rune hunter

Chapter 135 Misfortunes Never Come Alone

Chapter 135 Misfortunes Never Come Alone
Istarun, the most powerful military fortress in the northern region, which the White Lion family spent 300 years building, suffered a devastating blow in just one day.

The Dongfang City Gate and the surrounding city walls that were more than [-] meters long were completely destroyed, and countless residential buildings in twelve streets in four blocks were reduced to ruins. The number of casualties among citizens and security forces in the city cannot be counted.

Almost all the high-ranking members of Istaron's military fell in this catastrophe. The young lord Antonio was hit by a flying stone and almost lost half of his life.The mad dog Shet was seriously injured, Laurana was seriously injured, and the rest of the elite knights of the knights who followed him, including the two knight leaders, died fighting to stop the black giant's footsteps.

All the soldiers controlled by Earl Snake's magic died after exhaustion, including Anderson, the commander of the city defense force.Pross was first rescued by Maryvian, but because he was too close to her, his vitality was sucked dry by the descending purple demon god.Along with him, there were hundreds of refugees from Marseilles and the priests of the Temple of Life.

After the Purple Demon God and the black giant left, there were only seven nuns left in the Maple Leaf Sisters, and the rest of them were burnt to charcoal and hard to identify.

The vice-president of the public college, the great magician Ampere, unfortunately died while restraining the purple demon god. Another silver-ranked spellcaster, Master Stephen, also ran out of fuel after this battle and was charged as a traitor.

As the secret trump card hidden by the White Lion family, Knight Leonard, who was once known as the Golden Lion King, already had old wounds on his body. He fought the two monsters until the end, completely exhausted his physical strength, and had almost no strength to fight again.

El looked around, and was shocked to find that he had become the highest-ranking commander in the city, and the troubles he had to face were far more than that.

It wasn't until the power of the purple flame was completely sealed by the black sword that Maryvian's figure was revealed.The girl closed her eyes tightly and seemed to have lost consciousness, but the slight rise and fall of her chest proved that she was still alive.Shirley didn't kill them all, she just drew the black sword, but didn't untie the chain.

"Give her to me, and you can go and do other things." The girl said to the other people present as a matter of course, and then dragged the unconscious Maryvian to disappear in full view.

The only person present who could stop her did not respond. El looked at Katyusha suspiciously, only to realize that the latter was not unwilling, but indeed incapable.

The nun's clothes on Katyusha's body have been torn to pieces, exposing a large piece of white skin. The reason why there are no wounds on her body is only because of the strong recovery ability of the temple knight under the goddess of life, but even so, it can It was obvious that her physical consumption had reached the point of overdraft.

The Silver Crusader, who used to be able to confront Princess Dixing head-on, displayed an aura no less than that of Langaria, but now she feels as bleak as a yellow leaf in autumn, with only half a breath left. Just hold on.

"What exactly happened here?" Katyusha watched Marivian being taken away in a daze, and couldn't help asking again.

"To put it simply, for one reason or another, our lord was tricked, and your Highness was also ruined by someone... Don't ask me the details, those present who really know the ins and outs Basically, they are almost dead." El shrugged with a wry smile, and looked back at Master Stephen.

The old man sat cross-legged on the ground, took out a bunch of colorful bottles and cans, and picked out a few bottles of medicine to share with Leonard Knight who was also sitting next to him. No mood to explain.

Looking at the brutal massacre at the city gate, Katyusha sighed heavily and lost the strength to speak for a while.

When El found Antonio, the young lord was halfway in a simple warehouse in the city, with a thick bandage wrapped around his head.Injuries more serious than his were lying on the haystacks lined up, filling the space of the entire warehouse.

The Sisters of Maple Leaf suffered heavy casualties when the purple demon god descended, and the remaining little nuns were also in shock and were useless at all, so they had to ask the priests from the other two temples in the city to come and treat them.However, the number of priests in those two small temples was insufficient, so how could they handle such a huge number of disabled patients in a short time.

El saw Laurana's figure among the wounded. The bandage wrapped around the girl's waist was still oozing blood, and she seemed to be in a coma.As Master Stephen's disciple, her status was a bit embarrassing. If Antonio hadn't asked, no one would have bandaged her up, let alone the magic healing that was in short supply.

