rune hunter

Chapter 131 Sun Rays

Chapter 131 Sun Rays
When looking through the notes left by the astrologers, the question that puzzled Al most was how terrible the so-called apostle's coming was.

You must know that "scary" can only be said to be a relative adjective rather than an attributive. A timid girl may think that cockroaches are the most terrifying creatures, and a brave warrior will not change his expression even in the face of a monster.However, in the astrologers' prophecies and descriptions of the apostles, there has never been an accurate judgment.In the eyes of a thousand people, there are a thousand kinds of disasters.

It is actually very simple to explain this phenomenon with the theory of astrology, because only the "Apostle" itself is the "Beacon of Destiny" that must exist, and there are still countless possibilities for its impact on this world.

El didn't know anything about the theory of astrology, but when he learned that the purple demon god was the real body of the "apostle", he felt even more confused.

The earth-shattering and ferocious fight between the two monsters is certainly frightening, but according to Tiana's judgment, neither of them has reached the real golden rank.Leaving aside the obsidian-constructed Titan that has been disposed of, the purple demon god transformed by the holy nun Maryvian, bearing the title of "Apostle" but only having this ability is a bit unreasonable.

The power of the pseudo-gold rank is definitely out of reach for a rookie like El who is just entering silver, but it is nothing to the whole world.

The Istaron army ruled by Antonio is not afraid of the Landwalking Princess Langaria who has stepped into the Golden Gate and her Landwalking Legion.If it wasn't for being framed by Earl Snake's conspiracy and tricks, causing the top management to fall apart, it would not be difficult to deal with these two monsters.

If the so-called "Apostle" has only such a little ability, those astrologers who sacrificed their lives and souls in order to find the "Beacon of Destiny" would be too ridiculous.

Such a simple truth can be seen by Er, a country idiot, and of course it is impossible for others not to notice it.

Knight Leonard's injury was very serious, even if he didn't say anything, El could still observe the chaotic power vortex in his body through the insight rune.If the genius Golden Lion King of the past was like this, that Master Ampere might be in danger too.

"The essence of the purple flame is still life force, but it is completely different from the divine power of the goddess of life. It can not only recover from injuries, but also plunder the life force of others." Knight Leonard said with a heavy face. "Without the same level of divine restraint, mortal weapons cannot completely kill her."

"Maybe there is something wrong with our plan..." Master Stephen pondered for a moment and whispered: "Earl Snake may have expected it, so he chose to use obsidian to construct the Titan. The constructed creature has no vitality, which can restrain her Recovery ability, but it’s useless to talk about it now, it’s just a solution to the symptoms, not the root cause..."

When the two were exchanging opinions in low voices, the purple demon god had already arrived. She folded her wings and slowly landed. Her huge body, no less than that of a black giant, circled and turned in mid-air, and seemed to be more flexible than when they met just now.She landed "lightly" on the ground, purple flames spread out from under her body in all directions like mercury, and the invisible coercion made people hold their breath subconsciously.

"She has stepped into the golden gate?" Master Stephen said to himself in shock.

"Not yet, but after 'eating' Master Ampere, there is only a thin line left." Knight Leonard had a wry smile on his face: "If one of us dies, she can directly Enter the golden rank."

"Then how do you fight?" El turned to look at Tiana, the girl blinked her eyes calmly, so El immediately got ready to rub the soles of her feet with oil.If the Leonard Cavaliers used all kinds of rationales to fool the two people into attracting firepower, they would definitely turn around and run away without saying a word.

Compared with the black giant who can only use brute force and has no brains, the purple demon god who can't kill with one hand and a hydra whip is undoubtedly more deadly.

El doesn't mind fighting to protect his homeland, but he doesn't want to die for stupid reasons. The magician girl who is a wanted criminal must have a deeper understanding of this truth than him. On this issue, the two have a good understanding. Neither are heroes.

"Didn't the Society of Truth prepare remedial measures at the beginning?" Knight Leonard asked Master Stephen straightforwardly. Although this sentence sounded full of irony, the tone of the knight was very sincere.

Those who are most concerned about the prophecy of the coming of the apostles are the members of the Truth Church who claim to be righteous.Although there were too many messy things in that incident back then, the original intention of preventing the descending of the apostles has never changed.Truth will send Master Stephen to monitor all troubles in Istaron, and will definitely prepare some trump cards to deal with sudden changes in the situation.

"Yes, there is, but I don't know if it will work. After all, no one knew that the apostle would be in such a form before." Master Stephen coughed awkwardly, nodded and said: "I need time..."

