rune hunter

Chapter 133

Chapter 133
From the moment Maryvian was caught by the black giant and crushed into meat paste, to the time when the purple demon god descended from her flesh and blood, Knight Leonard and Master Stephen, who witnessed the whole process, confirmed that Maryvian was beyond doubt. Ann's death.

From a common sense point of view, it should be that Maryvian's death constituted a condition for some kind of sacrifice and sacrifice, and the purple demon god was summoned from the void to descend.This situation is also consistent with the several demon gods descending recorded in the history of the human world, but this time the apostle descended with a chosen one of the gods as a sacrifice, which was already extravagant to the point of prodigal.

They had imagined many possibilities, even blasphemously and maliciously speculated that the gods were behind this farce, but they never noticed a fact that was easily overlooked—when Maryvian was still a holy nun, You can already use the power of the purple flame.

Mary Wei'an is not a sacrifice, her true identity from beginning to end is the current Purple Demon God!

"Maryvian, it's time for you to regain your sobriety, right?" Xue Li stood in front of the purple demon god, holding tightly the black rosary that had turned into a barrier, her tone gradually becoming impatient.

"I know you can hear me, don't be stupid, Pandora's acting skills are much better than yours."

A contemptuous smile appeared on the face of the Purple Demon God. She lowered her head as if she was about to speak, but after she opened her mouth, she suddenly let out a breath, submerging Xue Li's figure in endless purple flames.

The eighteen black chains wrapped around the body of the purple demon god suddenly tightened, and they were deeply strangled into her flesh.Xue Li's figure slowly appeared from the purple flames, and she was unscathed.She retracted the rosary to her hand at the critical moment, and a pure black ring was formed under her feet.The purple flame split into two in front of her, and it couldn't penetrate into the area covered by the ring at all.

"Really, after chasing and killing Pandora for so long, I have unknowingly contracted her bad habit of breaking her mouth. Since you don't want to talk, you should just use force to solve it." Xueli said to herself She muttered a few words in a low voice, and pulled her hands hard to the sides, and the black chains wrapped around the purple demon god doubled in strength, causing her to scream repeatedly.

Xue Li took a step forward, and her whole figure disappeared out of thin air. The next moment she suddenly appeared on top of the purple demon god, holding the black sword tightly with both hands and stabbing downward forcefully.

The black sword inserted into the top of the purple demon god's head without hindrance, piercing the skin and skull, but what spewed out was not brains, but still the ubiquitous purple flame.However, this kind of purple flame, which even the obsidian-built Titans are unwilling to be contaminated with, did not pose the slightest threat in front of Shirley. Instead, it turned into green smoke and dissipated when it approached the black sword in her hand.

The purple demon god's hair curled up like a snake, trying to wrap around Shirley's body, but those hairs still couldn't pass through the circular barrier under the girl's feet.

In terms of strength alone, Shirley's strength is not too strong. It seems that she is only slightly stronger than El, and she doesn't even reach the peak of the silver rank.But her elusive combat method is enough to cause headaches, and the three legendary weapons on her body completely restrain the ability of the purple demon god, as if it was specially aimed at her.

"Those black chains should be the locks of order. They are powerful weapons created by the ascetic monks of the Dark Moon Brotherhood using pure order rules. They are specially used to seal the powerful monsters of various chaotic camps. They can also be said to be their iconic weapons. As for the black sword and the rosary, I can't see it... But as far as I know, those ascetic monks don't have such a rich family background." Tiana watched the changes in the battle situation and explained to El in a low voice.

"I have dealt with her a few times, and this girl is not a kind-hearted person." Al narrowed his eyes and smiled dryly.In addition to their one encounter when they arrived in Istaron, El also met her a few times during night tours in the city after the Ludern Temple caught fire.

But at that time Shirley was busy cleaning up the remnants of the Cursed Sect, killing every night.El felt that the pool of sewage was really bottomless, so he just paid attention to it from a distance, and didn't follow along to join in the fun.Looking back now, I can't help feeling a little thankful for my foresight.

After Master Stephen was kicked out, he fell and gnawed on the mud, but at the same time he was out of the range of the purple flames and did not suffer any more damage.He got up from the ground and didn't care to shake off the dirt on the robe, tremblingly raised the mirror and re-aligned it with the purple demon god's body.

The power of the black sword inserted by Shirley on the top of the head was constantly losing power, and the annoying rays of light were refracted. The purple demon tried his best but found that he still couldn't break free from the black chain, and couldn't help becoming anxious.In desperation, she repeated the old trick again, ejecting a purple brilliance from her mouth and fleeing into the distance. The body that remained in place slowly lost its vitality and turned into a useless snake slough.