Master Stephen walked up to her, gently hugged the girl's body, nodded to El and left the warehouse, turning a blind eye to the hateful eyes around him.Although he has already been charged as a "traitor", no one has the ability to take him into custody at this time, and can only let him come and go as he pleases.

Antonio also saw Master Stephen leaving, and just waved his hand to signal the guards to let him go.His eyes froze a little, and it took him a while to bring his attention back to El.

"So, Pross once appointed you as the interim commander?" He looked at Tiana who was standing silently behind El, with a wry smile on his face.

"I heard that Mr. Pross has...but his subordinates can prove my identity." Ergan said with a smile: "The army is actually still presided over by Mr. Ahmed, I think I should be able to report to you .”

"You did a good job, and you will continue to lead that army." Antonio nodded and said: "Now let Ahmed bring his hunter brigade over, we need to rearrange the defense in the east."

"Wait a minute, my lord, I'm Master Stephen's registered disciple." El said hastily, "Isn't it appropriate for me to continue leading troops?"

"All the suitable ones are lying here..." Antonio glanced at the mad dog Shet who was lying beside him with only his eyes wrapped in bandages, and sighed helplessly.

"Based on your current situation, there is no need to defend."

Katyusha, who followed Er into the warehouse, grabbed half a piece of bread and ate it up, suddenly raised her head and said.

"Hey, hey, who do you think is the reason for this?" El glared at her angrily, but she didn't look like she was mocking or joking.

"What do you mean by that?"

"The outbreak of the plague is not just a problem in the city of Marseille. The Cult of the Damned has assembled an army of undead in that city. Behind them, there are endless undead creatures heading south along the King's Road." Katyusha Trying to swallow a big mouthful of bread, he turned his head and stared at Tiana who was standing aside, and said bitterly, "You never talked about the undead!"

"You don't even want to face up to the problem of the plague, do you believe in more terrible troubles?" Tiana stared back without showing any weakness.

"Wait, don't quarrel." El pulled Tiana behind him and asked Katyusha seriously, "How big is the undead army you mentioned? Have they come yet?"

"If there is no accident, you will be able to see the skeletons covering the sky tonight." Katyusha gestured casually, and said impatiently: "Anyway, based on your current situation, basically you can't see it." Tomorrow's sun."

Hearing this sentence, El couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and began to think about the starting plan again in his heart.Antonio, who was sitting by the side, looked as ugly as if he had eaten a poop.

Just as he got up and was about to cheer up, there was a sound of galloping horseshoes at the door, and a moment later, a knight in black rushed in in a panic.

"What's the matter? Are you here, sir?" Timmy had been frightened all the way, and when he entered the door and saw the half-dead senior officer lying on the ground, he was so frightened that his hands and feet were cold and he almost lost his breath.

"What's the matter! What happened?" Al patted him on the head to wake him up.Timmy's body swayed, and he finally calmed down, but his face was still terrified.

"Sir! We need backup! Those bugs are too ferocious! We're about to lose our hold!"

Although Timmy deliberately lowered his voice, he was still heard clearly by everyone present.

Antonio stood up abruptly, bursting at an astonishing speed, rushed to Timmy in two steps, grabbed his collar tightly, and asked word by word through gritted teeth: "What bug are you talking about? Say it again !"

"Leader... my lord? There are red bugs all over the north! Huge four-legged spiders... can also use fire magic, we can't stand it at all! Their number is still increasing, Lord Ahmed saw them appearing in the jungle A giant building with an unknown purpose..." Under the fierce eyes of the young lord, Timmy quickly reported the information he knew in detail.

The expression on Antonio's face changed rapidly, and finally he let go of Timmy's collar, lowered his head and sighed.The continuous blows made him flustered, and he lost his reaction for a while.

"This is really terrible..." El sucked his teeth vigorously, turned his head and looked at Tiana.The precarious Eastalen is about to face the double attack of the undead army and the ground army at the same time. This is a more serious trouble than a fight between two monsters.

If the two pieces of information are true, there is no need to wait for the plague to come, and Eastaron will indeed not see the sun of tomorrow.

"Hehe... There won't be any more bad news, right?" Antonio raised his head suddenly, with a helpless smile on his face.

"Lord Lord..."

"Whether it's the undead or the land walker, isn't it something that has been foreshadowed, but we didn't pay attention to it." Antonio shook his head, grasped the sword at his waist, and said loudly: "Istaron's Warrior! We haven't given up hope yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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