rune hunter

Chapter 128 The Dignity of Giants

Chapter 128 The Dignity of Giants

The water curtain of the mirage dissipated slowly, the black giant broke free from the quagmire, and the light in the remaining half of the eye kept flickering, as if re-judging the situation.It didn't take much effort for him to lock on to the target again, because El was standing in front of him without hiding.

"Tiana, give me some cover!" El put the dragon tooth bow behind his back, and walked towards the black giant with empty hands.The girl held the staff in her hand and shook it slowly, phantoms that were not the slightest difference from El emerged from him, and a long row appeared in a short while.

The black giant hesitated for a moment, and stepped on it without hesitation.Although El's real body cannot be identified, to an elephant, there is no substantial difference between an ant and a nest of ants.The soles of his feet suddenly trampled on the ground, crushing three or four of El's phantoms, and the other phantoms immediately scattered in all directions, running everywhere.

In the chaotic scene, the real El quietly approached the feet of the black giant.He opened his hands, two slender jointed limbs protruded quietly from the cuffs, and barbed hooks grew from the tips.

The surface of the black giant's body was polished so smooth that even El, who thought he was good at climbing mountains and mountains, was a little helpless.However, no matter how smooth and steep the stone wall is, it is not a problem for the Zerg named "Land Walk".

Obsidian builds Titan's body materials are all made of obsidian, but the materials used in the joints cannot be as hard as stones, but his designer has already thought of this, and all the joints are installed. Additional rock armor cover.

It's not that El didn't plan to climb up on the black giant to find an opening, but since he didn't have a weapon in his hand, and after climbing up, there was no room for dodge, and he was easily slapped to death by the black giant's backhand.But after seeing Tiana's mirage, a new plan emerged in his mind.

It didn't take long for the black giant to punch and kick to destroy all the phantoms, but Tiana immediately manipulated two gargoyles to attack him.Taking advantage of the opportunity of the gargoyle and the phantom of the gargoyle flying up and down to attract the attention of the black giant, El used the climbing ability evolved by Little Langa to quietly climb to the waist of the black giant.

As he expected, the secrets in the gaps in the black giant's armor can only be discovered when it is close to the body. The joints connecting the black giant's body are made of a gelatinous material that is almost the same color as obsidian. El pulled out the ax at his waist and tested it. He slammed down with half of his strength, and was immediately bounced back high, but the black giant didn't seem to respond at all.The softness of this colloidal material is only compared to obsidian. In fact, its toughness and endurance are far beyond ordinary people's imagination, otherwise it is impossible to be safe and sound under the pressure of thousands of kilograms of rock.

However, it is precisely because of the colloidal material that El's Eye of Reality works.Through this layer of colloidal material, he was even able to observe the working status of the metal parts inside the black giant's body.

Seeing the black giant grabbing the gargoyle's body and crushing it into a handful of gravel, and then raising his legs to walk towards Tiana, El didn't hesitate anymore, took off the dragon tooth bow on his back and grabbed it in his hand, and slammed it stuck in a gap in the armor.

The reason why Master Powell named this pulley bow "Dragon Tooth" was not only a symbolic meaning, but also because he inlaid two fangs of the Feather Raptor on both ends of the bow arm.The fangs of Yalong Warcraft are excellent materials for making daggers. It only needs a little processing to add special effects of "tearing" and "armor breaking". Obviously, the two fangs installed at both ends cannot be pure decorations.

With a puff, the velociraptor's fangs sank directly into the black gelatinous material. Although it couldn't tear a bigger hole because there was no blade, what El needed was just such a hole.He took out the potion left by Master Stephen, unscrewed the bottle and poured it into the hole, then turned over and jumped off the body of the black giant and ran away.

There was a sound like a red-hot iron being put into cold water from behind, and then I heard the black giant's footsteps suddenly stopped, and the part where the thigh and waist were connected made a harsh sound of violent friction between rocks and metal.

El rolled over on the ground to counteract the impact of the fall. When he looked up, he saw the black giant half-kneeling on the ground, with one thigh in a very strange posture, and he couldn't help laughing.Although the plan this time seems simple, but without Tiana's judgment of the black giant's weak perception, he would never dare to seek his own death.It's just that he didn't expect the black giant to be so slow that he succeeded in one shot.

