rune hunter

Chapter 136 Use wine to drown your sorrows

Chapter 136 Use wine to drown your sorrows
After being officially recognized by the lord, El was immediately promoted from an unidentified temporary officer to a full-fledged general, but for the time being, he only had the mixed army that was thrown to the north to fight with the bugs.Two guard dogs were killed and one injured, and the army under them was still in a state of disorganized chaos.

It took only 10 minutes for the quartermaster to prepare a complete set of outfits for him, including appointment letters, sabers, gold-rimmed cloaks, military rank badges and other things to prove his identity. Most of them were obtained locally, directly from the deceased. The body was peeled off, and it was still covered with dust and blood.

It is true that the Istaron soldiers have an ancient tradition of emphasizing the dignity of the dead, but at this time, desecrating the dead is no longer a problem, and the living have to face even more terrible troubles, so they can only keep everything simple.

Al wore a rank badge on his chest and another in his chest.Other things don't matter, but this silver badge is not only the most obvious identity symbol, but also a magic item specially tailored for each general.Compared with other things like appointment letters, this badge is the only one that is recognized, or recognizable, by the nobles and the common people.

For example, the badge on his chest that originally belonged to Anderson has a passive auxiliary magic of "morale boosting", while the other badge belonging to Pross has "night sneaking" added to it, which can increase the speed of troops marching at night. Full of personal style.

From the time he wore this badge, he really entered the upper class, and he could be called a real "adult".

But in this ghostly place where you can hardly see the sun tomorrow, even being called His Majesty the King has no practical meaning.Er didn't intend to work for the White Lion family from the bottom of his heart, so he naturally didn't care about these details.

However, the badge of Pross should be reserved for Pallanti as a commemoration, and he also took it away after obtaining Antonio's consent.

The magician Tiana was also promoted. As the only silver-level spellcaster in Istaron who still has combat power, she was appointed as the vice president of the public academy and the enshrined mage of the White Lion family. With all the rights in the past, almost half of the resources and power of Istaren can be used.

But before that, the girl had already broken up with Antonio, and staying here was only out of morality.After getting the appointment, she didn't show any joy. After receiving the letter of appointment, she just nodded and turned to leave, leaving El alone to serve the young master of the White Lion family.

Antonio's mental state is obviously unstable. No matter how mature he is, he is still a boy under 15 years old. It is already a bit overwhelming for him to shoulder the responsibility of Istaren. The constant blows made him even worse, making him exhausted physically and mentally, and almost collapsed.

To El's surprise, the young man gritted his teeth and survived the heavy blow. When he received the information that the undead and the landwalker were attacking from both sides, he calmed down quickly.Instead of panicking, he began to give orders in an orderly manner.

The first order is to give a speech in 10 minutes, to all the citizens of Istaren.

Walking out of the warehouse that was used as an emergency rescue site, the fresh air immediately dispelled the pungent smell of the potion.El looked around, and soon found Katyusha's figure.The latter was squatting in the ruins of a tavern, trying hard to find all the food that could be eaten, even if it was covered with dirt and dust, he didn't care.She had eaten all the dry food for five people just now, but she still looked hungry.

As the Goddess of Life, the Templar Knights can use divine magic to heal their injuries, but that will also cause huge consumption of the body.Although I don't know what kind of battle Katyusha experienced in Marseille, but seeing how hungry she is now, you can also imagine the horror of the undead.

"Is there any more wine?" Al walked to the bar and asked.

Katyusha was not in the mood to speak, and casually took out two bottles of suspicious liquid without any markings from the wine cabinet, and dropped them on the bar with a bang.She didn't bother to look at other people's faces, she opened one of the bottles of wine and gurgled down half of it, then stopped and hiccupped indistinctly.

"Flaming Tequila?" After all, she grew up in a tavern, and El could tell just by smelling the alcohol she exhaled. This is a famous top-grade spirit in the north. No matter which tavern it is in, it is a private product that the boss treasures. , Only available to regular customers who know the basics.

However, the owner of this tavern is unlikely to have the opportunity to continue to sell to customers. Apart from the bar, there is no other existence in this ruin that can be called a tavern. Even the owner himself may sleep in the ruins forever under.

"Give me a bottle too." Antonio lifted a slightly fuller chair and sat next to El and said.

El glanced at him without making a sound, uncorked another bottle of wine, took a broken glass and poured a small amount of tequila, and handed it to Antonio.

Antonio held the wine glass in a daze, followed Katyusha's example, raised his head and closed his eyes and drank it dry, then spewed out two meters away with a puff, and coughed desperately.

