rune hunter

Chapter 120 Rolling

Chapter 120 Rolling
No matter what kind of plan there is at least a clear purpose, but what is the purpose of the big drama that Earl Snake arranged today, Antonio still doesn't know why.He didn't sound the alarm at the first time. Apart from worrying that he would fall into Earl Snake's calculations, he was also waiting for him to continue playing cards.

Judging from the scene alone, Antonio still has a slight advantage.Although Earl Snake controlled some of the soldiers through Anderson, it was insignificant to the overall military strength of Eastalen.He himself actually concealed the strength of the silver rank, and easily defeated Pross, but Antonio had an ally of the Temple of Life on his side.

Pross fell from the top of the city, and was caught by a white light curtain before he landed. Maryvian pointed, and the wound on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although Anderson's mental strength was controlled, it did not decrease by half. Instead, he became more and more crazy under the influence of the shadow in his eyes.The huge two-handed war hammer danced vigorously in his hands, suppressing Xie Te completely for a while.

"Aha! Big man, why are you soft? Did you get rounded by twenty pussies last night? Although IQ seems to be the same, that guy named Anderson I know can't eat shit!"

Xie Teqiang withstood a heavy blow, the corner of his mouth was still bloodshot, and he still couldn't close his stinky mouth.In front of Anderson, who was a heavily armored warrior, the weapons he used were restrained, and there was no room for maneuver on the city wall, and there was no place to dodge and he could not retreat, because the young lord was standing behind him.Although the other knights of the knight order are also elites in the army, it is not easy to stop Anderson, who has been famous for a long time.

"Lord Xie Te, leave this to me." Laurana stood in front of Antonio with the alchemy potion between her fingers.Xie Te nodded and jumped away. Two test tubes filled with potions exploded in front of Anderson. The unknown alchemy substance mixed together, and instantly sprayed out countless yellow translucent slime, pouring it on Anderson's armor.

The yellow mucus became extremely sticky when blown by the wind, and Anderson's burly body like a giant bear suddenly froze, and his feet were firmly stuck to the city wall, unable to move.With a roar, the city wall under his feet shattered inch by inch, and he forced himself to pull up the granite under his feet.

Laurana stepped back cautiously, and threw out two bottles of medicine again. This time, the medicine splashed on the ground, and the hard city bricks were quickly corroded into a ball of mud.The controlled Anderson only retained his will to fight but also lost his mind. He rushed forward regardless, and then fell into the mud with his foot in the air.

As a member of spellcasters, although alchemists are not good at casting spells, they also have unique means of self-protection.In the eyes of ordinary people, alchemy potions are just two effects of killing and saving lives. Although this statement is not wrong, in fact, pharmacy is one of the basic disciplines to study the origin of the world.

In the eyes of alchemists, the key to alchemy potions is not the effect, but the change.The alchemy potion in Laurana's hands can produce miraculous changes through mixing, and its effect is no less than that of magicians' spells of the same level.For a "puppet" who has no thinking ability and a single attack method, this "change" can just restrain his actions.

"It's really sad, Miss Laurana, if your teacher sees you using the knowledge he imparted to resist his will, I don't know how to feel." Earl Snake sighed and said sadly.

"Just as the teacher cannot represent my will, I also don't think you can represent the teacher's will, Lord Snake." Laurana covered Antonio and retreated slowly, while counterattacking tit for tat.

"You keep saying respectfully to the teacher, and you don't hesitate to betray when you turn your head. This kind of excellent quality is really praiseworthy." Earl Snake laughed while holding his cane: "Although I didn't have any feelings for that pedantic old man. Any hope, but since he hasn't shown up until now, he should have been dealt with in advance by the lord, right?"

"Master Stephen is not only a professor of the academy, but also my most respected elder." Antonio did not answer Earl Snake's question directly, but the answer was obvious.Another great magician, Ampere, has not appeared so far, so one can imagine where he went.

"The old slicker who bet on both sides... Fortunately, he didn't reveal the real plan to him." Earl Snake said to himself with a cold face.There is no trust between him and Stephen, otherwise the great alchemist would not deliberately conceal Laurana's true face.

"Have you had enough fun, my lord?" Antonio glared coldly at Earl Snake who was standing alone on the city wall, and said through gritted teeth.Because of the chaos he created, the casualties of the garrison at the gate of the city skyrocketed in just a few minutes, and the members of the Temple of Life, which has the ability to heal, were blocked outside the gate and could not enter.

"I will cut off your head and hang it on the city gate as a memorial to the fallen soldiers."

Antonio no longer used the veiled threats among the nobles, and said bluntly.From the perspective of the lord, he still needs to consider the pros and cons, but as the current patriarch of the White Lion family, which started as an army, he cannot tolerate such a waste of the lives of his soldiers.

"Finally let me take a high look, my lord." Earl Snake smiled and shook his fingers: "It's just not enough, it's still too weak, I really want to appreciate the real anger of the white lion, isn't it Are you saying I haven't done enough?"

Earl Snake took a step forward, and the cane collided with Shet's long sword.Xie Te, who failed in the sneak attack, spat secretly, and the long sword in his hand soared, piercing his heart.He is known for his speed among the three-headed dogs. In close combat, his sword swing is as fast as thunder, leaving almost no reaction time for people.

But Earl Snake's style is completely opposite, his movements are so slow that people can see clearly.Seeing that he turned sideways seemingly inadvertently, he miraculously avoided Xie Te's ultimate move, then raised the wooden cane in his hand, and gently pushed Xie Te's arm out of the sword.

The onlookers didn't know why, but Xie Te, who was in the game, was sweating profusely. Only he could deeply understand that it was not Earl Snake's slow movement, but the absolute suppression of strength.Just like on the battlefield that day, Princess Langaria played with the three of them in the same way.

The failure of Pross was not because he was seriously injured, but because he was really powerless to fight back.

Gold rank?What are you kidding?Xie Te forcibly suppressed the absurd thought in his heart.The hidden strength of Earl Snake may be able to reach the level of the Silver Crusader Katyusha in his heyday, touching the golden gate at the end of the Silver Secret Realm, but it is absolutely impossible to reach the real golden rank—that is an almost impossible hurdle .

Shet's question did not wait for an answer. Earl Snake seemed to push his arm away with his cane, but actually hit his shoulder.With the sound of bones breaking, blood splashed on his face.Xie Te only felt his body tremble, his right arm had been pierced by the seemingly inconspicuous cane.

Earl Snake withdrew his cane, left Shet who was unable to resist, walked slowly past Anderson who was still in trouble, and came to Laurana.

The girl's face lost its color for the first time, and she watched Earl Snake approaching step by step, but she couldn't control her body to move half a step.Is it fear?Or shock?At the juncture of life and death, Laurana was still thinking desperately. She suddenly saw the changes in the various medicinal solutions on Anderson's body, and finally realized it.

Earl Snake's movements were not slow, but frighteningly fast.His movements are not slow, what is slow is time.His actions created an illusion for everyone, as if the body's reaction was normal, but the consciousness of the brain followed him and accelerated several times.

Lord Snake walked past Laurana, brushing his cane under her ribs.The girl groaned and fell limply to the ground, all the ribs in her chest were broken.

He walked up to Antonio and saluted with a smile. Antonio's eyes were wide open, and he held the hilt of his sword tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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