rune hunter

Chapter 125 Escape

Chapter 125 Escape
The sword energy erupting from bottom to top pierced through the body of the purple demon god, and at the same time divided the [-]-meter-long street behind her into two.The power of this sword is enough to prove that the real strength of the knight is by no means inferior to the two pseudo-gold rank monsters. However, he himself seems to be cautious and low-key.

If these two monsters could be defeated only by the strength of the gold rank, the battle should have ended at the gate of the city long ago.

The Purple Demon God stopped screaming after a while, opened his mouth and took a deep breath.A gust of wind blew up on the flat ground, bringing together the purple flames scattered around and sucked them into her mouth.After eating these purple flames, the demon god's body, which was almost cut in half, recovered at an astonishing speed, and even the scars disappeared almost in the blink of an eye.

The two monsters have not been able to tell the winner until now. The obsidian constructed Titan relies on its own hard material and invulnerable protective magic pattern, while the purple demon relies on its strong recovery ability. The purple flame is not extinguished, and she can continue to recover from injuries.

However, no matter how quickly the physical injury recovers, it is difficult to erase the painful memory.Stimulated by the severe pain, the Purple Demon God's attention was finally attracted by the knight.

The obsidian-built Titan stood up from the ruins, slapped away the burning purple flames sticking to his body, raised his head, but found that his enemies did not take the opportunity to chase after him, so he hesitated for a moment.

"Now, attack the second magic node from the left to the right of his lower back!" Master Stephen shouted.

Er stretched his bow and set an arrow, his eyes glowed with a faint blue light, and the scene in his vision changed instantly.Under the observation of the Eye of True Sight, a layer of slowly flowing milky white shimmer appeared on the body of the black giant, which was the pure magic power condensed in the protective magic pattern.The magic power supporting the protective magic pattern flows slowly according to a fixed circuit, intersecting with each other to form a hub focus.

El flicked his fingers lightly, and the bowstring of the dragon tooth bow made a dull trembling sound, and the enchanted arrow pierced through the air and hit the target accurately indicated by Master Stephen.

In front of the black giant over ten meters tall, the ebony arrow with white feathers, no more than half a meter long, was like a slender toothpick.But it was such an inconspicuous toothpick that miraculously inserted into his hard body.

The movement of the black giant to stretch his body froze suddenly, and the magic power circulating in the protective magic pattern on the surface of the body stopped at that moment.Although the stagnation lasted less than half a second, it was enough to give El a little more confidence in Master Stephen's plan.

"The second one from the outer side of the left shoulder! The middle and rear of the knee joint of the right leg!" Master Stephen kept reporting the location of the magic node, and El shot a string of arrows without hesitation this time, each arrow was accurate hit the target.With the cooperation of the two, the black giant became stiff for longer and longer, and was miraculously restricted in its ability to move.

The seventh arrow hit the back of the black giant's neck. El habitually stretched out his hand, but he didn't wait for the arrow that Master Stephen handed over.He turned his head in doubt, only to see half of the quiver left on the ground, and Stephen and Tiana had already flown into the air with the help of the gargoyle.

"The first step plan was very successful, next you need to lead him out of the city!" Master Stephen grabbed the gargoyle's arm and shouted to El.

"Wait a minute! Why don't I know what the second plan is? How can I attract the attention of that thing?" El was about to continue to question, when he suddenly felt the hair on his back explode, and he turned his head in cold sweat, just in time He met the bright yellow jewel eyes of the black giant.

Seven toothpicks can't kill people, but they will definitely hurt.If the black giant was just troubled by the purple flame, these seven arrows just rightly destroyed the seven magic power nodes that protected the magic pattern on his body, which was equivalent to sticking seven flesh thorns in the most sensitive places.

Without other means, this alone is enough to attract the hatred of the black giant.

"Damn old thing! What the hell are you playing with me!" El, who wanted to understand this, stretched out a middle finger at Master Stephen, lowered his head and directly activated the storm attack state, and the whole person rushed out like a sharp arrow.

El stepped across the roofs of the two buildings, and heard a loud bang behind him, and a huge black iron fist descended from the sky, smashing the roof he had just stayed on to pieces.

Every step the black giant took made the ground tremble and fluctuate invisible, and the wooden buildings in all directions groaned overwhelmed.His movements seemed slow because of his huge size, but his speed was not inferior to that of a galloping horse. Coupled with his mountain-like body made of obsidian, his huge kinetic energy was even enough to crash the outer city wall of Istaren.