"I can only delay her for another 10 minutes now." Knight Leonard did not shirk, nor did he calculate the strength of the two young people, which made El feel a little embarrassed, and he didn't know if he had seen through the relationship between the two men. Be careful.

At this time, there was no time to devise a more secure plan. With just a few words, the purple demon god was already bending and crawling like a snake, and the hydra whip instantly covered half of the sky.

"Stay away from you two! Be careful of her purple flames!" Knight Leonard shouted at the two of them, but he drew his long sword and faced the purple demon god.He didn't know how much time Master Stephen needed, and he didn't even know whether Master Stephen's words were credible, but he still rushed forward without hesitation.

With Istaren behind him, he had no choice.

"Ah, I've been underestimated." El shook his head, picked up Tiana, turned around and ran away.It's no wonder Leonard Knight didn't count the two of them. If even Master Ampere was eaten by that monster, their two silver-rank rookies would definitely be useless. If they were not careful, they would become supplementary An hors d'oeuvre of strength.

"Let's go to the obsidian to construct the Titan!" Tiana said, pointing to the construction site in the distance. The situation was urgent, and it was not the first time she had been hugged. Although the girl blushed a little, she still remained calm and rational. think.

"Can you handle that flame?" El asked incredulously.

"I don't know, but I have to give it a try. Otherwise, after she devours that knight-lord, I'm afraid the whole of Istaron will suffer disaster." Tiana held the staff with her arms firmly in her eyes.

"When the time comes, I won't be able to run if I want to..." El sighed heavily, feeling really useless in his heart.In the adventure stories sung by bards, the protagonist has experienced adventure after adventure and gradually grows up, before finally slaying the dragon to save the princess.

But the enemies he has to face become more perverted each time, from the curse sect to the ground marching group, from the black giant to the purple demon god, Kong has a whole body of skills but runs for his life like a dog every time. .

Up to now, the enemy has become an "apostle" who is immortal and can eat people tonic. Is it really okay to have such a straight-up difficulty coefficient?
Just when El lamented his ill-fated fate, Knight Leonard had already attracted the attention of the Purple Demon God to himself.The Hydra Whip of the Purple Demon God can be regarded as a large-area range attack. It is not as easy to dodge as the black giant's fist, and it is difficult to escape the shadow of the whip even at the speed of Leonard Knight.Anyway, no matter what the attack is, it is difficult to be effective, so I simply use all my strength to defend.

However, as a fantasy weapon manifested out of thin air, the power of the Hydra Whip can be imagined.Every time he slammed down the attack of the Hydra whip, his injuries became more and more serious. No one knew whether he could really last for 10 minutes.

Taking advantage of Knight Leonard to attract the attack of the purple demon god, Master Stephen carefully avoided the purple flames rushing on the ground, and quietly returned to the high ground where he had just interfered with the obsidian-constructed Titan.He took out a small silver mirror with a simple and inconspicuous appearance from his sleeve, refracted a spot of light from the sunlight in the sky, and silently locked onto the body of the purple demon god.

He cleared his throat, calmed down and began to chant the incantation. This incantation was very obscure and long. He almost missed the syllables several times, but he succeeded in the first attempt, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In the Inner City Public College of Istaren, the tower that belonged exclusively to Master Stephen suddenly began to rise slowly.The tower itself was already the tallest building in the inner city, but at this moment it abruptly rose to a height of at least 20 meters, almost piercing into the clouds.On the top of the tapered conical tower, another alchemical object in the shape of a staff rises, and a translucent yellow crystal the size of a human head is fixed on the top.

Yellow crystal made of the same material as the black giant's eyes!
Master Stephen pointed the small silver mirror in his hand at the purple demon god, and whispered the last key syllable of the spell.The crystal on the tower far away in the city flickered twice and suddenly bloomed.

A golden ray of light ten times thicker than the ray used by the black giant penetrated the sky and the earth, directly shining on the back of the purple demon god.

The huge body of the purple demon god trembled suddenly, and was pierced by the rays of light without any resistance.The body melts like cream.The purple demon god who had already discovered her immortality didn't care at first, but then she realized that the ray of light hadn't disappeared, so she really panicked.

The black giant's ray of light uses the energy core inside its body, which is powerful but unsustainable.And the mysterious device on Master Stephen's tower uses the power of the sun!

If the sun does not set, the rays of light will not stop!

 Kneeling for recommendation, five-body casting for a monthly pass, shirtless pole dancing for subscription~
(End of this chapter)

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