rune hunter

Chapter 118 Speech

Chapter 118 Speech
When Tiana turned to leave, Antonio just smiled helplessly and didn't care.In his opinion, the girl's decision was nothing more than a momentary act of anger.Without the protection of the White Lion family, how much trouble can she cause in Istaron alone?

From the point of view of one lord, the plague from the north is indeed a matter of life and death. However, Earl Snake's conspiracy is even more imminent.Only after solving the troubles in front of him can he free his hand to deal with the plague.To the beautiful girl Antonio has always been patient and tolerant, and the occasional temper tantrum is not worth mentioning.

But this time, he underestimated both the damage caused by Earl Snake and Tiana's ability to move.

In addition to the young lord's guest staff, Tiana has another secret identity in Eastalon that is not a secret—the heir of the blue light Doria.Doria's relics are not only the magic items hidden in the tower, but also the tower itself, and the tower built in the public college also has another meaning, it is the status symbol of the college professor.

She inherited Doria's tower, and thus Doria's position in the Academy.Although she has no teaching experience, she has been recognized as a professor by the college in name.Spellcasters of the silver rank are definitely rare creatures in Eastalon, and the academy is eager for talents, and a bunch of old men can't wait to kneel in front of her and hug her thigh and not let go.

Inheriting Doria's treasure must also inherit her responsibilities. Tiana does not lack such awareness.If there is no threat of plague and natural disasters, she doesn't mind staying to teach.It's just that the world is fickle, and before she fulfills her responsibilities, she has to use the power of this identity.

Young students are always full of enthusiasm and are easily mobilized by words.Tiana came directly to the academy after leaving Antonio, and used her power as a professor to gather a group of students and tell them truthfully about the threat that was coming.

The families of the students who can enter the college to learn knowledge must be either rich or noble, and they also represent the upper-level power group in Istaron. It is too unrealistic to persuade them to fight against Antonio, and Tiana has no ambition to do so.During her three-month wandering career in the northern counties, she learned many ways to deal with nobles.

The combination of the appropriate threat and the temptation of a little interest is always beneficial.

"Countless rats filled the streets and alleys of Queensland overnight. The corpses quickly rotted and deteriorated. The black shadow of the plague rose into the sky and swallowed the entire city. No matter the common people or the nobles, even the priests blessed by the gods could not I was spared. A century-old city turned into a dead zone in just half a month..."

Tiana stood on the podium with a calm tone as if she was telling a story about an afternoon tea party, but the content of the story was full of spooky spirits, which made the students shudder, and the classroom was silent.

"Would that kind of thing happen here too?" An older student raised his hand and asked tremblingly.

"Although I really want to tell you not to worry, in fact it has already come to you." Tiana looked down and found that some students' faces had begun to turn pale.

"I think some of you have received news at home. That's right, a plague has broken out in Marsein, which is only one day away from us, and refugees have arrived outside the city of Istaren. According to my observations in the past few days, Istaren The population of rats in the sewers of Stalen City has been deliberately catalyzed by people in the past period of time, and there has been an abnormal explosive growth."

When a few timid girls heard this, they immediately rolled their eyes and passed out. There was a coaxing sound in the classroom, and there was a lot of chatter.

The fear brought about by the plague itself is enough to suffocate, and the appearance of the black hand behind the scenes magnifies this fear to the extreme.When fear reaches its peak, anger is born.

It was the first time Maryvian had seen this kind of extreme emotional change in humans at the Black Crow Outpost, and she had a deep understanding of its power.And Tiana has been accustomed to this in the past period of time.

"Couldn't the army save us?" shouted the student who was still hoping to get away with it.

"No matter how sharp a sword is, it can't resist the attack of disease." Tiana shook her head lightly: "I said that in the face of plague and natural disasters, any identity is meaningless. Perhaps a strong body can make soldiers last longer time, but their weapons and armor cannot defeat the invisible sickness."

Istaron started out as an army, and both nobles and commoners have the highest expectations and trust in their army.Every Istaronian firmly believes that their warriors are capable of protecting their homeland.This belief has not changed even in times more severe than the landwalker invasion.However, now a girl from a foreign country stood on the stage and said that their army was vulnerable, which made all Istarenians feel great shame.

What's even more unfortunate is that, as "students", they have enough knowledge and wisdom to distinguish the truth from the false, and the tragedy told by the girl's mouth is precisely the fact they are least willing to admit.Istaron's warriors are fearless against visible enemies, but helpless against invisible diseases.Without the support of the Temple of Life, the clergy of the three temples in the city would not be able to save the city at all.

"I have heard an old saying here: Every Istaronian is a warrior, and Istaronian warriors are fearless. But now, I see the fear in your hearts. Why should you be afraid?"

Tiana walked up to the pale little girl sitting in the front row, and reached out to wipe the tears off her face.She raised her head and chuckled at the puzzled eyes of the students.

"The swords of the warriors cannot defeat the plague, but that does not mean that the plague is an irresistible natural disaster. In the thousands of years of human history, there have been more than one large-scale plagues, but in the end the human race is still tenacious live on the earth."

"You are students and the future hope of this city. You learn knowledge in the academy, knowledge is the weapon in your hands, and wisdom is the power in your body. When soldiers cannot protect our homeland with weapons, should we Should we sit still? Shouldn't we be doing what we can?"

The classroom was silent again, and the students stared at Tiana dumbfounded, deeply shocked by her astonishing remarks.

There was a loud bang, and a burly senior student kicked over the desk and stood up. With red eyes, he asked loudly, "Miss Tiana, please tell us how to do it!"

"The sages recorded the history in the books, presumably you can find the answers you want in the library of the college. But when it comes to the specific method, I have a plan now, and I don't know if you will help."

Seeing that the students' emotions were gradually being guided in the direction she wanted, Tiana nodded in satisfaction, and took out a folded note from her pocket.

"This is a rodent-killing potion formula developed by an alchemist living in seclusion in the north. The materials required are very common, but if the dosage is calculated in units of cities, it is a huge number. I need sufficient manpower, Material resources and the inventory of the academy."

"Killing the rats that spread the plague is just a stupid way, but it is the most feasible way now. Each of you has a smart mind and can definitely come up with more solutions to the problem. Let me see the people of Istaren Fearless, now it is your turn to protect our soldiers and save this city!"

This sentence completely drove the students crazy, and as the news spread quickly, the entire academy also boiled.That night, the public college was brightly lit all night long.

In the early morning of the next day, Tiana pushed open the gate of the inner city by herself, and when she looked up, she saw the smoke rising from the city wall.The alarm has not yet sounded, the unknown enemy has approached quietly, and there is not much time left for her.

She looked back and saw fifty senior students quietly following behind her, carrying bulging sacks on their horses, which were filled with the rodent control potion prepared overnight.

It is not an easy job to put rodent control agents in the sewers of the whole city. Not only must we find the veins of the sewers without leaving any dead ends, but we must also pay attention not to affect people's normal life so as not to cause panic.If you are unlucky, you may be interrogated and entangled by the security forces, and now an unknown enemy has appeared, and you don't know when the martial law will be called...

"Let's set off and act according to the plan!" Tiana calmed down, raised her staff and said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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