rune hunter

Chapter 137 The Final Speech

Chapter 137 The Final Speech
After Antonio finished his third small glass, El didn't pour him any more wine, and drank the rest of the stock by himself.

"Because I was underage, Pross and the others didn't allow me to drink, but now I don't even have the right to drink." Antonio threw away the wine glass, rubbed his hot cheeks and sighed.

"Because you are the lord of Istaron, this city is still waiting for your order." El shook his head and threw the bottle into the distance: "Of course, it doesn't matter if you get yourself drunk now, Isn't this also a good reason to escape? I believe your loyal subordinates will escort you out of Istaren quietly. For noble gentlemen, isn't judging the situation a commendable virtue?"

"It's really unfortunate, no matter Tiana or Earl Snake, in the eyes of everyone, I am actually that kind of traditional and decadent nobleman." Antonio covered his face with a wry smile, and reached out to hold his own. Saber: "Everything that happened today is the result of my own brewing. If I can be more decisive and stop Earl Snake's plot immediately, it will definitely not be as tragic as it is now."

"There is no place in this world where you can sell regret medicine." El curled his lips disdainfully.

"That's true, so I can only take on this responsibility now." Antonio stood up, straightened his clothes and bow tie, and showed a firm look in his eyes: "Even if the lord of Istaren becomes a corrupt nobleman , but the patriarch of the White Lion family will always be a soldier. For a soldier with the surname of Caesar, there is no such word as running away in the dictionary!"

Katyusha, who was munching, raised her head in surprise, looked at him carefully with strange eyes, nodded and smiled, "It's really impressive."

She turned her head and squinted at El with a smile: "Hey, your boss is exuding domineering aura, even if you are not moved in your heart, at least you should cooperate on the surface?"

The venomous nun's words immediately wiped out the momentum that the young lord had managed to muster.

"It's obvious that a lord with no future has no value of allegiance." El shrugged, and said bluntly, everyone had a drink together, so naturally he didn't mind saying what was in his heart: "Besides, I'm not Istar either. Ren people, there is no need to work hard for Istaron."

"Since you don't want to, why do you still accept the appointment?" Antonio snorted, not angry.El's reluctance was written on his face from the beginning, and he didn't have much hope.

"Tianna is ready to leave, don't you go with her?"

"Escaping is also a science, my lord." El didn't admit it or deny it, but just opened his mouth and laughed: "Retreat is certainly a necessary tactical choice, but if you don't even have the enemy's intelligence If you dare to collect and retreat in a hurry, then you can’t be called a qualified hunter, you might as well go home and take your children.”

"Is it the dignity of a soldier?" Antonio showed a smile on his face, "That's a terrible thing..."

He raised his head and saw Knight Leonard, who had put on an ordinary knight armor again, coming over, and whispered: "My lord, the loudspeaker is ready."

"I really envy those legendary powerhouses, who can spread the word for hundreds of miles. If you can heal your wounds, Uncle, how can you use these voice-transmitting toys?" Antonio took it A black cylinder, half-jokingly said to Knight Leonard.

"You think too much, and I don't have that kind of ability." Cavalier Leonard, who has always been calm and introverted and not good at speaking, now has a tone of humor that was unprecedented.

"I thought you were going to give a speech in the square?" El asked, staring at the obvious alchemy-style bauble in Antonio's hand.

"After all, the space in the square is limited, and it will take a lot of time to gather. This time, I hope that all the people of Istaren can hear it... It can be regarded as an explanation from the White Lion family to Istaren."

Antonio turned on the switch of the black cylinder, coughed and cleared his throat, took a few deep breaths, put it to his mouth and said loudly: "I am the lord of Istaren, the current head of the White Lion family, Antonio Caesar !"

"I am the lord of Istaron, the current head of the White Lion Family, Antonio Caesar!"

The 36 sentry towers all over the city of Istaren issued a childish but majestic voice at the same time, resounding clearly like thunder through every corner of the city.

The soldiers who were cleaning up the mess put down their work, and the residents came out of their hiding places to the streets. From the civilian areas to the aristocratic mansions in the inner city, the windows of buildings opened.Although many people were startled when they heard the sound, they quickly calmed down and listened attentively.

