rune hunter

Chapter 129 The Giant's Twilight

Chapter 129 The Giant's Twilight

According to historical records, during the March War in the era of the founding of the first king of Auckland, the Tomitis Empire, which was the hegemon at that time, once invested three obsidian-built Titans on the battlefield at one time, and cooperated with the Royal Second Legion in one day and night. Li completely defeated the enemy's 10-strong army.

During the Qin River War 170 years ago, [-] Knights of the Holy Skeleton raided hundreds of miles into Long Beach County overnight, intending to destroy the logistics supply line of the Roman Kingdom's army.They defeated the reserve force of the Romer as they wished, but were slaughtered by an obsidian construct hidden nearby.

Ever since human alchemists created a war machine with the same terrifying cost and power, every time an obsidian-constructed titan appeared on the battlefield, it would set off endless bloody storms.It is a fact recognized by all countries so far that unless the strong of the golden rank are used to directly destroy it, the army in the conventional sense cannot pose an effective threat to it.

Of course, the reason why war weapons of the level of obsidian-constructed Titans have not yet occupied the dominant position in human internal wars is that apart from the unaffordable cost, the real problem is that the input is not directly proportional to the income.

The obsidian-constructed Titan in a truly complete state requires a whole team of alchemists for logistical maintenance, among which there must be at least three silver-level alchemists responsible for setting programs and manipulating actions. The daily consumption of this team alone is enough Bankrupt one lord.If you add various functional plug-ins, the money you need to spend becomes astronomical.Even if all unnecessary human and material factors are eliminated, just to maintain the basic operation of his energy core, the special alchemy fuel that is more expensive than gold will also be consumed.

There was once an alchemist who specialized in detailed data, or in other words, was extremely bored, calculated the historical record of Titans built with obsidian, and the results were jaw-dropping.If you use obsidian to construct a titan to massacre an ordinary army, the average cost of killing a normal soldier reaches 55 gold coins!
Even in a prosperous southern city like the Royal Capital of Auckland, five gold coins can buy a murderer, and 55 gold coins are enough to hire a regular mercenary group to work for you.Therefore, any monarch with no IQ problem would not rashly use obsidian to construct a Titan when he is full. This is also the main reason why similar war weapons rarely appear in human internal wars.

Earl Snake is obviously not the type of person with normal IQ...

El stood up and patted his body, the scorched carbonized skin shattered and fell off, revealing the new white skin.The "rapid regeneration" ability of the life rune made his body recover as fast as a troll, which was one of the reasons why he had the courage to die without heart.

But this time, he was really close to taking it off. Compared with the recoverable injuries on his body, the almost burnt leather armor on his body made him feel even more heartbroken, and he didn't know if it could be repaired.Little Langa, who was hiding in the leather armor, was also unfortunately affected, and hid in her eggshell, whimpering softly and refusing to come out.

El moved his hands and feet, and felt that he had recovered to a good degree, so he hurried to Tiana to check.

Judging from the girl's superficial condition, she didn't seem to have suffered any serious injuries. It seemed that she had used a method similar to the "transposition of the king's chariot" again to help her share part of the damage, and then the magic robe on her body bore it down.The girl did not lose consciousness. Although her face was a little pale due to the overdraft of magic power, this had long been a common occurrence for her, and it was not a big deal.

"Are you okay, is your body okay?" Al squatted next to Tiana and asked with concern.

"It's okay, I'm just resting." The girl said in a low voice, staring blankly at the sky.

"It's okay, I'll help you up, lie on the ground and be careful of catching a cold." Ergan said with a smile, this time it was considered that he had troubled the girl, so he couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter. When I was in the north...I just lay down like this many times after the battle." Tiana didn't care about the scorched black stains and soil on the magic robe, and didn't think about her own image at all. Spreading his arms and legs like this, staring at the sky, he sighed lightly.

"The sky is always blue, even if there is occasional rain and snow, it is still clear. Sometimes I feel tired, just lie down and bask in the sun, look at the sky and clouds, and my heart will be peaceful..."

I'm sorry that your mentality is so literary that I can't keep up with the rhythm at all... El sat down next to Tiana, his heart and face were extremely melancholy and tangled.

The black giant lay down on the ground and couldn't get up again. Despite all kinds of disadvantages, he was still worthy of his reputation as a weapon of war. He just struggled and killed nearly two hundred knights before being killed by more The knights swarmed up, completely losing the ability to resist.

