rune hunter

Chapter 132 Legendary Armament

Chapter 132 Legendary Armament
Compared with the obsidian-constructed Titan, which condenses the essence of alchemy art, this alchemy product produced by Master Stephen seems a bit rough and simple, but from another perspective, it can also be said to reflect the uniqueness of the northern border area. Rugged style.

The black giant's eyes not only have the ability to attack remotely and lock on to threatening targets, but are also important visual perception organs. Master Stephen's works only retain the most basic function - rays of light.There is a proverb that says it is better to be able to master ten disciplines than one master. After abandoning those various auxiliary functions, the yellow crystal specially used to condense energy and emit rays of light immediately exerts a completely different effect.

The spire of the high tower slowly opened like a petal, and dispersed into twelve huge prisms, gathering the sunlight in the sky and refracting it onto the yellow crystal, condensing rays of light as thick as an arm.Although it may not be able to reach the level of the black giant's final blow in terms of power, it is better than an endless stream, so there is no need to worry about the burden of overload.

"You can use this method to condense the power of light. Alchemy, which claims to study the essence of all things, really deserves its reputation." Tiana exclaimed in a low voice. The billowing heat wave hits the face, one can imagine how terrifying the high temperature of that ray of light is.

"Really, it would be nice to have such a good way to come up with it earlier, so I wouldn't have to pay such a high price." El said angrily. He had the misfortune to experience the power of the black giant's final blow just now, and he still has lingering fears, so Only then did I feel that Master Stephen was playing tricks.

"The burning effect caused by the focused sunlight has no effect on the obsidian building Titan." Tiana tapped the stone on the black giant with her staff and said: "This obsidian is a rare mineral excavated from the magma in the core of the earth. The high temperature and thermal energy in the sense can't pose a threat to him at all."

"The power used by Maryvian is still vitality in essence. The purple flame is only an external manifestation, not a flame in the true sense. Her current body should still be in the growth stage, so she appears very weak. Master Stephen chose Her attack mode happens to be able to consume a lot of her strength, and the competition now is about endurance."

"But I don't think that His Highness will be caught without a fight." El said worriedly.

"So we have to do something." Tiana nodded, raised her staff and began to aim.

"Hey, hey, what do you want to do?" Al couldn't help being surprised to see that the direction she was aiming at turned out to be a tower rising in the city.

"Master Stephen's alchemy level is amazing, but his understanding of light may not be as good as mine," Tiana said confidently.

El's worries are not unreasonable. The purple demon god came to the world in the name of an apostle, and so far it is only in the state of infancy, and it cannot be regarded as a real arrival.And her arrival is the inevitable "Beacon of Destiny" in the prophecy, which is far from being stopped by manpower.

Knight Leonard took advantage of the time when the purple demon was shrouded in rays of light, and burst out his last strength and began to fight back. Although his sword could not kill the purple demon, it could cut her body and make her incapacitated.As long as the purple demon god can't avoid the rays of light, he must constantly absorb the purple flames to restore his body.When her strength is completely exhausted, she loses her threat.

However, when he split the purple flame in front of him with a sword, he found that only a lifelike snake slough was left in front of him.Under the shroud of rays of light, the purple demon god showed the golden cicada's ability to shed its shell, and its body turned into a stream of purple light and swept towards Master Stephen in the distance.

No one noticed or expected that, unlike the obsidian-built Titan, which is unmanned and only acts according to the default program, the purple demon god named Maryvian still has intelligence not lower than that of ordinary people even after it descended. .

Her battle with the black giant can be regarded as a kind of revenge, and the hatred attracted by Leonard Knight is still revenge, but in fact her real goal is to grow up as soon as possible.

So despite being attracted by Knight Leonard with all his strength, she still seized the opportunity to kill the great magician Ampere and absorb all his vitality.Under the current circumstances, although he didn't know that Master Stephen was the manipulator of the ray of light, the Purple Demon God still chose to target him.As long as she devours the vitality of a silver-ranked powerhouse again, she will be able to cross that threshold in one step and enter a new realm. Naturally, she will not be afraid of the attack of rays.

Master Stephen frowned. His physical fitness was not as strong as Leonard Knight, and he would definitely not be able to withstand the attack of the Hydra whip.He rearranged the small silver mirror in his hand at an angle, and the rays of light on the tower also deflected accordingly, intercepting the direction in which the purple demon god was heading.

Tiana pointed in the direction of the high tower in the city, shaking the staff in her hand, she didn't know what she did, and saw that the efficiency of collecting sunlight by the twelve prisms on the high tower suddenly doubled, and the yellow gemstones that gathered light suddenly appeared. There was a puff of blue smoke, and the emitted rays were also thicker.

