rune hunter

Chapter 123 Gold rank

Chapter 123 Gold rank
When El first came into contact with the concept of silver and gold ranks, he was very interested in the division of this realm.Compared with Laurana's scripted explanation, he is more inclined to use his own worldview to understand this so-called "realm".In the law of the food chain in nature, wolves eat rabbits, and rabbits eat grass. This is a natural class difference.

He has always thought that he is like a lone wolf. Although he is weak in the forest, he is not afraid of other beasts because of his sharp claws and teeth. This is the so-called principle that wolves travel thousands of miles and eat meat.

And the strong man of the gold rank is like a legendary monster, just like the Fei Yu who was full and wandered in the territory of the bear clan he had seen, but fell into a trap accidentally and was beaten into a dead dog. dragon.

Although he was wearing the raptor's leather armor, El hadn't really seen the ferocity of the Feather Raptor in the legend, which gave him the illusion that the monster was nothing more than that.When he came to Istaren from the mountains and forests, he was still a little arrogant, always thinking that he could conquer the world with his own abilities.

This illusion was maintained until the night when he met the land princess Langaria, and he finally felt his own insignificance.At that time, Langarlia just glanced at him from a distance, and scared him into a bereaved dog.At that time, he deeply realized the fear of the most powerful people in this world.

Only later did he know that there is a realm called the Silver Secret Realm, and only the real masters can set foot there, and become the best of all people from then on.There is also a realm called the Golden Gate, where the throne is inside the gate, and all living beings outside the gate are ants.

Now he has preliminarily established the second rune cycle and stepped into his own silver secret realm, but the deeper he understands in this realm, the more confused he is about the understanding of the gold rank.

He used to think that he was a wolf, and the strong golden man was the Feather Raptor, but after he really came into contact with that monster, he had to lower his status to that of a rabbit.

On the battlefield, Langarlia faced many fierce battles with many silver-ranked powerhouses in Istaron, and she was still able to advance and retreat calmly. Later, according to a meeting of a girl who participated in the battle in person, Her Royal Highness did not use it from the beginning to the end. The so-called fierce battles are nothing more than adults playing with naughty children.

The only silver crusader, Katyusha, who confronted Langaria head-on for a moment, showed strength enough to sweep away thousands of troops, but in fact, it was only with the assistance of the Maple Leaf Sisters and the Holy Sisters that she reached "infinite approach" The illusion of gold rank.

What kind of realm is the real "Golden Gate"?El was both yearning and confused about this question.It wasn't until now that he had two more targets for reference that he had a vague answer.

The answer is destruction.

The two super monsters with a size of more than ten meters were enough to crush the ground just by walking, and their battle turned the cities they passed into ruins.

The black giant fell backwards, trying to hold the ground with both hands, but crushed the residential buildings on both sides of a whole street like tofu.The snake-tailed demon god spread his wings and swooped down from mid-air, countless houses collapsed where the hydra whip passed.The two monsters fought all the way from outside the city into the city, killing them indiscriminately.

Large areas of buildings slowly collapsed under the aftermath of the war, and burning flames and billowing black smoke were everywhere in the city.Panicked residents fled from their homes, screaming and running for their lives.A group of security forces gathered amidst the harsh alarm bells, but they were helpless against the disaster in front of them.

The battle between the two monsters has broken away from the level that mortals can interfere, no matter how much they are in front of such a powerful existence, it will not help, even if they want to use their lives to stop their footsteps.

"Fortunately, it's just approaching the golden rank." Tiana carefully felt the power in the purple flame, and her face turned slightly better.

"Hey, don't stand and talk without back pain. What do you mean by approaching the golden rank? This is going to be against the sky, okay?" El raised his head and looked at the black giant's fist the size of a millstone, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching .

"What the hell is going on? That dog-headed magic stick is right, I shouldn't come back. What did your little white-faced lord do to provoke this **** thing, and they are in pairs... ..."

"On one side is an obsidian constructed Titan, a pseudo-gold-level constructed alchemy combat weapon, and I have only seen related records in books. The other side... It seems to be His Royal Highness the Holy Nun." Tiana stared Looking at the strange energy fluctuations of ice and fire in the purple flame, she said that it was not the first time she had seen traces of this kind of power, but she was still very confused about the source of this kind of power.

"Although they are all purple beauties... I also know that your relationship with that one is not very harmonious, but what's the point of framing her at this time?" Although he believed Tiana's judgment in his heart, El still said Subconsciously refuted.After all, in the impression of ordinary people, the clergy, especially the saints favored by the gods, are themselves synonymous with holiness, so how could they use such weird and evil power under the eyes of the gods?
"Miss Tiana is right." An old and hoarse voice sounded from behind, El and Tiana vigilantly clenched their weapons and turned their heads apart.

A knight in full armor and wearing a helmet who couldn't see his face stood behind them, and he didn't know how long he had been here.With the double acumen and perception of a genius hunter and a senior wanted criminal, he didn't even notice the existence of this person.Thinking of this, El couldn't help feeling chills in his heart. What kind of shit did he step on today, these unfathomable monsters popped out like mushrooms one after another?

"You are the elder of the White Lion family? Where is the lord?" Tiana carefully noticed the family emblem on the knight's armor. It is not the standard mark of the Knights, but a special meaning inherited by the White Lion family. The family crest, which she had only seen once before on Antonio.

"It's a long story... the situation is urgent now, Miss Tiana, I need your strength." The knight turned his head, glanced at the black cloak El wore to show his identity and nodded: "I heard I mentioned your name, but I didn't know that you had already joined the Black Knight. Al, I now demand that you obey orders as an acting lord."

You old man heard the rumors about the country archer next to the magician girl... El couldn't help but sneered in his heart.The reason why he is famous is thanks to Tiana. In order to save him, the girl owed a favor to Marivian, who didn't like each other. In the eyes of the crowd who didn't know the truth, it became an ambiguous gossip. Biography has long been edited beyond recognition.

"Actually, I was just pulled by Mr. Pross to make up for it." El shrugged disapprovingly, and asked strangely: "Your old man actually expects us to deal with these two monsters? The masters of Istaron Is it dead?"

He just said it casually, but he didn't expect the knight to reply seriously: "It's almost there."

"What do you mean is almost done!" El stared at the knight with wide eyes in horror. He had no obligation to send the White Lion family to death.

"The three of us, and the two old men on the opposite side, that's all." The knight pointed to the opposite side.On the edge of the battlefield opened up by the two monsters, on the roof of a building that has not been affected, there are two old men in robes - the great magister Ampere and the great alchemist Stephen.

"Is this the ultimate goal of Earl Snake?" Ampere couldn't help but sighed as he looked at the battle in front of him, "It's just that he didn't expect that Her Royal Highness the Holy Nun of the Temple of Life is the real apostle. If we didn't find the Marivian will never come to this frontier..."

"There is no if, all of this is the arrangement of fate. The truth will always try to destroy the apostles. For some reason, Earl Snake wanted to summon the apostles, but they never thought, or dared not think that the apostles actually came from Among the chosen people of the gods. Apostle, whose apostle? Isn't it the apostle of the gods?" Stephen sneered and shook his head, staring at the obsidian-built Titan, his eyes radiated unprecedented light.

(End of this chapter)

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