rune hunter

Chapter 122 Flesh Alchemy

Chapter 122 Flesh Alchemy

When the huge palm of the obsidian-built titan enveloped the top of her head, Marivian did not escape, and her attention was not even on the deadly threat in front of her, so she still had an absent-minded expression on her face.

What she was thinking about was not the black giant in front of her eyes, but the refugees around her.

God loves the world, so he bestows blessings on mortals.Life is priceless, and saving lives requires no reward.The chosen people who walk on the earth instead of the gods should also follow the teachings of the gods.Mary Weian has always believed in this. When she heard the news of the plague outbreak in Marseille, she led the members of the Temple of Life without hesitation.

A farmer should plow the field, a blacksmith should forge iron, and a knight should fight.For the holy nuns of the Goddess of Life, dispelling the plague and treating the sick is a natural duty.Make the best use of everything and perform their duties. This is Marivian's cognition of the world, a traditional and pure philosophy of order.

She never expected anyone's gratitude, but she never thought that she would be hated.

Yes, hate.At the moment when the Holy White Sanctuary was destroyed, she clearly felt the refugees' hatred for her.

Are you a nun?Can save us?We are dying!Why don't you save us... Shouts like these came and went in the dark night.

The reason why the plague is called a natural disaster is that it not only tortures the human body, but also leaves the spiritual scars of the refugees who fled their homes that cannot be healed.As long as they are slightly stimulated by the outside world, they can easily break the fragile nerve called "reason".

Want to live, just want to live... The only belief in their minds supports them to move forward, while other things such as morality and conscience have become useless burdens in the face of the desire to survive .

As long as the cursed believers who incited the riots are eliminated, they can calm down, right?The holy nun once had such a fantasy before she fell into a coma.

With the gates of Istaron closed and refugees crowding at her feet begging for mercy, she confronted the false lord in the name of the goddess.After Antonio ordered the door to be opened, the refugees dispersed again.

They squeezed little nun Egwene to the bottom of the city, and left her there alone to run for her life.

Refugees are still refugees, refugees who just want to live, refugees who are indistinguishable from thugs, they themselves cannot control their emotions, they are just trying in vain to grab at straws, neither holy nuns nor anyone else the difference.

"It's... ugly... Desire..."

The obsidian-built Titan was about to hit the city wall again and crush Antonio into a meat paste when he suddenly felt something strange in his hands.It stopped moving suspiciously, and opened its clenched palms to look.

There were bloodstains on the palm, but there was no corpse left.A dark blue ice crystal lotus quietly lurked in the blood, and the nearby obsidian was also covered with a layer of frost.The moment Tai Tan opened his palm, lotus flowers suddenly bloomed layer by layer, and the cold air from it froze the entire palm into a lump of solid ice.

A ray of crimson flame slowly rises from the lotus heart, and rises when the wind blows, burning blazingly with the frozen ice surface of the lotus as fuel.The combination of ice and flames turned into a brilliant purple brilliance.

The purple-haired nun stepped out of the lotus, stepping on the invisible steps, leaving the palm of Titan's hand and rising into the air.The cross of ice and fire slowly emerged behind her.The coercion of the gods on the cross flickered, and in the torment of ice and fire, they uttered piercing groans, which gradually evolved into sharp wailings.

The cross broke from it and fell into the void. Maryvian's body also trembled and bent backwards at an unbelievable angle.Purple flames wrapped around her body, and the girl's figure swelled up at an alarming speed in the flames. Her legs were entangled together and turned into a snake's tail, and two pointed horns curved backwards grew from the top of her head.The bright purple wavy long hair soared tens of meters and fell to the ground. The nun's clothes on her body were reduced to ashes, leaving only the scales growing from the body to set off the rough waves.

The holy nun named Maryvian disappeared into the flames, replaced by a monster with a human head and a snake body no less than an obsidian-built Titan.She landed on the ground, let out a deep roar, stretched out her hand and grabbed a hydra whip from the void, and two wings that transformed into flames bloomed from her back at the same time.

Simply using "monster" is not enough to describe her existence, it is clearly a demon god from hell!

She opened her mouth and took a deep breath. Among the fleeing refugees, someone suddenly knelt down on the ground, clutching her throat and twitching non-stop.A translucent phantom floated out of his body involuntarily, and then purple flames descended from the sky, burning him into a mass of ashes.

After absorbing hundreds of filthy souls in one breath, the demon god named "Maryvian" licked his lips eagerly, opened his eyes and looked at the black giant standing in front of him.

