rune hunter

Chapter 130 Beacon of Destiny

Chapter 130 Beacon of Destiny
Many people feel that astrologers should not be classified as spellcasters, or even acknowledge the actual meaning of astrology.Although the mysterious and unknowable star world is connected with the river of fate, it is far beyond the reach of human beings to use astrological deduction to spy on the river of fate.

There are countless stars in the dark night, and the trajectory of the river of fate is also changing. It takes an unimaginable amount of mental energy to find the faintly echoing line between the two.Therefore, from ancient times to the present, almost all astrologers who are proficient in this way will inevitably suffer from the sequelae of excessive brainpower consumption.In the eyes of outsiders who don't know the truth, they are demented, crazy, and full of nonsense.

There used to be a cold joke among mages that astrologers were a kind of madman.

However, astrology can be passed down as a mainstream school from ancient times to the present, and naturally it also has its unique features.In fact, in the historical records of mankind, many sages and wise men were almost all good at astrology, and even many magicians turned to study astrology after they became famous in their field of study.

The collision and fusion of chaos and order produced the basic rules that constitute the world, and then evolved into all things.Conversely, if the understanding of the basic rules of the world reaches the extreme, one can gain insight into the reality of the world, and in a sense, one is a god.The gods that human beings believe in now are the will to realize the basic rules of the world.

There is another existence in this world that does not belong to any rules, and that is unpredictable fate.Detached from space and time, there is a fate that exists but cannot be grasped, and even the gods living in the sky cannot get rid of it.

The more one reaches the peak of existence, the more one realizes the importance of fate to oneself.How many talented people in history rose up like shooting stars, but fell quietly because of a joke of fate.How many empires and dynasties that were in full swing fell apart under the bizarre twist of fate.

The vast majority of astrologers spend their lives doing nothing, just because of the ever-changing and unpredictable fate itself.The fragments of the future they see are as endless as the stars in the sky, and it is impossible to grasp the real trajectory of destiny from the movement of astrology.From the point of view of the astrologers themselves, all the predictions they make are a possibility of the future, but in the eyes of outsiders, they seem to be contradictory, logical, confusing and ambiguous.

Astrologers have always had a bad reputation among the people because these guys only jump out after something happens and say, "I warned you, you just didn't believe it." Crap like that.If it's a good thing, it's fine, and if you meet a bad luck person who has suffered a disaster, you will inevitably be beaten.

Beginning 100 years ago, the word "Apostle" began to appear in the prophecies made by astrologers all over the world, but at that time, it was the time when the seven kingdoms of Canillas were fighting, and no one noticed this insignificant apostle at all. little things.Even the astrologers themselves don't care.

But in the ensuing decades, the ominous word "apostle" appeared more and more frequently in various prophecies from the future, and finally attracted the attention of the highest meeting of astrologers, the "Cross Constellation".In the basic theory of astrology, if the same image appears repeatedly in the predictions of different astrologers, it means that there is an inevitable future, which is also called a beacon of destiny.

In the original astrological texts, the "Beacon of Destiny" was only a theoretical concept, meaning an inevitable destiny, which itself was a paradox.

The river of fate is boundless and endless, and even the gods cannot control the direction. That is to say, there should be no "inevitable" fate in this world.If there really is a "inevitable" fate, it will be like erecting a dam in front of the long river of fate, which will inevitably affect the fate of the entire world.

What will the world look like when the fate trajectory of the whole world changes?No one can easily answer this question.

In order to confirm the existence of the "Beacon of Destiny", the five elders in the Crucifix Conference drove the highest level of astrology at the cost of their lives and souls, but in the end they failed to get a definite result.The question about the "Apostle" has since become an unsolved mystery among astrologers.

After this futile horoscope, the Crucifix Conference almost fell apart due to heavy losses.But even in the most bleak situation, the Crucifix Conference still did not deny the existence of the "Beacon of Destiny", but attributed the reason to a matter of time.In fact, apart from the key word "Apostle", there are no other obvious signs of change, neither in the prophecy nor in the real world.According to similar experiences in history, astrologers believe that the time for the "Beacon of Destiny" to really appear has not yet come, at least not in this era.

However, there are still some people who are worried about this and continue to pursue clues in private, including the Truth Society whose mission is to maintain order and stability in Canillas.

There are also some chaotic evils who desire revenge on society, such as Lord Snake, whose purpose is still unknown until now.

