rune hunter

Chapter 138 The Veteran of Istaren

Chapter 138 The Veteran of Istaren
When the purple demon god came, the refugees who escaped from Marsein were almost slaughtered by the purple flames all over the sky. They originally wanted to go to Istaron to seek a way out, but they didn't expect to step into the gate of hell.But from a certain point of view, they can be regarded as self-inflicted.

Only a very few lucky people escaped the catastrophe, but what awaited them was still despair.There is no longer a holy nun to protect their safety, and the city is about to be destroyed.The lord of Istaron asked his people to evacuate to the southeast, but in the eyes of the refugees of Marsein, who had already suffered, that was their own death.

But in order to survive, even if you know there is no hope, you must keep going.The exhausted Marseille refugees walked through the broken city walls, through the ruins of buildings, and through the bustling streets of the past, supporting each other and walking towards the southern city gate.

The thin boy walked across the street holding his mother's hand tightly, looking curiously at the scene on both sides of the street.Although facing the same devastating disaster, the atmosphere in this city is completely different from that of Marseille when the plague broke out.

There was an endless stream of refugees coming and going on the street, but it could be seen from the clothes that most of them were travelers and businessmen from other places.On the contrary, the real Eastalenian didn't seem panicked at all.

Antonio ordered the opening of all the grain, ordnance and other material storage warehouses of the White Lion family in the inner city, but almost no one took them except for a few speculators to pick up bargains.After hearing this childish order, most of Istaren just laughed it off and went into action in silence.

On the busiest central street, dozens of firms mainly engaged in equipment and weapons put up signs for free gifts at the same time. Throw it outside like you don't want money for anyone to take.

The vendors who bought vegetables abandoned the vegetable stalls, and the grooms who pulled the carts threw the carts aside, tore off the old coats, went to the door and kicked over the boxes, picked out the weapons and equipment at hand, and put them on in a leisurely manner. to the body.

The owner of the tavern put down his well-polished wine glass, took out a double-edged battle ax from under the bar and carried it on his shoulder, and told the customers in the store to drink whatever they wanted today.The old drunkards who gathered together howled wildly like wild wolves, slapping the table and shouting frantically.

The boy walked through the streets with more and more surprises on his face. He didn't see the fear on the faces of the people of Istaren, but only the frightening madness.

"Hey! Boy over there, come and get some bread!" A rough voice shouted next to him. The young man turned his head and saw a big bald man standing in front of a bakery on the street. look at yourself.

The boy shivered for a while, and was scared by the fierce eyes of the bald man and grabbed his mother's arm. However, he quickly smelled the alluring fragrance, and then he noticed the basket in the hand of the bald man.The basket was filled with freshly baked golden long bread, which made him salivate involuntarily.

"What are you looking at? Brat! Come here quickly!" The bald man stared, put a basket of bread on the stone road at the door, turned and walked into his shop.The boy breathed a sigh of relief, and when he looked up, he saw that this place turned out to be a bakery.

"Mom, the boss doesn't seem to want money." The boy looked up and said to his mother.

"There is no good thing that does not require money. You must have heard it wrong." Mother still couldn't believe it.

The hungry boy couldn't bear the temptation. Regardless of his mother's careful dissuasion, he ran to the basket and tentatively grabbed a piece of long bread, then quickly ran back to his mother.Seeing the bald man come out with a basket in his arms, he hid behind his mother and asked loudly, "Uncle Boss! Are you saying that the bread is free?"

"Look at how brave you are, are you taking my words as a fart? There is going to be a war soon, save the flour to feed the bugs? Come here quickly, take as much as you can, and then go far away." The bald man scolded with staring eyes. He said, he turned back and shouted into the house: "Maggie! The bread is all out, I'm going to the city, you pack up and take the kid and get out!"

"Fuck you!" A middle-aged woman laughed and cursed from the bakery.

The bald man touched his forehead, with a happy and innocent smile on his face, he closed the door gently, ignored the boy's entanglement, raised his head and walked onto the street.

One or two men came out from the streets and alleys and gathered together silently.Some of them are ragged, some have white hair, some are even blind and lame... But when they come together, there is no strange feeling of incongruity at all. All in one.

Because they have a common name - Eastalen Veteran!

The gate of the inner city of Istaren was wide open, and the old butler of the White Lion Family Castle who was over [-] years old was neatly dressed, leading all the guards and attendants in the castle to form a queue, holding the White Lion flag high and walking in the forefront.Behind them, a group of noble private soldiers came out holding the family's battle flag.