"You are such a pure man." El gave Antonio a thumbs up, and then poured himself a small cup and drank slowly.The one standing next to her with a bottle of wine was a princess who resisted and fought against the undead for a day and night. Even if she drank poison, it might not be a problem. As a normal person, he didn't have the guts to imitate it.

The three people who were thinking about each other sighed at the same time, glanced at each other, and found that the other party was drinking away their worries, and the stiff atmosphere suddenly eased.

"What's going on with Sister Maryvian?" Katyusha put down the bottle and asked bluntly.

"Ahem... I really don't know about this... a little more." Antonio covered his mouth and coughed while pushing the wine glass towards El, his face flushed from choking on the wine: "It doesn't matter if she was framed by design or not." , I don’t care if I conceal the truth, but the problem has been solved for the time being, isn’t it... I would like to know what happened to the landwalker?”

"It should be a bug from another tribe, much more vicious than the troops of His Royal Highness Langaria." El shrugged, saying that he was not clear about this matter: "I heard a magic stick say that The underground volcano is erupting, and the groundwalkers are fighting with each other, so Langarlia's enemies are chasing each other to the ground, right?"

El, who didn't know that he had almost guessed the answer, also had his own doubts. He turned his head and looked at Katyusha: "Tiana and I have dealt with the Damned Sect in Queensland, and there is still a little bit of their tricks. I understand, what happened to the army of undead you saw?"

It's no wonder that El was puzzled. In his impression, the madmen of the Cursed Sect were nothing more than clowns.Given that Tiana had not advanced her strength at that time and was able to toss with them in the northern counties for three months, one could imagine how unworthy those people were.

If those people were able to assemble an army of undead that Katyusha could not do anything about in such a short period of time, it would be better to make El believe that pigs can climb trees.

"The gangsters of the Cursed Sect are nothing to be afraid of, but the evil god standing behind them is not that simple." Katyusha shook her head, with a serious expression on her face: "I have met many high-level undead, for sure It's not a temporary transformation of this plague. Maybe they dug up a certain ancient tomb... Are there any ancient ruins around here? Forget it, pretend I didn't ask."

She originally wanted to ask this question, but suddenly remembered something. Wasn't the reason why the Temple of Life came to Istaron to obtain the rare ore excavated from the ancient ruins...

"So what if you don't know at this time?" Antonio carefully drank the flaming tequila in his glass, a sick blush appeared on his pale face.He slowly breathed out the breath of alcohol, slapped his face, and regained his energy.

"Hey, El, I remember that time Tiana owed Maryvian a favor for you..."

"Don't mention it, okay?" El rolled his eyes in pain. Just because of this black history of gossip, he has already been labeled "soft food" in the eyes of everyone in the army.Of course, it is not ruled out that some of them are envious, jealous, and hateful, but this kind of paranoid vision makes El a lot of pressure.

"I can see the tacit understanding between the two of you, a very enviable tacit understanding." Antonio shook his glass and said with a smile: "Although she promised me that if I can prevent the spread of the plague, she will marry me." But in fact, the person she really likes is you? It’s a pity that we can’t even wait for the plague, otherwise we really want to see that young lady’s tangled expression.”

"No, no, no, you misunderstood, she is the kind of woman who can say what she can do." Er imagined the scene, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching: "And the tangled face of her now is not more terrifying Is it?"

As soon as the topic of women was mentioned, the two drinking men immediately drew closer to each other.Especially for men who can't wait for tomorrow's sun, the topic naturally has no taboos.

"She must have been very charming before she was disfigured." Antonio took another sip of wine, with an ambiguous expression on his face.

"It's not just charming, it's a disaster for the country and the people. To be honest, Her Highness the Holy Nun is really incomparable except for her breasts!" El sighed with a smirk, and Katyusha snorted coldly and crushed the wine bottle in her hand. .

"Have you ever seen her before she was disfigured?" Antonio yelled jealously, and he slapped his head suddenly: "By the way, you escaped together... Tell me the truth, she is really Lance The Tate girl? There's no way I've never heard of..."

"There are many things you haven't heard of." El pouted, and refilled another cup for his underage boss: "Don't have unrealistic fantasies about that guy, you know the scar on her face How did you do it..."

"Hah--" The magician girl at the other end of the city sneezed hard.

 Thanks to everyone who voted for recommendations and monthly tickets, you are all my wings, please let me become the raw material of KFC's dark cuisine!

(End of this chapter)

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