rune hunter

Chapter 139 The Truth of the Apostles

Chapter 139 The Truth of the Apostles

How to make yourself invisible to others is not only a skill, but also a profound knowledge.Human vision is easily deceived, and sometimes they don't even want to see.Shirley swaggered down the street, picked some apples at the fruit stand, and picked up two loaves of bread at the bakery, without attracting anyone's attention at all.

The people of Istaren are concentrating on preparing for war. At this time, no one has the leisure to pay attention to an unremarkable little girl.Shirley filled a basket of food, walked through the barricades in the streets and alleys like no one else, and returned to an inconspicuous residential house.

The original owner of this house was a family of four who were outsiders, who unfortunately died in a series of massacres a few days ago.For various reasons, after the security forces cleared the scene, they never had time to come back to dispose of the property. As a result, the murderer went back and forth, using this place as his lair.

Because of the original owner's special hobbies and professional expertise, there is a very thoughtful and thoughtful underground secret room hidden under this seemingly ordinary house. altar.

Shirley carried the food basket through the dark tunnel, pushed open the rusty iron door and entered the secret room.The area of ​​the secret room is not too big, and the two large candles burning on the wall are enough to illuminate the first half of the space, but in the deeper part, there is a darkness where you can't see your fingers.The black chain tightly wrapped that space, only a section of the black hilt was exposed, constantly absorbing all the energy around it, even the light from the candle would be swallowed up.

The purple-haired nun hugged her legs and curled up motionless in the cage made by the black chains. The nun's dress on her body had returned to the old-fashioned style, but the color was still very bright.Hearing the sound of the iron door opening, she slightly raised her head and looked out, a subtle and imperceptible fluctuation flashed in her dull eyes.

"Are you awake? It's not easy..." Shirley noticed Marivian's movements, and a gratified smile appeared on her face.She walked over, took out a loaf of bread from the basket and handed it into the prison.

"Do you want to eat something? This is the first time I have captured a living apostle, so I don't know if you can still eat human food, or can you only treat human beings as food?"

"Why didn't you kill me?" Maryvian didn't take the bread, but just stared into Shirley's eyes coldly and asked.

"This question is hard to explain..." Shirley scratched her head in confusion, took back the bread and sat outside the prison, took a bite by herself, chewed carefully for a long time before swallowing it.

"According to the research of a sage over there, the power of mortals is still unable to destroy the apostles... To put it simply, if I kill you now, what I kill is actually a mortal named 'Maryvian' , and the real 'Apostle' will gain a new life after your complete death."

"I'm an apostle now." Maryvian said expressionlessly.

"It's different, that's your illusion." Shirley shook her head, broke off a piece of bread and put it in her mouth to chew. Seeing her frowning, it was more like thinking in her heart than eating. appropriate language.

"If you were really fully awakened, you wouldn't say such things. Now you are still thinking from a human point of view, and the real apostle I have seen has a completely different way of thinking from ordinary people. .”

"I've killed a lot of people," Maryvian said.

"Compared to that Highness Pandora, the trouble you caused is not troublesome. Counting the casualties of thousands of civilians, you still can't keep up with a fraction of others." The expression on Xue Li's face was very calm, It's like talking about the usual topics of eating and drinking.

Maryvian stared at her fiercely, and purple flames began to emerge from her pupils.In fact, the chain cage and black sword seal that are currently arranged can only consume her overflowing power at best, and it is her own awakened consciousness that really controls the power.

"Forget it, since you haven't really awakened yet, and you probably haven't inherited the memory of the apostles, I'll explain it to you from the beginning."

Shirley patted the bread crumbs on her hands, turned her head and said, "The aunt who is hiding outside can also come in and listen in. Your murderous look makes people get goosebumps."

The hidden iron door of the secret room was pushed open again, and Katyusha walked in with a sullen face, with cross veins on her forehead.

"Who is the aunt? You little brat!"

Seeing Katyusha's appearance suddenly, Maryvian shrank her head subconsciously, trying to hide in the shadow of the cage.Among the envoys sent by the Temple of Life this time, Katyusha is not only her guard in the dark, but also the oldest nun, who can be regarded as an elder like her sister in terms of status and age.

Now that she has caused such a big disaster, she can't help but feel a little guilty when facing the only elder around her.

"Oh, oh, I should have thought of it a long time ago..." Shirley gave Katyusha a meaningful look, then reached out and handed the apple over: "Come and sit together, the food on the street is free today. There is still time before dark For a long time, I could tell you a long story."