"The apostle of original sin was born in the north, bringing endless punishment from heaven, and there will never be peace in the world!"

The astrologer Merlin, who is the chief member of the Truth Society, exchanged his life for such a prophecy ten years ago. Before he died, he dipped his finger in his blood and drew a circle in the northern part of the Kingdom of Auckland. This piece of territory is what is now Istaren.

At that time, it happened to be the moment when the luck of the white lion family in Eastalen reached its peak in the past 300 years.The current patriarch, Duke Caesar, is making great efforts to govern, and his soldiers are as strong as a cloud. His brother Leonard is a once-in-a-century swordsmanship genius. He stepped into the golden gate when he was less than 35 years old. He is known as the "Golden Lion King".

Regardless of popular support or force, Istaren at that time had reached the standard of self-government and even statehood.Yet in the eyes of the astrologer, that too is a sign of what might be called a "change."

So under the guidance of someone with a heart, and at the same time with the mentality that they would rather kill the wrong than let it go, the Truth Society began to plan for the White Lion family.In a deliberate conspiracy, the elites of the White Lion family were completely lost, and the Golden Lion King fell, leaving only the young Antonio struggling to support the overall situation.

After the assassination of Duke Caesar, the prophecy about the apostles still did not disappear, and the Truth Society still refused to let go of the young lord, and specially sent Stephen, an alchemist who had some friendship with Duke Caesar at that time, to stay in Istaron as a dark chess player to closely monitor the situation. The wind and grass in the land.

The self-proclaimed justice of the Pravda would not mind organizing yet another massacre if any unusual "changes" occurred.

"So the Truth Society was actually voluntarily used as a knife, right? No matter how much it claims to be righteous, it is actually just the Oakland royal family spending money to eliminate disasters."

After listening to what Master Stephen told about the past, El curled his lips and said disdainfully.Although Master Stephen did not talk about the merits and demerits of the Truth Society verbally, he can get a general truth from the information fragments he has learned before and a little analysis.

I am afraid that the people of the Truth Society have never believed such nonsense about the coming of the apostles. It can be seen from the results alone that this is completely a plan of the Oakland royal family to kill people with a knife.Even if he puts on a coat of justice, but the appearance of eating is too ugly and it is unavoidable to be contemptuous.

"I'm afraid they didn't expect that the apostle would really come..." Master Stephen shook his head and smiled bitterly: "What I'm wondering now is why Earl Snake received such certain news? Although he may not have expected the apostle's true arrival." It turns out that he is a chosen one of the true God, but he knows exactly when and how to summon the apostles to descend, which is simply too strange."

"Perhaps this so-called apostle was instigated by the evil heretics behind him." El guessed maliciously.

"The goddess of life, Anastassa, is one of the twelve main gods of the order camp. Without her approval, no one can manipulate her voters." Tiana stood up and said softly.

"The so-called chosen people are the people chosen by the gods to walk on the ground on behalf of the gods to spread the will of the gods. The so-called saints are those whose souls are pure and flawless, and whose beliefs are pure and firm, so they are admired and imitated by the world with the holy name. In a sense Generally speaking, she is the perfect incarnation of the gods on earth, and any changes in her body are the will of God."

"I'm stupid, please don't mind if my understanding is wrong." El looked at the purple-dyed sky in the distance and couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth: "That means this thing is allowed by the Goddess of Life?"

"All of us are fools... No one has ever thought about whose apostles are the apostles? Who can send apostles to this world? Isn't the answer obvious?" Master Stephen sighed and asked self-deprecatingly .

A streak of light streaked across the sky and crashed down in front of the three of them.The knight who was once known as the Golden Lion King revealed his figure half leaning on his long sword, and his image was extremely miserable.Most of the armor on his body was burned, revealing an old face with gray hair and countless scars of various sizes on his body.

Although according to Master Stephen, this former genius was only 35 years old ten years ago, but now he looks like an old man who is over sixty years old, and the legendary power and majesty of stepping into the golden gate is not seen at all. An ordinary long sword without showing any sharpness.Those who have not personally experienced it can hardly imagine the terrible setbacks and ups and downs he encountered back then.

"She's getting stronger and stronger." The knight covered his mouth and coughed twice, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

 It wasn't posted last night, it's my fault! OMG!

(End of this chapter)

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