The White Lion family started with martial arts and established a military fortress called Istaron. The citizens in this city are all descendants of the army of that year, and the nobles in this city are all knights who followed Caesar back then.Every surname in this city, regardless of high or low, is soaked in the taste of iron and blood.

The warriors of Istaron are fearless, and few people remember the first half of this old saying - every Istaronian has the blood of warriors flowing!
Regarding Antonio's apology, the people of Eastalen just took it as fart. The disaster has already happened, and no matter how sincere the words are, it will not help.Istaren really got angry when he said that the citizens had to evacuate because they were about to face an overwhelming and terrifying enemy.

What are you kidding?Bugs and dead people?When did Istaren fall to the point of retreating without a fight?
Antonio finally gave them a satisfactory answer. As a lord, he will not retreat, so the lord's people and his soldiers will not retreat either.

El rode his horse through a main street, and saw retired veterans appearing from the streets and alleys in a steady stream, spontaneously forming a team to gather in the northeast direction.Unlike those young rookies who came out of the brawn, they are qualified fighters as long as they pick up weapons, and they can go directly into battle.

Some physically disabled veterans did not go to the frontline troops. They stopped on the streets and organized ordinary citizens to set up barricades for street fighting.The city layout of Istaren has always followed the traditional military style. All the streets and alleys have been specially designed for war. Just a little change can become a mill for strangulation.

Along the way, El passed through at least 27 road-blocking barricades. Because he was wearing a silver badge that symbolized his status, he was not stopped, but he was scrutinized by many eyes.The veterans didn't know his name, but they could recognize the original owner of the badge on his chest.Although no one stopped the horse to ask, many veterans showed sad expressions on their faces.

Those sad expressions put a lot of pressure on El's heart, because he knew that he was not qualified to wear this badge at all, and what he had to do now was not worthy of the expectations of those veterans.

When he rushed back to the Jupiter firm, the grain caravan organized by the old merchant was about to set off. Some of the young mercenaries who signed the contract would rather stay and participate in the battle without commission, which made it difficult for them to The manpower is even tighter, but what makes the old businessman more worried is the whereabouts of Laurana.

"El, you're finally back! Did you see that girl from my family?" Jupiter asked immediately when he saw El. Pin your hopes on El.

"Lorana is fine. She will be transferred with the students of the college. After you leave the city, go south along the Flynn Commercial Road and meet them at the tree-lined lake." El said quickly, he had already looked for Tiana just now, and then The attackers are integrating the strength of the academy and the mercenary guild, and have already arranged a preliminary evacuation plan.As for Laurana's injury, he didn't tell Jupiter the truth because he was afraid that he would be confused if he cared about it.

Just as Jupiter was about to ask a few more questions, he suddenly noticed the shining silver badge on El's chest, and couldn't help rubbing his eyes vigorously, suppressing all the complaints in his stomach.The last time he saw El become a registered disciple of Master Stephen, he expected that this young man would have a bright future, but he didn't expect that, in just a few days, this hunter in the mountains would become a general?

"Don't look, it's my turn after all the people above are dead. Do you think it's a good thing?" El pouted, turned his head and looked behind the old businessman: "Where is Tika? Why isn't she here?"

It's no wonder El was confused, because every time he came back, the little girl was always the first to run out to greet him, but this time he didn't see Tika appearing, so he felt a little uncomfortable.

"I don't dare to let her run away when the soldiers are in chaos. She and the other women in the family have already boarded the car and set off." The old businessman secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said embarrassingly.

El also specifically asked to be optimistic about Tika before, and the old businessman did take care of Tika as his own daughter, but he was most worried about his missing biological daughter.But now that El is a general, Tika's identity will naturally become the general's woman. That's no joke.

"I have already contacted Tiana, that is my cousin, she is now a professor of the college, you can seek her help after you arrive at the tree-lined lake." El thought for a while, and said to Jupiter: "Another help I am optimistic about Tika, and I will send more guards around her. There was a divine stick who predicted her very accurately before, but the result was not very good, and I am worried that something will happen to her.”

"Don't worry, there will be absolutely no problem." Jupiter agreed, patting his chest, thinking that he would immediately catch up with El as soon as he left, even if he left behind those unpacked belongings, he still had to get rid of them. The little "lady" is well taken care of.

(End of this chapter)

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