rune hunter

Chapter 126 Counterattack

Chapter 126 Counterattack
Using the power of the insight rune can allow El's sight to penetrate all camouflage, but there is nothing he can do about obsidian, which is denser than steel.Because of Master Stephen, he has some understanding of the constructed creatures in the tower.The so-called construct creatures are not real life, but alchemy items with low-level intelligence.

To put it simply, the three basic elements that make up the biological structure are the body material, the energy core and the intelligent system.Needless to say, obsidian is used to construct the Titan's body material. The more important energy core and intelligent system are all secrets at the national level and will never be easily revealed to the outside world.

Although this thing is named Titan, and it has the same huge head and "eyes" as other humanoid creatures, but judging from common sense, El doesn't think that will be his key point.But since Master Stephen gave instructions, he didn't mind testing the black giant to see if this monster could play other tricks.

In theory, the complex terrain of the urban area is more suitable for the guerrilla tactics of the archers, but the cruel reality is that no building can serve as a barrier in front of the black giant.Under the destructive and terrifying power of the black giant, El has no time gap to hide and fight back.

Relatively speaking, the open terrain outside the city is more suitable for him to display his agility. In pure speed competition, he is still faster than the black giant.

El originally wanted to pour the potion given to him by Master Stephen on all the arrows, but the potion started to smoke and make a sizzling corrosion sound as soon as it fell on the arrows. The arrow will be corroded first.El couldn't help curling his lips, which means that every arrow he shoots takes time to prepare in advance. Although the time consumed may only be a few seconds, it is no different under the iron fist of the black giant. to die.

"You have to delay him here for at least 5 minutes." Master Stephen didn't have the slightest sense of guilt after cheating, but instead continued to issue even more unkind orders.

"Do you want me to fight him hand-to-hand?" Al resisted the urge to vomit blood and yelled at Stephen.There were only a dozen or so arrows left in the quiver behind him, and the potion of mysterious medicine was only a bottle the size of a fist. Delaying the black giant in place for 5 minutes was tantamount to nonsense.

"Five minutes is just the minimum...we still have to be on guard against Earl Snake jumping out to make trouble." Master Stephen completely ignored El's complaints, and controlled the gargoyle to fly to the side, leaving El He and Tiana looked at each other.

"Tell me, does that old thing trust us too much, or is he deliberately trying to kill us?" Al scratched his head and asked Tiana.

"I think Master Stephen felt that he couldn't explain too complicated alchemy problems to you." The girl said the embarrassing fact in a calm tone, and secretly raised the corners of her mouth after seeing El's deflated expression.

"Well, even if I'm stupid and uneducated... I can only rely on you for the next 5 minutes." El shrugged, took out two arrows from behind and soaked them in the potion, his eyes Gradually firm up.Although from the bottom of his heart he was unwilling to get involved in battles that had nothing to do with him, but in the face of a situation where he had to fight, El would never back down.

Tiana didn't answer, just nodded slightly.She quickly weaved a series of incantation gestures with both hands, forming a ray of warm sunlight covering El.

The ground trembled slightly, and gradually developed into a clear vibration.When the obsidian-constructed Titan was chasing El, it was blocked by the city wall and lost its focus for a short period of time.Tiana took advantage of this fleeting opportunity to create a phantom identical to El's, and galloped away into the distance.

This little trick succeeded in attracting the attention of the black giant, but the girl's level of magic was not enough to remotely manipulate the magical phantom.The black giant left and returned soon. Although there was no expression on his face, his temper was obviously more irritable after being teased.

El squatted down slightly to stabilize the center, opened the dragon tooth bow and aimed at the eyes of the black giant, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, two crystal blue runes gathered from the fingertips, entangled above the arrow.

He opened his eyes suddenly, stretched his arms to fully draw the Dragon Tooth Bow, and at the same time, the magic pattern drawn on the leather armor also burst into dazzling light.

Is the body invulnerable and the protective magic pattern very powerful?I can play this thing too!El sneered, and moved his fingers slightly, only to hear a low whistling sound in his ear, like the low roar of the king of the forest. The "tyrant" appeared in the world, and the phantom of the Feathered Raptor loomed behind El's back, opening his bloody mouth full of sharp fangs and roaring towards the sky.

The two long arrows pierced the sky like meteors, and the huge reaction force made the rock under his feet crack open with a crack.Even with El's strengthened physique after recovering from his injury, after shooting these two arrows with all his strength, he felt his eyes go dark, and his hands and feet were so weak that he almost couldn't stand up.

