rune hunter

Chapter 124 Divided into 2 ways

Chapter 124
El didn't quite know the reason for the appearance of these two monsters, but he knew the identity of Master Stephen's hidden truth society, so he looked at the titular teacher with a strange gaze.Master Stephen didn't know that he already knew his secret, but he was quite surprised that this nominal student could sneak out of his tower.

The knight said that the only strong people in Istaron left were these people in front of him, and they were counting on them to work together. El didn't have any hope for this.Among the people present, the knight himself was a mysterious person who couldn't tell where he came from. Master Stephen was an accomplice of Earl Snake, and Master Ampere standing with him couldn't help but make people suspicious.The magician girl hides her identity as a wanted criminal, and El himself has no intention of fighting.

"They must be lured out." The knight said, in fact, everyone realized this without him saying it.During the fierce struggle between the two monsters, several blocks near the east gate of Istaron were completely reduced to rubble.If they are allowed to continue, it may cause irreparable harm to the city.

El subconsciously glanced at the direction of Jupiter's firm, where there was a lovely girl lying on the window sill waiting for him to go back.If the rampage of these two monsters is not stopped, God knows whether the trading firm will be affected.

What a reason to work hard, El sighed in his heart, his eyes gradually became firmer.He had never hunted such a terrifying prey in his life, and amidst the helplessness and fear, there was also a hint of bloodthirsty expectation.

"What shall we do?" he whispered to Tiana, bow in hand.Although that knight seemed to have the most strength and the right to speak, he was still used to discussing with the magician girl.Although this girl had a bad record in the past, after all, the two of them had saved lives several times, and they were far more trustworthy than the teacher in name.

"Although I don't like that pretentious holy nun, she once had the name of 'holy' after all. Judging from the current situation, the real enemy should be the side that manipulates obsidian to construct the Titan?" Tiana Turning to look at the knight, he asked cautiously.

"That's right, that's true." The knight nodded and said; "But now His Royal Highness Maryvian has obviously lost control, so there is no difference between the two."

"Although I don't know what happened before, these two monsters will never fight for no reason." El continued Tiana's words: "If you observe carefully, it is not difficult to find that the only one that really caused damage is the black giant." , he is so big and leaning against it wherever he wants, the wall will fall and the house will collapse. And the purple winged snake man... Well, I don't know how to describe this thing, the purple flame used by Miss Maryvian is more powerful than hers The Hydra Whip is even more terrifying, but it has only one target from beginning to end."

Compared to Tiana's logical deduction, El is better at analyzing details.When the girl drew her inferences, he immediately noticed the differences in many details.Although the two monsters are fighting with all their strength, judging from some traces, it seems more like the black giant is tempting the demon god to march deep into the city.

"Maryvian's goal is the obsidian-built titan, and the target of the obsidian-built the city of Istaren!" Tiana gasped.

"It's not someone deliberately manipulating it, it should just be a pre-set program." Stephen summoned two gargoyles, sent himself and Ampere to the roof here, and said bluntly to the knight.

"Master Stephen, do you have a way to control that constructed creature?" The knight didn't bother with Stephen's embarrassing identity, and this is not a good time to settle accounts after autumn.

"No one can control him, Lord Leonard. The obsidian-constructed Titan is an automated war weapon with advanced intelligence. It does not need and cannot be controlled by humans after entering the combat state." Master Stephen shook his head, with a hint of doubt in his eyes : "This level of war weapons is the treasure of the country no matter which country it is in, and it is impossible to let it wander outside."

"Isn't it the time to pursue this kind of issue?" El said, stepping back calmly, and quietly opened a safe distance from Stephen.

"Actually, it's not completely impossible..." Stephen didn't notice El's small movements, but looked at the knight with a bit of embarrassment: "I didn't know that Sneak had another identity, and he never trusted me. The task given to me is also very strange. But in retrospect, it should be a dark move prepared by him. After all, the obsidian to construct the Titan is very valuable, no matter how frantic he is, he cannot abandon it."

"What way?" The knight asked eagerly, not caring about Stephen's self-disclosure.

"It is impossible for Earl Snake to manipulate the obsidian to construct the Titan by himself. At most, he can only set a basic program in advance, just like the current basic combat mode. After he makes a big fuss, when the energy consumption reaches the critical point The protective magic pattern on his body will be invalid, we just need to close the magic circuit...Of course we can take the initiative to consume his energy." Seeing the uneasy expressions of the others, Master Stephen hurriedly added.

