered the power of the runes into his eyes, and looked as far as he could with all his strength.

His sight towards the east gate of Istaron was affected, and there seemed to be violent magical fluctuations there.On the other side, he saw the gate of the inner city slowly open, and a very familiar figure rode out.Behind her, a large piece of crimson uniform was particularly eye-catching in the sun. It was a student of a public college.

(End of this chapter)

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