rune hunter

Chapter 121 Constructing Titans

Chapter 121 Constructing Titans
According to historical records, the earliest alchemy can be traced back to the dark ages. Humans who evolved to the stage of primary civilization expelled the barbarians and established the Sumerian city-state in the Great Plains.The great sage Maple created the most primitive alchemy theory in the process of exploring the mysteries of the world, which was finally carried forward by his disciple Christon, and the latter was called by later generations because he established and perfected the basic framework of alchemy. Known as the "Father of Alchemists".

The ancient alchemy system named after Christon was cut off after the fall of the magic dynasty. It was not until 1000 years later that the Kyle elves excavated part of the heritage in the ancient ruins and re-established a new alchemy system with elf-style characteristics.With the advent of the era of civilization revival, the ground races have entered a prosperous period of communication and development, and the alchemy system of the Kyle elves has also spread, and gradually developed schools with their own characteristics among other races.

Today, the new alchemy system has been gradually divided into twelve major fields. Human alchemists are only good at fields such as "pharmaceuticals", "metallurgy" and "construction". powerless.

The obsidian construction titan is one of the highest achievements in the field of "construction" alchemy. It is a terrifying war weapon jointly developed by humans and dwarf alchemists.In the last 500 years of Canillas' history, the number of times this weapon has appeared on the battlefield can be counted on one's fingers, and every time it appears, it must be accompanied by bloody storms.

In the high tower of the college, two old men stood on the edge of the roof, staring at the figure of the black giant on the magic image, and took a breath in unison.

Stephen shivered subconsciously, and the teacup in his hand fell to the ground.He didn't care about the tea splashed on his body, he just squinted his eyes and leaned in front of the magic image, wishing he could go directly to find out.

"That thing is the legendary obsidian-built Titan?" Master Ampere asked in a low voice. Although he had never seen this kind of war weapon with his own eyes, he must have heard of it given his age and experience.Only when it comes to distinguishing constructed creatures, Stephen is a well-deserved authority.

"Although I haven't seen the real thing, it should be the legendary obsidian-built Titan." Stephen sighed with red eyes: "If the Kingdom of Auckland went back to the early days of its founding 300 years ago, it might still be able to create One, but now, it is estimated that the royal family can't even afford the maintenance cost."

"If the legends are true, then the Truth Society may not be able to support this monster." Ampere glanced at Stephen and said meaningfully.

"Only in the underground lava area will it be produced. The obsidian ore that has been calcined by the earth fire for thousands of years cannot be mined with ordinary iron tools. It can almost be measured with gold of equal weight, and this is only the cheapest material on it. In To draw the magic circle on the obsidian, you must use fine gold solution, and the thinking center in your body must use the heart of the dragon to drive it. If you want to install other functional plug-ins, the cost will be calculated in units of tens of millions of gold coins... Stephen shivered and pointed at the black giant in the magic image like a shofar, his face flushed as if he had been injected with pig's blood.

"Could it be that the person who created this kind of thing was for the sake of prodigal?" Hearing the cost calculated by Stephen, even though Ampere is not good at alchemy, he couldn't help but feel a toothache.

"However, compared to the benefits, such a cost is not unacceptable." Master Stephen pouted, pointing to the obsidian to construct the Titan.

"Earl Snake has never trusted me, but I can vaguely feel his purpose. The original intention of the Truth Society is to eliminate the disaster in the prophecy, and what he is doing now is more like verifying that prophecy."

"The apostle was born in the north, bringing endless punishment from heaven, and there will never be peace in the world..." Ampere recited the content of the prophecy that was already an open secret with a solemn face.

In the past hundred years, in the prophecy books written by astrologers from all over the world, prophecies about the apostles have appeared frequently, and they have become more and more clear.Until 12 years ago, an elder of the Truth Society peeped into the river of fate and left a motto when he exhausted his life-the apostle was born in the place where the lion rests.

The conspiracies and plots surrounding the White Lion family have continued since then, and they still have not been relieved to this day.