The knight nodded, and after discussing for a while, everyone was divided into two teams. The knight and Master Ampere were responsible for restraining the snake-body demon god, while Tiana and El stayed behind to help Master Stephen consume the energy of obsidian to construct the Titan.The hastily made plan can't be said to be very detailed, but in the face of the absolute gap in strength, they can only do whatever they want.

"There are a total of [-] magic power nodes in the protective magic lines on the obsidian construction titan. To consume his energy in the shortest time, attacking these magic power nodes is the best way." Master Stephen summoned three construction stone statues The ghost landed on the roof, turned around and said to El: "I heard that your archery skills are good, I hope it is not in vain. Wait a minute, I need you to follow my instructions to shoot a specific magic node, your insight rune should More accurate than I judged."

"Teacher, you are so humorous." El rolled his eyes, took out an ebony arrow with white feathers from the quiver behind his back, and shook it in front of Stephen's eyes: "Although I don't know the principle of magic, this kind of firewood stick At most, it was just to tickle the monster, right?"

He still had a box of magic-breaking arrows hidden in his arms, but unfortunately there were only a few of them, and Master Stephen didn't have time to refine another batch at this time.

"You just need to be responsible for shooting. I'll enchant your arrow." Master Stephen took the arrow and tapped the triangular arrow twice with his finger. The metal arrow immediately emitted a faint magical brilliance.

"What a good idea." El took the arrow and felt it. Master Stephen was worthy of being a famous alchemist, and the enchanting effect created by waving his hand caused amazing changes in the arrow.Although he couldn't see the specific effect, El's intuition told him that the power of this arrow was only slightly inferior to Laurana's carefully crafted "Magic Breaking Arrow".

"So, what is Tiana doing here?" El handed the quiver to Master Stephen, and asked suspiciously at the same time.

"Ms. Ranstadt is in charge of manipulating and constructing the gargoyle." Master Stephen ignored him and said directly to Tiana: "I believe that with the technique of a silver-level light magician, we should be able to guarantee our safety."

"Wait a minute... Dear teacher, you don't want the gargoyle to take us to the sky, do you?" El opened his mouth wide and shouted in disbelief.

"When the obsidian-built Titan rushes over, the sky is far safer than the ground," Master Stephen explained.For spellcasters with weak mobility, although the roof has a wide line of sight, it will also be restricted in movement.But in front of the huge body of the obsidian-constructed Titan, any sloppy behavior is tantamount to asking for a dead end.

"Tianna, how is your technique?" El asked the girl in a low voice with a fluke in mind.

"I'm sorry, I've never learned it." Tiana imitated his habitual movements and shrugged: "I'm waiting for Master Stephen's on-site teaching."

"Ahaha... Dear teacher, I think standing on the roof is more suitable for archery." Er laughed dryly and said to Stephen justly.

While the three were still entangled, the battle situation in the distance had changed.

The purple demon god spread her wings and flew into the air, whistling and swooping down. Suddenly, a bucket of lightning as thick as a bucket fell from the sky and hit her wings accurately.Although the power of the lightning wasn't enough to harm her, its additional paralyzing effect caused her to lose her balance in mid-air, and fell headfirst into the ruins.

Dozens of lightning chains emerged out of thin air, intertwined into a huge grid above the demon god's head, and slowly covered it.The huge snake body meanders in the grid, sputtering countless tiny electric sparks.

The purple demon god climbed up to a high place in embarrassment against the power grid, raised his head and looked around trying to find the provocateur who released the lightning, but he didn't notice a door quietly opened under his body.

The knight pushed open the door, and walked quietly to the snake body of the purple demon god.He took a step forward, and the ground under his feet cracked countless cracks soundlessly.

The knight drew his sword and raised it upwards.

The dazzling sword light soared into the sky close to the demon god's body, covering the light of the purple flame around her for an instant, making the surrounding light dark.

The mysterious knight called Lord Leonard by Master Stephen, the mysterious knight who guards Antonio and wears the emblem of the White Lion family, and the mysterious knight who has such a domineering title as "Golden Lion King". The center of attention.

The Purple Demon God let out an earth-shattering scream, and behind her the street leading to the East City Gate was neatly divided into two.

(End of this chapter)

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