The obsidian-constructed titan has no expression changes, or it does not have the ability to react with surprise or prudence. In his pre-designed program, all active targets are enemies that must be eliminated.After locking on to a new target, it mercilessly punched the Demon God's chest.

The Demon God seemed not quite used to the changes in his body, and wanted to dodge but didn't dodge completely.The obsidian constructed titan punched her lower abdomen with a fist, almost completely sinking into the flesh.The Demon God screamed and spat out a mouthful of blood, arched his body and retreated sharply, the snake tail of his lower body coiled into a ball, unexpectedly fully bearing the force of the punch.

The blood she sprayed directly turned into purple flames in mid-air, pouring on the arms of the black giant and burning like tarsus maggots.Obsidian, which has been smelted by earth fire for thousands of years, is not afraid of any flames. However, the essence of this purple flame is the combination of ice and fire. Even the most solid rock cannot withstand the test of double extreme temperatures.

The titan made of obsidian seemed to sense the abnormality of the purple fire, and quickly slapped the burning flame with the other palm, but at this time the demon god had also recovered, and she raised the hydra whip longer than her snake tail, A thunder-like whip was thrown out in mid-air, and it hit the black giant's head fiercely.

Nine huge snake heads hit the black giant's face, and boundless purple flames shot out from its mouth at the same time.The black giant staggered back clutching his head, stumbled, lost his balance and fell down, crushing another section of the city wall behind him.

A mischievous smile appeared on the demon god's face, and he slowly retracted the tail of the snake that was under the trip, and raised the whip of the hydra in his hand to lash the black giant one whip after another.The obsidian constructed Titan's body was covered with purple flames all over the sky in a short while, and where the whip shadow passed by his side, the earth and the city wall were torn to pieces by countless ravines.

The demon god swung twelve whips in a row, seeing that the sky and the earth around him were engulfed in flames, and he refused to stop.The whip of the Hydra suddenly straightened, and the black giant jumped out of the flames while holding the whip tightly. Two golden rays of light shot out from its eyes and hit the Demon God's face. When she turned her head, he grabbed the snake's tail and pulled her fell to the ground...

"This is really... an unexpected development."

In an unnoticed alley under the city wall in the distance, a lively human head looked at the burning red sky in the distance, showing a shocked expression for the first time.

"Who would have thought that the voters of the Goddess of Life are the real 'apostles'? Is the old woman blind? The old men have always regarded Antonio as the child of destiny all these years, but this time they were opened by fate. What a big joke. This is simply unbelievable... But, I like this kind of unexpected surprise."

Earl Snake, who only had his head left, was talking to himself, and a few soft tentacles protruded from the severed surface of his neck, growing gradually and pushing his head into the air.Smaller tentacles grew from the tentacles and entangled with each other, forming a complete humanoid body in a short while.

Earl Snake stretched out his hand and dropped a pool of blood from the city wall, pouring it on his body, growing white and smooth skin at a speed visible to the naked eye.He coughed, took out a black silk scarf from his mouth and put it on his body, a flash of light flashed, and all the cumbersome clothes on his body were neatly dressed.In just a blink of an eye, he turned back into that well-dressed imperial envoy again.

"So you like unexpected surprises so much?" A young girl's voice came from behind, and the smile on Earl Snake's face froze.

"I never expected to see the flesh and blood alchemy secreted by the Kyle elves in the human kingdom. Lord Snake, I wonder if your master has told you the price of flesh and blood alchemy?"

"My master? Miss, who are you?" Earl Snake sneered and slowly turned his head. The alley behind him was empty, without a single figure.

"It's expensive to construct a Titan with obsidian, is Pandora willing to let you spend so much money?"

The girl's voice still came from behind her ears, unknown distance.Earl Snake turned his head sharply, but still didn't find anything.

"So you are the master's old acquaintance?" Hearing the name Pandora, his body trembled involuntarily, and immediately put away the smile on his face, and tentatively asked.

"Old acquaintance? Let's call it..." The girl neither denied nor admitted, and the ambiguous attitude made Earl Snake even more puzzled.

"We haven't seen each other since she came to Canillas. Do you know what weird things she's researching now?"

"How dare I speculate on Lord Pandora's will." Earl Snake lowered his head and said with a smile.Knowing the secret information that the adult is not from this situation, the person next to him may not be a kind person.

"Pandora's loyal dog, how about making a deal with me?" The girl's voice seemed to be whispering in his ear, making the hairs on Earl Snake's back stand on end.

"You tell me what interesting things Pandora is researching, and I'll tell you the real hidden dangers of flesh and blood alchemy?"

 I didn’t have time yesterday, so I’ll write more today, it will be on the shelves soon, I want to save my character

(End of this chapter)

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