Involuntarily staggered back half a step, there was a restless tickle near his chest, El patted little Langa's head, and parted his mouth to show a satisfied smile.On the surface, he is timid and cautious, and he is unwilling to provoke troubles, but in fact, he still hides the mentality of watching the excitement and not being afraid of big troubles. If he really gets into trouble, he will explode completely.

In the jungle survival philosophy he believes in, either don't bite, or bite to death.

After being hunted down by the black giant all the way, coupled with Master Stephen's repeated cheating, El was already full of anger in his heart, and then he vented all his strength on the two arrows.

There was a flash of light in the eyes of the black giant, his footsteps stopped suddenly, and he raised his arms to hide his face, but he was not programmed to block bows and arrows, and his reaction speed was as fast as meteors and as small as toothpicks. It's a bit horrible to say the least.

Two long arrows precisely hit the two eyes above his head, a transparent brilliance emerged from the outer layer of the bright yellow crystal, and the arrow pierced into the brilliance for a full dozen centimeters, almost affixed with bright yellow gemstones. The surface of the eye, but in the end it was firmly blocked.

Although the eyes of the obsidian-constructed Titan are not critical, they are also extremely important parts. In addition to scouting and locking the target, they can also emit powerful golden rays of light.Therefore, there are extraordinarily many magic power nodes arranged on the head, which are almost connected together. Relatively speaking, it can be said that it is the most defensive part of his body.

When the two monsters fought before, the purple demon god's hydra whip whipped him 26 times on the head, but failed to leave any marks on his huge spherical head.

However, the current situation is different. Master Stephen's understanding of constructed creatures is authoritative even in the whole kingdom. Although he didn't know it before, he can make corresponding arrangements according to the specific situation as long as he visits the scene in person.Compared with the mystery of the obsidian-constructed Titan itself, the protective magic pattern on the surface of his body still has not deviated from the basic structure routine of constructing creatures, and there will naturally be countermeasures.

Although El's previous seven arrows did not cause real damage, they had already damaged a branch circuit in the protective magic pattern.The Titan's intelligent system constructed with obsidian could not understand what kind of harm this damaged branch circuit would cause to itself.

The strength carried by the two long arrows is enough to open mountains and break rocks. The protective magic pattern on the black giant's head was raised to the highest level at once, and the protective magic pattern network on other parts of his body was also lit up at the same time, emitting rays of light to the sky. Converged over the top of the head.This was originally the stress response of the protective magic pattern to adapt to the battle, but this time an accident happened.

The damaged branch line circuit did not light up, and at the same time blocked the flow of magic power below, causing the main line circuit at the other end to lose at least half of its magic power supply, and the light went out accordingly.

Just the extinction of a little light is not enough to affect the overall situation, but the essence of the protective magic pattern is actually a set of sophisticated magic array, just like when weaving silk, the break of a silk thread is enough to destroy the whole silk. cloth value.While the protective magic pattern that blocked the two long arrows lit up, it also lost its proper protective effect.

The two runes wrapped around the arrow exploded at the same time, as if adding the last straw to the camel's back. The protective cover formed by the protective magic patterns cracked like glass under the explosion, and then shattered.

The long arrow landed on the eyes of the black giant, and had lost its initial strength. However, the mysterious potion left on the arrow also stained the bright yellow gemstone.

The crystal-clear and pure bright yellow gem was corroded into a finger-sized hole the moment it was contaminated with the potion.This potion seems to be specially made for bright yellow gemstones. It can't help but have a remarkable corrosion effect, and it also permeates its own color into the gemstones, spreading rapidly like pigments thrown into water.

The huge body of the obsidian constructed titan suddenly trembled, and his head shook wildly, obviously feeling great pain.He fell backwards, smashing a huge deep hole on the ground, struggling to reach out and rub his eyes, but he didn't know how to control his strength, and directly tore one of his eyes off.

"The effect is really immediate." El couldn't help sighing while watching the crazy behavior of the black giant. He deeply realized the power of the potion, and at the same time felt a deep fear of the profession of alchemist.He was about to go back to check on Master Stephen's progress, when he suddenly shivered suddenly, feeling his hands and feet were icy cold.

The black giant finally calmed down and put down his palms. Only one half-broken eye remained on his face, which was as red as blood.He stood up slowly, and the remaining half of his eyes fixed on the culprit who shot the arrow.

 It's finally on the shelves. I don't know how many readers will subscribe. Even if there is only one toothpaste, I am very happy. Please support the monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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