rune hunter

Chapter 127 Mirage

Chapter 127 Mirage
The eyes of the obsidian-constructed titan were severely damaged, and almost lost most of its perception, but this degree of damage was not enough to affect his own fighting ability.

Master Stephen believed that Earl Snake alone could not write complex program commands for the obsidian-constructed Titan. In fact, Earl Snake did not seem to intend to do so.When the obsidian-constructed titan was activated, the default order was to carry out indiscriminate killing and destruction, and this was exactly the result he needed.

No matter from the perspective of combat effectiveness or ultimate goal, the black giant is still in an overwhelming active advantage.He can do whatever he wants before the energy core is exhausted, and El must do everything possible to hold him for 5 minutes.Even if he temporarily lost the protection of the protective magic pattern, his body is still as hard as steel, not only invulnerable to swords and guns, but also without human pain nerves, it is as smelly and hard as a stone in the toilet.

El has created enough hatred, but he is still at a loss as to how to proceed next.He dodged the black giant's iron fist and returned a tentative arrow.The arrow gouge hit the face of the black giant, and it was snapped into two parts neatly, leaving only a very inconspicuous white mark.The potion concocted by Master Stephen seems to be specifically aimed at the eyes of the black giant, but it has no obvious corrosive effect on the obsidian itself.

Perhaps it was due to impaired vision that caused body movement disorders, and the black giant's intelligent system also began to make stressful changes. He no longer tried in vain to smash the entangled little flies in front of him with his fists, retracted his hand and paused for a moment, then Suddenly raised one foot and fell heavily.

Although the direction of his attack was still aimed at El this time, the real target was the ground under his feet.I saw him stepping down hard with one foot, and the whole land trembled violently.El was constantly circling around the black giant, and was involuntarily bounced up by the tremor of the ground.

When he was running with all his strength, he could only see a phantom with the naked eye, but when he was thrown into the air, he had no way to use his strength and immediately revealed his figure.A bloody gleam flashed in the remaining half of the black giant's eye, and he raised his other foot to cling to the ground and whizzed towards it, kicking up sand and dust all over the sky.

Tiana crossed her hands and whispered an obscure syllable.El only felt that the light in front of him dimmed, and when he opened his eyes, he found that he had appeared ten meters away, and at the position where he stayed just now, another "El" was instantly buried and swallowed by the sand.

The light magic "King's Chariot Shift" randomly teleports the target to a nearby area with a radius of ten meters, and at the same time creates a mirror image equivalent to the target on the spot.Although the explanation is simple, it actually involves the field of space magic, which is practical magic that can be called "big magic".

The light magician from Sky City has a completely different understanding of light from the academic spellcasters, so they call themselves magicians.In terms of understanding the concept of magic, magicians prefer the mystery of magic rather than destructiveness. In their view, there is no difference between a magician who only pays attention to the power of magic and a barbarian who only knows how to use brute force.

As a magician who has stepped into the silver mystery, the girl has the capital of self-confidence, and never loses her composure even when facing the black giant.The black giant whose eyes were damaged and lost the ability to attack from a distance, no matter how terrifying its strength, was only brute force, and it was precisely the kind of opponent she was least afraid of.

The girl raised her staff, pointed at the black giant's feet, and said, "Turn the stone into mud!"

The land under the giant's feet suddenly collapsed, turning into an unknown depth of mud.Compared to the size of the black giant, the size of the quagmire is a bit pitiful. At most, it can only trap one of his feet, and it can be disengaged just by lifting a leg, which is almost meaningless.

But even if it can be delayed for a second, it can be regarded as a gain.With the legendary weapon "Arc Smasher" inherited from the great magician Doria in her hand, she can not only reduce the consumption of low-level spells, but also have additional effect bonuses.Before the black giant crawled out of the quagmire, she quickly released a series of low-level spells, and the target was still the ground under the black giant's feet.

"Turn mud into stone!" The quagmire at the feet of the black giant quickly condensed into a rock.

"Quicksand!" The ground under the black giant's other foot turned into quicksand.

Even without the protection of the protective magic pattern, the body material of the Titan itself made of obsidian is enough to resist all attacks of the silver level, whether it is physical attack or magic bombing, it will not help.But if you look at it from another angle, this is also a kind of weakness - insensitivity to external stimuli.

Ordinary magic can't act on obsidian, but this stubborn stone also lacks the ability to respond to changes in external conditions.