Thousands of bridle ropes were entwined around his body and limbs. The knights jumped off their horses and worked together with their mounts to pull desperately in the opposite direction. Tighten the rope.

Occasionally, the rope broke, or the black giant grabbed a few strands of the rope and threw them into the distance, but more knights immediately filled the gap left by their companions, continuing to compete with monsters for strength and will.As the iron rods were driven into the ground one after another, the black giant struggled less and less, and finally completely lost its freedom of movement.

Master Stephen walked up to the black giant, and couldn't help but sighed when he saw the damage El left on his thigh. He originally had a little unrealistic fantasy, hoping to control the obsidian-built Titan to resist other monsters. A monster that can only recycle garbage now.

"Prodigal child, you can't afford this support shaft even if you sell me..." Master Stephen looked at the corroded metal component in the gap of the armor and trembled with distress.Since the precision parts inside have been broken, the outer stone shell is even less valuable.He wiped a handful of tears that didn't exist, raised his sleeves and threw a pile of strangely colored alchemy potions onto the black giant, billowing white smoke immediately from the invulnerable obsidian.

"Knock off the stone, don't damage the metal parts inside." After leaving this sentence, Master Stephen turned around and left, and there was a loud knocking sound behind him.The sturdiness of obsidian is far beyond what people can imagine. Even with the assistance of those special condiments, it is not easy to really kill the black giant directly, at least there is no hope before dark.

"Young people, don't be lazy, get up and get ready, we still have half of the work to do." Master Stephen walked behind El and kicked his ass hard.

"Isn't it? Dear teacher, the big guy here has played us to death!" El lamented covering his face. Although the process of dealing with the black giant seemed to be safe and sound, in fact he and Tiana almost He tried his best and almost used up all his hole cards. As soon as he thought of the existence of another equally terrifying monster, he couldn't help but vomit blood.

"Why don't you take a break too? I think that Mr. Leonard should be able to carry it for a while." El said tentatively with a fluke mentality.

Master Stephen rolled his eyes, took out a large firework from his sleeve, ignited it and threw it into the air, exploding a brilliant spark in the sky of Hundred Days, which was the signal he had agreed with the knight.

"El..." Master Stephen glanced at the fireworks in the sky, and suddenly turned his head to look at his registered students, with a serious expression that had never been seen on his face.

"I've known about you and Miss Ranstadt before. You and her are just ordinary friends, right?"

Tiana's pale face turned red instantly, while El's face turned from red to black. He didn't know why the old man suddenly started gossiping.

"I also know that you have a girl you like..."

"Wait a minute, teacher, you know too much, don't you?" El said through gritted teeth. Although he knew from the first meeting that the old man was hiding an inquisitive psychology that was different from ordinary people, he never thought that he would be so kind to his disciple. concern to such an extent.Could it be that when I sneak out every night to be in love with Tika, this old bastard is lying outside the window and peeping?

"It's okay, after this matter is over, if you and Laurana can both survive, marry her." Master Stephen changed his voice and finally brought up the business.

"Why is it Laurana again? Wait a minute...why do I sound like you are telling your last words?" Al, who was furious, suddenly reacted, and couldn't help but be extremely puzzled.

"This is the last words..." Master Stephen chuckled, "You don't think that one is so easy to deal with, do you?"

"Don't scare me, didn't the two of them fight for a long time just now without a winner?" El said cautiously.

"It just happened to be restrained." Master Stephen shook his head and said: "The obsidian-built Titan is a man-made weapon after all, and it is not difficult to control his weakness. And the purple one, I have been waiting here The time of her life."

The expression on the old man's face was not only relieved, but also a little dazed.He raised his head and looked into the distance, chanting in a low voice as if talking to himself:

"The original sin apostle was born in the northern region, bringing endless punishment from heaven, and there will never be peace in the world..."

El subconsciously glanced at Tiana secretly. He and the girl once overheard the same sentence from Snake. At that time, he once doubted the girl's true identity because of various coincidences.

"Teacher, what exactly is an apostle?" Unsurprisingly, Er, who was blinded, asked Master Stephen for the answer to his question.

"The Destroyer."

Master Stephen said with a cold snort.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for all kinds of requests, beg on your knees!
  Thanks to Fang Qinghou who voted monthly!
  Thanks to the two great gods, Huanye and Changyi, who gave the reward!And the evergreen goddess of the tea tree at the starting point!

(End of this chapter)

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