The black giant turned his head, and his half-disabled blood-red eyes stared at El again, but this time El stood still and did not run for his life.Judging from the sound he heard just now, the black giant's leg definitely lost its ability to move.No matter how powerful he is, he has become a harmless lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

With a cold snort, El drew his bow and shot the arrow, which was neither soaked in potion nor charged with much force, and accurately hit the black giant's one-eyed eye, and then bounced out without any surprise.Although it didn't cause any harm, it was tantamount to the greatest insult to the black giant.

Happiness came so suddenly that he almost forgot that he was still shrouded in inexplicable misfortune, so extreme joy gave rise to sorrow.

The blood-colored light in the black giant's one-eyed flickered frantically for a moment, fixedly staring at El, and a blood-colored light returned along the arrow path with lightning speed.The ray of light appeared so suddenly that Al, who had just relaxed, was hit by a single blow without any chance to dodge.

As the only long-range attack mode preset by the obsidian build titan, the power of the light shot from his eyes is no less than the power of his own iron fist.It was only used as a hole card because of too much energy consumption, and it was not used too many times even in the process of fighting the purple demon.

Rather than saying that this ray of light is an attack mode, in fact, its greater effect is to deter the enemy when it is not fired, but even so, the power contained in it is genuine.El only had time to tilt his body before he felt a burst of scorching breath blowing towards his face, and then flew backwards involuntarily.

After releasing this blow, the remaining half of the blood-red eye of the black giant was also shattered, obviously exhausting the last trace of hidden energy.

If the maker of this weapon of war saw this scene, he might give a reasonable explanation, for example, according to the program, the obsidian-constructed Titan would launch a self-destruct attack when it suffered major damage...

But in the consciousness of El, who had personally experienced the power of the attack, the sudden burst of light was more like a tribute to his provocation.

Even if it is just a constructed creature that acts according to the default program settings, the black giant can be regarded as a real strong man, and the dignity of a real strong man cannot be insulted.

"Extreme joy begets sorrow..."

After an unknown amount of time, El's consciousness slowly recovered, his mind went blank, and he vaguely heard the girl's anxious call, but he couldn't remember the owner of the voice for a moment.

El opened his eyes and found that he was half buried in the soil, half of his body was scorched black without any feeling, and the leather armor on his body was almost torn to pieces.He almost took over the bloody light that reached the power of the golden rank just now, and he was able to survive thanks to the protection of the leather armor on his body.

He struggled to stand up, and saw the magician girl lying not far from him, and the dark blue magic robe on her body was also stained black.Although I don't know what happened during the time when I was unconscious, it is conceivable that Tiana also shared a lot of hurt for him.

The black giant still stayed in place, and a giant magic circle with a radius of more than ten meters appeared on the ground around him. Master Stephen was standing on the edge of the magic circle and dancing. Every time he chanted a spell aloud, the black giant's momentum Just weaken it by one point.

Anyway, at least 5 minutes have passed.

There was a slight tremor on the ground, not the trampling of the black giant, but the fluctuation caused by the knight's charge.Although the black giant lost its mobility and was gradually suppressed by Master Stephen, its own power was still terrifying. However, the knights had no fear at all and charged without hesitation.

They have waited for too long, and their hearts are full of anger. Only when they are engaged in a real battle can they vent to their fullest. Even if the enemy is a giant monster with infinite strength, they must show the pride of the Istarenians.

The black giant could no longer see what was happening outside, but he could still feel the vibrations from the ground.He tried to stand up, clenched his iron fists and assumed a standard fighting stance.

The two knights holding the banner of the Knights took the lead, galloped to the feet of the black giant and parted, revealing a long tripping rope between the two horses.Before they could take a few steps, the tripping rope suddenly stretched straight, and the huge reaction force made the two horses involuntarily stand up, throwing the two knights off their backs.

Compared to the weight of the obsidian-built Titan itself, the pulling force of the two horses is almost insignificant, and there is no second result at all. However, more knights rushed up two by two, and the number of tripping ropes gradually increased to ten. Twenty...

The black giant bent down and waved his hand, and a whole row of knights sprinting side by side turned into meat paste without any resistance, but his comrades immediately filled the empty space.The black giant who lost its mobility also lost the ability to maneuver and could only stand still and resist.

In just a moment, the mighty black giant slowly fell down again.

Titans made of obsidian are certainly the most terrifying weapons of war, but fully armed knights are also the most powerful arms of mankind.
(End of this chapter)

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