rune hunter

Chapter 134 Endgame

Chapter 134 Endgame
In the astrology diagram deduced by astrologers, the silver moon and red moon have always been used as the horizontal and vertical coordinates of position reference, while the dark moon, which cannot be observed by the naked eye, is the origin of this coordinate axis.

Dark Moon Babylon is not only the origin of the starry sky, but also the base point of the entire world.According to the oldest legend, the Mother Goddess created the world from this starting point, and since then it has had divine power effects such as being unobservable, undetectable, and undestroyable.If the silver moon Troy symbolizes change, then the dark moon Babylon symbolizes "unchanged".

Dark Moon Babylon, as the base point of the world, does not represent any world laws, because it is the origin of all laws, just like the word "prologue" at the beginning of a book, which cannot introduce the content of the book.It is also because of this that there is no and will not exist the Dark Moon God in this world.

The "Darkmoon Brotherhood" named after Darkmoon does not enshrine any gods, but chooses to believe in the original world law extended from the Darkmoon, that is, pure order.Therefore, they are also called unbelievers and are regarded as heresies by other gods.

The members of the Dark Moon Brotherhood are both ascetic monks and assassins. They regard themselves as members of the absolute order, exercise their bodies and minds in the harsh natural and primitive environment, and at the same time claim to be the defenders of order, and they will do everything possible Factors that disrupt order are eradicated.

Although the reputation in the secular high society can be said to be notorious, the actual combat effectiveness of the Dark Moon Brotherhood cannot be underestimated.Years of hard work have allowed them to hone their bodies into deadly weapons.

No need to chant any incantations, Shirley can unleash the Lightning Fist just by stepping to charge her power. Her fist hit the back of the Purple Demon God, causing her to rush forward involuntarily, with her chest pressed against her other body. On the blade of the black sword exposed from the body.

The Purple Demon God wanted to struggle, but her reaction speed was still not scary compared to Xueli. Xueli withdrew her fist, bent down and kicked the Purple Demon God's leg with a sweeping kick.Her speed was so fast that it could almost leave an afterimage on the spot, only a click was heard, and the knee of the Purple Demon God's right leg shattered under her toes.

The recovery speed of the purple demon's body is strong, but because of this, the newly born body cannot reach the strength that the quasi-gold rank should have.For her, the body is just a form of manifestation, which does not affect the power of the purple flame, but such a body also has a fatal weakness that cannot be ignored.

Although the body of the Purple Demon God is actually composed of the power of purple flames, when she chooses to descend into this world in a physical form, she must inevitably follow the basic laws of this world.In terms of understanding the laws of the flesh, no one has more say than the ascetic monks of the Dark Moon Brotherhood.

As long as she wants to stand on the ground, no matter what kind of body she has, she must have bone support, and Shirley's attack is also specially designed for her body bones.

Kicked the knee of Purple Demon God's right leg, and before she could recover, Xue Li turned her fist into a palm and pressed against her back and shot dozens of times in rapid succession, shaking the entire spine on her back. smash.

For a humanoid monster, the heart and the head are both vital parts, and the third vital part is the spine.The Purple Demon God is not a real living body. Losing his head and heart can still recover, but the spine is connected to the nerves that control the whole body. Even if it is only a second of damage, it cannot effectively control the body.

Strictly speaking, this cannot be regarded as the weakness of the Purple Demon God. It has been less than an hour since she came to this world, and she has been in a state of fierce fighting without getting a moment of rest.If you leave her some time to analyze the basic rules of this world and get familiar with her own strength and body, this weakness will naturally be made up for.

But from another perspective, Shirley also has the experience of fighting the apostles, and she has noticed Maryvian's strange behavior for a long time, so it can be said that she came prepared.I'm afraid he has foreseen the situation in front of him a long time ago, and it is impossible to say that he has not prepared other back cards.

Xue Li fluttered her palms like butterflies, and slapped the Purple Demon God from her waist to the back of her head in an instant. When both palms were struck at the same time, the flames in the Purple Demon God's eyes shot up at least a foot long.She grabbed the purple demon god's head and pulled it back violently. At the same time, her body jumped up, her legs bent and directly pressed against the back of her neck, and she bent the purple demon god's head back a full 180 degrees.

On any normal person, the neck turned into such a weird angle is already dead.But it's meaningless to the Purple Demon God.After her head was bent down, a wicked smile appeared on her face, and she opened her mouth to spit out a violently burning purple flame.

Shirley rolled her body into a ball and rolled down in front of her like a ball, and landed right between the two bodies of the purple demon god. The other purple demon god had just pulled out the black sword from his body, and felt his eyes darken. The arm was twisted back into a twist, and the black sword was regained by its original owner.