As long as he has identified the target, he will not care about all the obstacles in front of him, no matter whether stone or wooden buildings, they will not be able to stop his rampant momentum.

The splashed wooden fragments hit his back, and El didn't dare to look back to peek, so he could only run desperately with all his strength.He could feel that the black giant was chasing after him, which seemed to be a long distance away, but for the black giant, it was just a breath away.As long as he dared to stay for a moment, he would be brutally murdered.

Although the view from the roof is wide, it is actually not suitable for El's performance.The sloping roof is easy to slip and fall. If you are unlucky and encounter a place that has been in disrepair for a long time, if you step on it, you may be taken away by the black giant behind you.

After experiencing many unimaginable adventures yesterday and the day before yesterday, El has no hope for his own luck.But in the process of escaping in a panic, he didn't have time to choose a suitable path at all, so he could only rely on his experience of walking out every night in the past few days.

Seeing the little bug jumping around and running farther and farther, the black giant's eyes flickered a few times, he grabbed a piece of house wreckage and threw it at El.

Hearing a strange piercing sound coming from his ear, El gritted his teeth, forcibly twisted his body in mid-air and landed on the roof in another direction, and half of the tavern sign passed him.Er wiped off his cold sweat and was about to continue running forward when a tabby cat jumped out of his side and bumped into his kicking foot, as if he lost his balance and slid down to the ground involuntarily go down.

"Damn it, I knew it!" El sighed and rolled his eyes helplessly.The kobold god stick said that he should not come back, otherwise he would encounter misfortune, and now it seems that he really has to believe it.

Seeing that he was about to slide to the edge of the roof, a pair of powerful claws suddenly grabbed his shoulders from behind and grabbed him into the air.El looked up, and it turned out that Tiana, who had flown far away, was trying to command the gargoyle, and fished him up at the last moment.

"Good job! Thank you!" El raised a smiling face at Tiana from a distance, stretched out his thumb, and then made a gesture of letting go.Tiana was able to achieve this level of manipulation of constructed creatures for the first time, and she would definitely be called a genius in normal times.But now is not a good time to praise, the gargoyle flying alone is not as fast as El's own escape speed, and also lacks the ability to adapt to changes.To attract the hatred of the black giant, El still had to honestly dangle in front of him.

After such a toss, the black giant has already caught up and stretched out his hand to grab El, trying to crush him to death like Maryvian.Unexpectedly, this kind of attack fell into El's arms instead. As a hunter, El is best at moving around in a small area.The black giant played several times in a row, but did not get any benefits.

El slipped out of the black giant's fingers without any risk. He raised his head and saw the broken east gate of Istaron. The situation there was beyond imagination. There were broken corpses all over the city. There are civilians and soldiers, and even knights of the Knights.

The remaining soldiers of the garrison were going up and down the side of the collapsed city wall, trying their best to carry the wounded who were worth saving.The priests and nuns of the Temple of Life also seemed to have suffered heavy losses. Only three or two big cats and kittens were left who could stand up and release the healing magic.Someone noticed the figure of the giant going back and forth in the distance, and immediately shouted.

The survivors screamed in panic and fled desperately to both sides of the road.The remaining soldiers and the knights looked at each other, drew their weapons in unison, and formed a simple defensive formation with the heart of death.

The black giant galloped past them with strides, without taking a second look at the surviving soldiers, or in other words, these remaining soldiers had no value in his eyes.

The soldiers' eyes were all attracted by the figure of the black giant, and they didn't notice the target he was chasing at all.El didn't choose the east city gate, which was full of injuries, but climbed over the city wall next to it.The black giant who was chasing after him didn't intend to detour at all, and directly broke through the wall again.

"Now, attack his eyes!" Master Stephen landed beside El, handed him a bottle of crimson potion and said, "Dip the arrow in this potion before shooting an arrow, and it will get twice the result with half the effort."

Just now, Master Stephen asked Tiana to control the gargoyle to fly, while he concentrated on preparing this bottle of potion.Looking at the viscous liquid bubbling and bubbling inside the glass bottle, El intuitively felt that this thing was more dangerous than he imagined.

"Do you have any plans for the next step this time? Can you reveal a little bit in advance, dear teacher?" El asked through gritted teeth.

Master Stephen smiled without saying a word.

 It will be on the shelves tomorrow, I hope everyone will continue to support it!
(End of this chapter)

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