"I thought ascetic monks would eat wind and drink dew." Katyusha hesitated for a moment, but did not refuse Shirley's invitation. She came over and sat beside her, took the apple, and looked at Shirley's face seriously. He chuckled softly, "You are not a monk from the Dark Moon Brotherhood in Canillas."

"It's really worthy of being a Temple Knight who has experienced many battles." Xue Li stretched out her thumb and praised: "I am from the south, from the border of Kanilas civilization to the south, passing through the Crystal River Valley, the Red Moon Dragon City and the barren land. The continent at the end of the Black Forest is my hometown—Norrend."

"I've heard that there is a civilized world called the Pearl of the South in the legend. You really have traveled a long way." Katyusha bit off half of an apple and nodded.

"In our world, the apostle has come and caused catastrophic harm. The Pulonia Empire failed to kill the apostle with all its strength, and she took the opportunity to escape to the north. And I am the emperor of the empire. Fate, to hunt down the apostle who used to be named Pandora and come to Canillas." Xue Li's face finally became serious when she talked about the business.

"Holy nun Pandora of the Temple of the Moon God? She is also an apostle? Or a southerner?" Katyusha's expression of surprise was beyond words, and even Maryvian, who was hiding in the cage, couldn't help but prick her ears.As high-ranking clergymen, they had also heard a little about the Highness who was as famous as Mary Weian, but they never thought that there was such an astonishing truth.

"Pandora hasn't been able to hide since she fled to the north. I followed her clues all the way north to the Kingdom of Auckland, but I didn't expect to be led to this Highness by accident." Shirley looked. Glancing at Mary Wei'an, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly as she remembered the scene when the two met for the first time.

"It's just that I didn't expect this holy nun to hide her identity as an apostle. This can only be called a sinful fate."

"According to what you say, all holy nuns will become apostles? What exactly are apostles?" Katyusha frowned and asked suspiciously.

"This question is very good!" Shirley clapped her hands and laughed: "What is an apostle? Why is it called a 'Beacon of Destiny'? Why does it bring endless disasters? Mr. Rograd once made a An inference, although there is still a lack of evidence to prove it, is already quite close to the truth."

"After experiencing all kinds of disasters brought about by the coming of the apostles, Mr. Lograd, the great sage of the Plognian Empire, has been studying the answers to these questions, and has made hypothetical inferences based on the existing information he has. "

"First of all, the only information that can be confirmed is the prophecy of the apostles by human astrologers. Astrologers define the apostles as inevitable 'beacons of destiny', which means major events that will inevitably happen in this world, and with the arrival of the apostles, There will always be endless disasters."

"Based on this fact that can be confirmed by reverse reasoning, we can draw a hypothesis - the existence of 'apostles' must mean the existence of the act of 'sending apostles'. Then, who in this world can have' How about such a powerful ability to send an apostle to the world?"

Shirley stretched out a finger, raised it up and pointed upwards: "The apostle's 'advent' must mean that he did not come from the mortal world, and Pandora... and now Maryvian's original identity are all being killed by the gods." Favored, devout people who have been given the 'Holy Name'. In this world, who has the ability to play tricks on the 'Holy One' whom the gods pay attention to?"

"The gods are omniscient and omnipotent existences. In theory, no one can play tricks under their noses. Only the gods can do tricks. Therefore, it is the gods who sent the apostles! "

The burning candle made a faint crackling sound, which was very clear in the eerie quiet room.Katyusha and Marivian stared at Shirley dumbfounded, and were so frightened by her shocking words that they almost held their breath.

"You said that the gods sent their apostles to the world to bring disasters to mortals?" Katyusha crushed the apple in her hand, and shouted with red eyes, "That's unreasonable! What blasphemous remarks you are making! Based on these few words, I should send you to the stake!"

"What is blasphemy? Just because you can't accept it?" Shirley didn't care about Katyusha's fierce reaction, but shook her head calmly: "Why do you dare to judge the will of the gods with a mortal worldview? Like now, maybe Do the gods think that the mortals of Istaron have committed unforgivable crimes and must purify their souls before sending their apostles to destroy the city?"

Marivian's body froze, she shook her head subconsciously and said, "God said, God loves the world..."

"God also said that all people in the world have sins." Shirley showed a mocking smile on her face, "If you can't even accept this fact, how can you understand the truth about the apostles?"

(End of this chapter)

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