After fixing the black giant's two feet, the scale Tiana chanted suddenly rose by three degrees, strode forward and thrust the staff into the ground forcefully, a white light shot up from the diamond at the top of the staff, and the black giant's body Six transparent water curtains of the same height are formed around it out of thin air, reflecting a dazzling light that makes it impossible to look directly at.

El subconsciously closed his eyes and turned his head away. When he opened his eyes again, he couldn't help being dumbfounded. He saw endless billowing yellow sand falling from the sky, completely burying the black giant.

In the ranking of illusion magic by academic magicians, it only occupies the silver median, but in the inheritance of light magicians, it is listed as a great magic in the taboo field - "Mirage"!
"This is a lie, isn't it a lie?" Although he knew the answer in his heart, El still ran back to Tiana in a hurry, and asked repeatedly.Suddenly, a thick quicksand pillar more than ten meters high appeared between the sky and the earth. Even if you know it is an illusion, it is enough to make people tremble.

"I can only maintain this magic for 1 minute now." Tiana held the staff tightly, her face was a little pale, but her tone was still confident: "For him, it is 1 minute of truth."

The so-called truth of magic is to deceive perception.Human perception includes vision, hearing, etc., and even the sixth sense including intuition. The combination is human's understanding of the world.If it is possible to completely deceive a person's entire perception, then the illusion becomes reality for him.

The obsidian-constructed Titan is not a life in the true sense, and the perception he has is just a program designed by humans.In simple terms, it can be attributed to two types, one is the vision used to lock the target, and the other is the sense of body balance and mobility.Tiana shackles his movement with terrain-altering spells, while mirages lay out illusions to deceive sight.

After the scattered information is aggregated into the intelligent system of the obsidian-constructed Titan, it will be recognized as a state of "it has fallen into the quicksand area".In this state, the black giant would not think about the truth of the quicksand at all, and would just stand there and struggle in vain.

For a full-scale war weapon, such a ridiculous loophole will never exist. The obsidian-built Titan that actually appears on the battlefield must be jointly controlled by three alchemists, and the corresponding procedures are set according to the rapidly changing situation on the battlefield.And the obsidian-built titan summoned by Earl Snake can only rely on the default program to rampage, which is naturally full of flaws in the eyes of experts.

"One minute is fine, we seem to have reinforcements." El patted the girl on the shoulder and smiled. He saw the garrison troops cleaning up the rubble on the ruins of the city gate, and farther away, he could see the knights standing tall Waving square banner.

When Antonio decided to suppress Earl Snake, he secretly mobilized the elite of the knight order in order not to attract attention, but he did not expect the situation to suddenly deteriorate to the point where it was out of control.When the obsidian-constructed Titan and the purple demon god both descended, it was too late to invest in the power of the Knights.

However, with Master Stephen's planned weakening of the obsidian-built Titan, the monster's power level was gradually brought back to an acceptable level, and the Knights were also ready under the command of Knight Leonard.El looked at their equipment and found that all the knights had abandoned their spears and replaced them with two-handed heavy weapons such as long-handled warhammers.

"To deal with the smelly and hard boulder, you have to beat it slowly." El nodded. He didn't have a suitable weapon in his hand. Of course, even if he had a weapon, he might not dare to rush up alone to seek death.

Tiana didn't speak any more, she just put her hands on the staff and adjusted her breath quietly.As time passed, the mirage formed by the six water curtains gradually began to blur, and the phantom of the endless quicksand also began to distort.Two huge iron fists suddenly pierced through the water curtain, Tiana snorted, a trace of blood dripped from the corner of her mouth.

The time limit required by Master Stephen is less than 3 minutes away, and the Knights are clearly unable to launch an immediate charge. In this seemingly short but extremely critical few minutes, El must delay the black giant at all costs. , otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted.

"Don't go there, I have other ways." Tiana wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, grabbed El's clothes and whispered.

"How can this kind of thing make girls stand in the front?" El rubbed the girl's moon-white long hair carelessly, with a cynical smile on his face: "Don't worry, I got a lot of inspiration from you Woolen cloth."

With the Dragon Tooth Bow on his back, he walked towards the black giant who was about to break through.

Without too many words, the two people have formed a tacit understanding with each other.When he chose to keep fighting, she trusted his confidence unconditionally.

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(End of this chapter)

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