The body of the purple demon god is actually composed of the vitality in the purple flames, it is not a real body, and naturally there are no vital parts.But when she used the ability to shed her shell, the body that stayed where it was too late to transform was equivalent to leaving a part of its vitality.

The purple brilliance re-formed into the image of the demon god in mid-air, but after shedding her shell twice in a row, her body shrank a lot, which was even worse than when she was fighting the black giant. It is estimated that Master Ampere life force is exhausted.

Xue Li drew out her black sword, and stretched out her palm to the purple demon god who spread her wings in the sky. Eighteen black chains emerged from the void again, sealing off the space around her.But this time the purple demon god was prepared, and made an evasive action almost at the same time.After she shrunk in size, her body became more flexible, and she escaped half of the black chains after tossing and turning.

This time the black chain failed to completely bind the Purple Demon God, allowing her hands to be freed.The purple demon smiled charmingly, summoned the Hydra whip again and swung it at Xue Li.

Xue Li's figure disappeared suddenly, and appeared behind the purple demon god in an instant, her open palms clenched into fists, and while tightening the black chain, she punched the back of the purple demon god's neck fiercely.

A thunderbolt suddenly sounded in the sky, and the lightning that pierced the sky converged on the girl's seemingly weak fist, and then erupted with terrifying power.The spine at the back of the purple demon god's neck split into two with a click, the control over his body disappeared instantly, and he fell headlong from midair.

An injury that is fatal to ordinary people can be recovered in the blink of an eye on the body of the purple demon god, but Shirley never thought of giving her a chance to recover, and inserted the black sword again into the wound while the wound was healing. , just stuck in the spine of the purple demon god.

Xue Li's black sword is not gorgeous in appearance, nor is it as sharp as other weapons, but its material is extremely strong, even obsidian is far from being comparable.And it has only one effect, that is, like a black hole, it swallows up all forms of energy around it.

As soon as the purple flames that repaired the wound gathered near the wound, they were completely swallowed by the black sword inserted into the bone.The scope of the black sword's devouring ability is not large, only within a square inch.But this square inch is a world that belongs to it alone, and no infringement is allowed.

The purple demon god wanted to spread his wings, but he didn't wait for the wound on his spine to heal. His huge body fell to the ground, kicking up a large cloud of dust.Shirley held the hilt of the sword with one hand, and made another fist with the other hand and smashed it to the back of the head.

The half-moon-shaped sword energy flashed across, drawing a line of blood from the purple demon god's forehead to his abdomen. Knight Leonard retracted his sword and turned around, his chest trembling and spitting out a mouthful of blood.Although he knew that his attack would not have any effect, he still dragged his seriously injured body to slash the sword.The blood thread on the purple demon god's body slowly opened, and the blood gushed out, turning into a sea of ​​flames on the ground.

Fighting so far, everyone has seen that Leonard Cavalier's state is close to the limit.His physical condition was not very optimistic, perhaps because of the unhealed old injury, he could not exert the strength of the heyday at all, and it was even worse after repeated hard battles.

The knights in charge of dismantling the black giant were all red-eyed. Several people let go of the ropes and were about to mount their horses to charge, but El kicked them off one by one.

"What are you doing! Are you rushing to die to fill firewood for others?" El dragged a knight off his horse and fell to the ground, snatched the double-edged battle ax behind him, and weighed it.

"Should we just watch the grand master die?" The knight who fell to the ground cried unwillingly. He also knew that he was going to die, but the honor and dignity of being a knight did not allow him to stand by like this.

"Shut up, your task is to remove this big guy as soon as possible, don't forget he's not dead yet!" El turned back and hit the obsidian surface with an axe, sparks sparked from the heavy double-edged battle axe, long The handle bent into a strange arc, and then suddenly flew up.In front of this invulnerable obsidian, the knights still have a long way to go.

"How is it? Is there any hope?" Er threw away the sharpened ax casually, took the quiver from the knight's mount and carried it behind his back, and asked Tiana in a low voice.

"I've never tried it before, but I have to try it." The magician girl bit her lip and clenched the staff in her hand.

As long as Xue Li's black sword is still inserted into the spine, it is impossible for the Purple Demon God to regain control of his body.Faced with an unsolvable predicament, she used her ability to escape for the third time to escape.

After the purple brilliance fell to the ground, it did not change into a huge snake-like body, but what was revealed was a human form shrunk to about three meters.And it also restored the facial features of the former holy nuns.

Losing the snake's body, wings and sharp horns, the apostle turned into a human body without a single thread on his body, leaving only a few scales to cover his private parts, which added to his temptation.

"It's really choppy..." El, who has excellent eyesight, couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He subconsciously glanced at Tiana next to him, and was immediately glared back by the girl with keen intuition.

(End of this chapter)

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