Antonio repeated the sentence three times and paused for breath.El moved his ears, and found that the whole city had really completely quieted down.

Because Antonio was underage and had not shown up in public, almost all Istarenians had never seen his true face before the end of the war, but after he said this, all Istaren The Taren people believed his identity for no reason.

Earl Snake once tried to find someone to pretend to be Antonio, but he was suspicious from the moment he appeared.It's not that the impostor's acting skills are not subtle enough, it's just that the power of being a lord and commanding thousands of troops cannot be imitated at all.When Antonio categorically said the surname "Caesar!", the confidence and majesty conveyed from his voice were enough for all the people of Istaren to confirm his identity.

Silence is a kind of etiquette, and the people of Istaren pay tribute to the owner of this land with all the silence, and wait patiently for his voice.

"Citizens of Istaron, I hereby apologize to you. Because of my personal mistakes and faults, I caused great harm to Istaron, and many soldiers and civilians lost their precious lives. This is my My responsibility is that I have failed my ancestors and your expectations of me."

After Antonio finished speaking, Katyusha sighed and turned around to leave. El rolled her eyes and shook her head again and again.Even an uneducated countryman like him knows that the most important thing at this time is to boost morale.It turned out that this one was lucky enough to have the courage to admit his mistakes?

Antonio ignored the reactions of the two, just paused and continued:

"The pain that Istaren will face is far more than this. A fully assembled army of undead is setting out from Marsein and advancing towards us, and an even more terrifying army of landwalkers has appeared in the Red Stone Ridge in the south. It has already invaded our city. What I have to tell everyone is that with the remaining strength of Istaren's army, even one of them may not be able to resist it. Istaren is about to fall!"

El covered his head in pain, wishing he could knock Antonio out with a punch. This wasn't just a matter of pouring cold water, it was completely self-defeating.He had already vaguely heard the women's sobs in the distance, and when Antonio said that Istaren was about to fall, people's confidence and morale also collapsed.

"Listen to me! Citizens of Istaren!" Antonio yelled loudly: "I am the lord of this city, and you don't need to bear the mistakes I made! I order you now to evacuate this city , go south or east, seek the shelter of other lords!"

"I order! Open all the warehouses in the inner city, and distribute food, weapons and gold coins to the evacuated citizens! I order! Open the two southeast city gates, and all guards and soldiers evacuate! I order! All citizens must evacuate Yis before tonight Tarun, don't stop your steps, the farther you go, the better!"

After issuing three orders in a row to break the boat, Antonio's forehead was covered with sweat, as if he had exhausted all the strength in his body.He reached into the bar and groped around, grabbed a bottle of rum of unknown brand, bit off the cork and took a big gulp down it.

"What we are about to face is an unprecedented catastrophe. No one knows when this disaster will end. So my people, you must go, go as far as possible, and don't look back! You must Live, work hard, wait patiently for the disaster to end before returning to our hometown."

"300 years ago, the White Lion family established a military fortress called Istaron on this barren land, and has since become the guardian of this land. Today, I will fulfill the belief and promise of my ancestors. Istar Soldiers of Lun, I give you a choice, you can evacuate to protect the civilians, or stay and fight for the city."

This brat really drank too much, so you let him play like this?El desperately winked at Leonard Cavalier standing aside, signaling him to stop Antonio's convulsions.However, Knight Leonard just shook his head lightly, without any movement.

"Soldiers who want to leave, you don't have to feel guilty, because the living still need to shoulder the expectations and responsibilities of the dead. As for the remaining fighters..."

Antonio took a deep breath and shouted: "Brothers! Take up arms! Kill these bastards and dead people! Let them always remember that the warriors of Istaron are fearless!"

The whole city was silent for a moment, and then countless shouts and roars broke out suddenly, breaking through the sky!

El stared blankly at Antonio, who was in high spirits for a moment, and for some reason he suddenly felt a little blurry in the corners of his eyes.

Although reason told him that the young man was just seeking his own death, in fact, he was also aroused by the last swearing, and there was an idiotic desire to fight with him to the death from the bottom of his heart.

He learned something from Antonio that day.

(End of this chapter)

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