The two purple demon gods screamed at the same time, and the hydra hovering in the sky rushed straight down, about to use the trick of killing each other again.During the few seconds when Xue Li was fighting the purple demon god, the surrounding ice had completely frozen this area, and also blocked all Xue Li's escape routes.

Although the Purple Demon God didn't understand the principle of Xue Li's elusive teleportation technique, this area was already filled with violent energy torrents, and no matter what form of space magic was used, it would be a dead end.If she doesn't use magic and fights with her body alone, she has enough confidence to drag this annoying little guy to death.

Facing the situation where she couldn't advance or retreat, Shirley still didn't show a surprised expression on her face, or she kept a calm mind no matter how dangerous the situation was.After snatching back the black sword, she didn't think about retreating at all. Instead, she counterattacked with attack, and slashed a series of sword lights at the purple demon god with her backhand.

Jian Guang cut the body of a purple demon god into four sections, and then instantly turned it into purple brilliance and threw it into another body.The purple demon opened her arms and laughed happily. As long as the power of the main body is not extinguished, she can infinitely differentiate into new clones. This purely physical attack is meaningless.

Her laughter stopped abruptly.

The moment Hydra was about to touch the ice, it stopped suddenly and turned into a motionless statue in mid-air.On his body made of flames, a huge six-pointed star array was put on at some point, completely sealing the monster's mobility.

Master Stephen covered his mouth and coughed violently a few times, spitting out a mouthful of blood.He is not good at directly releasing magic to fight against the enemy, let alone forcibly releasing the seal under the situation of unequal power.But at this moment, there was only so much he could do.

A slender and weak hand unceremoniously took out the small silver mirror from his arms, and then endless rays of light bloomed from around him.

Tiana raised her staff high, and refracted the spot of light from the small silver mirror onto the huge diamond at the top of the staff, and the rays of light that lost their target on the tower in the distance immediately moved over.

The powerful staff named "Arc Crusher" erupted at this moment with a light that was more dazzling than the sun, almost illuminating half of the sky, suppressing the monstrous momentum of the flame hydra in the distance.

"Multiple light arrows, spinning dance!" Tiana whispered the name of her original magic. According to the internal information of the Cursed Sect, her original magic was also called the Light Dancing Snake!
The light should have spread along a straight line, but in Tiana's hands, it seemed to be given life.Dozens of arrows of light erupted from the staff, each drawing a flexible trajectory like a snake, locking onto the body of the flame hydra, wrapping around it, and then exploded directly.

The flaming hydra turned into brilliant fireworks all over the sky. The purple demon god didn't wait for the explosion that killed them all. Shirley had already killed her. Relying on the protective ability of the rosary in her hand, she was not afraid of the erosion of the purple flames, sword after sword. split her body.

The purple demon god finally frowned, gathered the energy of ice and fire in both hands and wanted to repeat the same trick, but when she raised her hand, a fast arrow pierced her palm.

Of course, the damage of the arrow itself was negligible, but the strangely shaped arrow seemed to have a special effect attached, tearing a huge wound on her palm almost effortlessly.What's even more frightening is that under this arrow, the power condensed in her hand burst and disappeared like a bubble, and no matter how much she tried to condense the power, there was still no response.

El put down the dragon tooth bow and blew a loud whistle. The magic-breaking arrow produced by Miss Laurana was as reliable as ever, but he didn't know whether the opportunity he grasped could turn the tide of the battle.

The Purple Demon God suddenly felt a strong crisis, whether it was a woman's intuition or fighting consciousness, reminding her that she was about to fall into a predicament again where she could not fight back.She gritted her teeth and was about to use her ability to shed her shell again to escape from the siege of the crowd, but a pure white holy light fell from the sky, pinning her firmly in place and unable to move.

That is a powerful exorcism magic that can only be used by high-ranking priests - holy fire!
"Who can tell me what happened here?" Katyusha's voice came from afar.

Hearing the voice of the elderly nun suddenly, the flames in the eyes of the purple demon god flickered violently, and the body that was about to continue struggling suddenly lost its strength.

Katyusha lost contact after exploring Marcion alone, and her timely appearance now is tantamount to boosting the morale of everyone present.Now that Leonard Cavalier is seriously injured, the addition of the Silver Crusaders is tantamount to supplementing the shortcomings of one's own high-end combat power.

The balance of battle is tilted again.

The Purple Demon God's hesitation didn't stop Shirley from moving, she took this opportunity to stab the black sword into the Purple Demon God's heart again, reached out and grabbed the black chain from the void, tied her tightly from head to toe, and then Seeing the purple flames on her body being gradually absorbed by the black sword, Fang just breathed a sigh of relief and quietly wiped off the cold sweat from her head.

(End of this chapter)

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