The black giant landed on the ground, and the bluestone-paved street at the city gate shattered and collapsed under its feet.It stood firm, its two topaz eyes flickered, and turned its head to stare at the knight standing on the city wall.

The knight took a deep breath, and slowly lifted the long sword in his hand.

The Obsidian Constructed Titan has no language function, nor does it have the patience to wait for the enemy to gather momentum.After locking onto the most threatening target, it took a step forward, and its huge body crashed directly into the city wall.

There was a loud bang, and the sky fell apart.The city gate of Istaron, which had never been breached for 300 years, collapsed under the impact of it. The knight standing on the city wall and all the soldiers around him disappeared in the dusty ruins.

The Marsaine refugees outside the city gate were gathering towards the city gate. They didn't know the details of the battle, they only heard the young lord's order to open the city gate, and many of them were involuntarily pushed forward by the people behind them.

Marivian, who had been watching the situation on the city wall, suddenly changed her face drastically. She stretched out her hands and quickly drew dozens of white crosses, which were reflected on the city wall, as if they had been pasted with layers of patches.

"My lord protects, God-given defense!"

As the chosen one of the Goddess of Life, Maryvian, who was given the name of "Holy", used to be able to use any kind of magic at her fingertips in the past. She didn't need the assistance of language and gestures at all, and she could call at will with a single thought.But now that she spoke the oracle's decree for the first time, the white cross reflected on the city wall suddenly increased tenfold, almost covering the entire city gate.

The next moment, the city wall collapsed suddenly, and the white cross lasted less than half a second before it also shattered. The broken bricks and stones poured down, burying all the refugees squeezed under the city wall.

The black giant slammed down the city wall with all his strength, and his body protruded out of the city.Its eyes flickered a few times, and it focused on the purple-haired nun who was glaring at him.

"Sister Maryvian! Run!" Little nun Egwene screamed in horror.She was carried by the refugees and moved forward for a long distance. Although she was not buried by the collapsed city wall, she was also shrouded in the shadow of the black giant.The refugees who had surrounded her just now had panicked and fled outwards. She was accidentally pushed down and stepped on a few times, so she couldn't get up.

"Maryvian! Run!" the little nun yelled with the loudest voice while lying on the ground crying.The black giant's huge foot fell heavily across the city wall, and her voice came to an abrupt end.

The pupils of Maryvian's eyes suddenly shrank, and her mind went blank.She opened her mouth, but when she wanted to speak, she found that she had lost the strength to speak.She stared blankly at the black giant passing through the city wall, reaching out and grabbing at herself.

"His Royal Highness Mary Vian! Go away!" A temple priest standing beside her rushed in front of her, and blood spurted out from seven orifices at the same time.He summoned divine power far beyond his limit, his body swelled up in an instant, and then exploded with a bang.The extremely compressed divine power explosion wiped out everything around.

The outstretched palm of the black giant trembled slightly, that's all.The power below the gold level can't break through its defense at all.Although sad and respectable, the martyrdom of the priests of the temple did not buy Maryvian more than a second.

The huge palm covered the sky above Maryvian's head. The black giant grabbed the purple-haired nun, clenched his palm and squeezed it hard, like crushing a tomato, blood spurted out from between his fingers.

The giant turned his head, his eyes sparkled again, and focused on the young lord on the city wall.

Antonio's ears were buzzing, and he took a few steps back with a pale face.He tried to find traces of the knight, but there was silence under the collapsed city wall. He tried to find traces of Maryvian's escape from the clutches, but he only saw fresh meat sauce between the fingers of the black giant.

In a daze, he seemed to hear Earl Snake's voice ringing in his ears again.

"My dear lord, are you satisfied with the play I have prepared? Is it painful? Is it hopeless?"

"Damn you!" Antonio cursed loudly, pulled out the sword that had never been drawn from his waist and pointed it at the black giant. His face was extremely pale but he was holding back his tears and refused to cry. .

"I am the lord of Istaron, the patriarch of the White Lion family, Antonio Caesar! If you want my life, take my life! The warriors of Istaron are fearless!"

 Kneeling for a recommendation ticket (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~


(End of this chapter)

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