El took a deep breath, held his breath, drew the dragon tooth bow fully, and shot out all the remaining arrows in the quiver in one breath, thirteen white-feathered ebony arrows flew towards the purple demon god in a row.In this kind of battle that cannot be judged by common sense, his ability is basically useless, and it can only be said that it is better than nothing.

"Let's get ready to run." El put down the dragon tooth bow, and whispered to Tiana, shaking his bloody fingers from the bowstring.The knights who stayed beside the black giant were also useless, and suffered heavy losses, including many unowned horses.

Seeing the purple demon god switch targets decisively, El knew that there was no suspense in this battle.An unkillable monster is enough to cause headaches, but an unkillable monster still has the brains to know how to weigh the pros and cons, that is simply a disaster.

Estalon is hopeless.

The powerful ray of light blocked the front of the purple demon god, but she rushed in regardless. The scorching sun's rays roasted the skin on her body into pieces of charred black, turning into pieces of coke that fell off, and quickly grow new muscle tissue.Even if the Purple Demon God didn't care about her injuries, the power of the ray of light couldn't cause fatal damage to her in a short time.

Because it was impossible to determine the real vital parts of the Purple Demon God's body, El aimed all his arrows at her face. Unexpectedly, the long hair at the back of the Purple Demon God's head suddenly squirmed like a snake, forming a dense sheet next to her ear. A consistent network blocks all arrows.Only one long arrow secretly fueled by El escaped from the interception and shot into the corner of the purple demon's eye, but that's all.

El didn't know how much damage the arrow had done to the Purple Demon God. He only saw the Purple Demon God blink his eyes vigorously, and then seemed to glance at himself from the corner of his eye.He knew that this didn't mean that he had attracted attention, but that he barely got on someone else's menu.

Master Stephen's face was as calm as water, and there was a bit of relief in his seriousness.The old man was not afraid of death, and he was very pleased with the result that he was about to die at the hands of the apostle. With such an ending, ending the entanglement with Estalon for more than ten years, it can be said that he died well.

At the moment when the purple demon god rushed in front of him, and the old man was about to close his eyes and wait for death, a girl in a black tight-fitting monastic uniform appeared from behind him out of thin air, kicked Stephen away, and then met the purple demon head-on. Demon God's Hydra Whip.

The girl held a black sword in one hand, and held a string of black rosary beads in the other hand and threw it at the purple demon god.The black rosary beads spread out in mid-air, turning into a huge circular defensive barrier, blocking the hydra whip.The charming smile on the face of the purple demon suddenly disappeared, and she found that her hydra whip was firmly stuck to the barrier and could not be retracted, and the purple flames spewed by the nine snake heads also disappeared.

"Maryvian, have you had enough?" Shirley sneered, opened her five fingers and squeezed the purple demon god, and a total of eighteen black chains appeared from the void, binding the huge body of the purple demon god tightly.

The purple demon god let out a deafening scream of anger, twisting her body in an attempt to break free, but no matter how hard she struggled, those seemingly slender black chains remained motionless.

"Legendary weapons?" Tiana, who was standing in the distance and observing carefully, had her eyes lit up, and subconsciously blurted out.

"What?" Although El could hear it clearly, he had never heard of this strange word at all, so he couldn't help asking in doubt.

"Very powerful." Tiana rolled his eyes at him, thought for a while and added: "Very powerful."

"I'm not an idiot, I can tell it with my eyes!" El said angrily.

Knight Leonard had already caught up, and when he saw the purple demon being subdued, he was about to cut off her head, but Shirley stretched out his hand to stop her.

"Please leave this apostle to me." Shirley waved her hand, then turned her head and continued to look directly into the eyes of the Purple Demon God.

"Maryvian! I know you can hear me!" she yelled at the Demon God.

The Demon God didn't seem to hear Xue Li's voice, seeing that she couldn't get rid of the black chains on her body. The parts of her body that were in contact with the black chains began to emit purple flames, burning clusters.Although the purple flame is not a flame in the true sense, the destructiveness contained in it should be treated with caution even by obsidian-constructed Titans.

"Maryvian! You coward!" Shirley shouted loudly, still unwilling to give up. The feedback from the black chain under the burning of the purple flame made her arms tremble involuntarily, but the carelessness on her face The smile remains the same.

"Do you think you can escape reality by hiding? This is the person you killed! This is your crime! No one can wipe your ass! All these crimes must be borne by yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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